Page 51 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 51
WMC starts Healthy Loving Week on February 20 By Melissa Engle Jeff, a current AIDS patient. Ac- logical and educational support" cording to MarleneClcments, RN, The needs of the campus will WMC's first ever Healthy the entire program's coordinator, be met funher by the attendance of Loving Week. Feb. 20-24, will be this program will provide the fo- Marlene Clements and selected highlighted by a table fair and a cus for the week. students at a peer education work- program. "The Human Side of To add to the events of the shop to develop a program for AIDS," week, the Student Health Center AIDS education on campus. A The table fair will be held in will also be selling t-sbirts featur- training program will then be initi- Decker Lounge on Feb. 22. Among ing cartoon character condoms for atedatWMC which will beopen to ,,-----------------, the organizations being represented $10 with slogans such as "You anyone interested in dealing with at this program will be Must Be Putting Me On ... ILS this important issue. Interested JustDownTheRoad Westminster's Rape Crisis Center. Condom Sense." The first floor of students should visits Marlene AnotherProminentInstitute WMC's Student Health Center, Whiteford will be sponsoring a Clements in the Health Suite. Planned Parenthood of Frederick. "Guess the Number of Condoms" According to Marlene Cle- ForHigherLeaming H.E.R.O. (Health, Education and contest while the SGA will be ments, Healthy Loving Week Resources Organization), the Car- selling Condom-grams for bodes to be an important week for roll County Health Department.and Valentine's Day with the proceeds WMC in light of the fact that, "SO- WMC' Counseling Center. going to HERO. 90% of the students on campuses A program entitled "The Healthy Loving Week will nationwide are sexually active and Human Side of AIDS" will be pre- also bea time of distribution of the STD's are rampant," The issue sented intheForum on the23 a17:30 campus' newly approved AIDS here is obviously an important one pm. The program will include pres- policy which outlines plans for and since the week provides a entations by Deb Roll, Shirley campus education about AIDS and broader focus than just AIDS (re- Lewis, and Lynn Sussman, who are the procedures that will be fol- sponsibility in relationships, the all nurses from the Johns Hopkins lowed for students who test posi- use of condoms, etc), the campus is . Receiveanedccacon ncemalvirgoas best midweek skiing~. AIDS Unit Also included in the tive for the HIV virus, including urged to auend these programs. ~ tickets are only ~18, forins~e. Coupon books with eight tickets, program will be a presentation by provisions for "clinical, psycho- Just $88. And our midweek lodging packages start at $38. ror free brocncres call 703·289-9441 SkiMassanutten lOMilesEastOfIiaIrisrnbuIg.ViIginia,OnRrute3.1 Administration sets AIDS 1lookIeI"..,
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