Page 50 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Page 2/Western Maryland College/February 9, 1989 The Campus Sexual Awareness Test C) I in8 to be more aggressive, putting you coughing, sneezing 13.Whenisa woman mostlikely to 1. TRUE/FALSE: Alcohol A) your judgement and ability at riskfor sexual assault _shaking hands become pregnant? improves sexual petfonnance. to make wise decisions could be D) all of the above _sitting next to someone with A) immediately after her I 2. TRUE/FALSE: You wouldn't impaired 4. The National Council in Alco- AIDS menstrual period do anything when you arc drunk B) alcohol can damage the holism reports that the percentage _ vaginal intercourse B) two weeks after her last 1 that you "really" wouldn'twantto immune system, making you more of rapes that are alcohol-related is: 8.TRUE/FALSE: A positive blood menstrual period _sharing razors or toothbrushes do when you are sober. intercourse _anal C) two weeks before her next susceptibleto diseases you might A) 10-20% 3. Mixing sex and alcohol can be dangerous because: otherwise fight off 8)21-30% test for AIDS antibodies means the menstrual period It is possible 14. 1RUE/FALSE: C) alcohol causes some people C) 31-40% 5. The only absolute guarantee person has definitely been infected, for a- woman to get pregnant the but does not mean he/she will against AIDS and other sexually definitely get AIDS. very first time she has intercourse. transmitted disease is: 9. The female college student most 15. lRUE/FALSE: It is possible for a woman to get pregnant at any MON"EY FOR A) condoms likely to be a victim of date rape is: time in her menstrual cycle. sexual B) the pill A) an upperclassmen who 16. If a couple has C) abstinence COLLEGE 6. The major reason that condoms dates a lot intercourse twicea week for a year, D) not using public rest rooms B) the single graduate student and using no birth control may be effective in preventing C) the first semester freshman assuming normal fertility, the FREE SCHOLARSHIP sexually rransmiued disease is: 10. According to data from a chances of a pregnancy are; nationwide survey, the chances of a INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS A) they help lO prevent the college woman being the victim of A) 100% B) 90% sharing of body fluids sexual assault or attempted assault Every Student is Eligible for Some Type of Financial Aid B) the latex rubber kills the by the end of her college career are: C)25% Regardless of Grades or Parental Income. AIDS virus and other disease A) I in 20 11. Please rank the following birth We have a data banK of over 225,000 listings of scholarships, organisms control methods in order of fellowships, grants. and loans, representing billions in private sector C) sexually-aware, well- B) 1 in 10 effectiveness, e.g. temost, Beleast C) 1 in4 funding. informed people are most likely to effective: Many scholarships are given to students based on their academic use them 11.1RUE/FALSE: Aguy is drunk _Abstinence interests, career plans, family heritage and place of residence. D) all of the above and has intercourse with someone _Rhythm Method There's money available for students who have been newspaper 1. AIDS can be transmitted by: who has passed out on the bed in his _Birth Control Pill and Condom carriers, grocery clerks, cheerleaders, non-smokers.i.etc. (check all that apply) room is guilty of sexual assault. _Diaphragm used together 12. According to some experts, the ~:~?a~:~E~~:~!~~I~ _eating food prepared by chances of a man being the victim _Condom Alone insect bites CALL of a sexual assault in his lifetime _Contraceptive Sponge ANYTIME someone with AIDS _Withdrawal oral sex _l~travenous drug usc A) I in 100 toilet seats B) I in 50 'FAN'S' CHINESE RESTAURANT Hunan Downtown The News in Brief... Szechuan Westminster Cantonese @ 59 W. Main St. Polynesian 848-0919 American 976-3166 Greenpeace is the interna- Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out Career fair Achor helps in tional organization known for its 11 AM-lOPM Sun-ThUTS & II AM-II PM Fri-Sat slated for development of non-confrontational approach to February 21 poster protecting and preserving life. Childs began working with Green- peace in 1981. He has performed College Career Fair for the William Achor, a WMCphys- volunteer environmental work This Cumberland Valley Consortium, ics professor for 24 years, is among with the Massachusetts Acid Rain which includes WMC, will be ten high school and college teach- Monitoring Project, was chairman heldFeb.21 from9:30-3:30atthe ers who have created a new version of an Acid Rain Task Force for the week's Ramada Inn in Hagerstown will of a vital physics chart. The poster, Appalachian Mountain Club, and entitled the Standard Model of served as a public speaker on acid Recruiters for businesses meet with students from ten Fundamental Particles Chart: is rain. designed for use in introductory answers New Campus physics courses. It is Achor's hope that the new Safety Director version of the chart will "encour- Mreceives national charter age widespread instruction of the takes office material in introductory and mod- On February 25, Phi Mu will em physics courses. The material hasn't made it into the textbooks officially become the Phi Alpha Jerry E. Gooding has been too often." chapter of the national Phi Mu named as the new director of Cam- Fraternity. The group has been pus Safety. Mr. Gooding comes to Greenpeace working to prepare for this event WMC with 26 years of experience activist to speak since the spring of 1987 when they, with Maryland State Police having formerly Delta Sigma Kappa, were served as Corporal, Sergeant. and Februaty27 . colonized by Phi Mu. 2nd LieutenanL J Founded in 1924, Della Sigma A resident of Taneytown, Greenpeace activist Christo- Kappa is the oldest sorority at Gooding is married to Barbara pher Childs will lecture on the WMC. Phi Mu isthe second oldest Gooding,> WMC graduate, and Chesapeake Bay situation on Feb- national organization for women has two sons. ruary 27 at 8 pm. in McDaniel and has a strong history orbadition Lounge. and ritual.
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