Page 49 - ThePhoenix1988-89
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Inside: Sports- pages 6,7 Sixty Seconds- page 5 News In Brief- page 2 Vol. IX, Number 6 Western Maryland College February 9, 1989 Anti-racism march highlights Black History month By Debra Rayne/Ellen BSU had worked for all year." Marth Admissions counselor and minority recruiter, Rodney Over 100 students, faculty Joyner said, ''The march was members, and community memo very successful and I was sur- bers marched across campus in a prised at me turnout. Addition- candlelight ceremony on February ally, the readings and speeches 1 to begin Black History Month. were inspiring ... I hope support Lynburg Scott, coordinator of will continue throughout the the Black Student Union's special year." !:~n~~o~~~eU~=~~~~~~~o~~~f~" Henry BSU vice-president his wishes events, said was that the march Wallace III expressed students on campus." The proces- that more students had known about the march and panicipated. sion began at the Union Street Lynburg Scott, one of the He hoped that more support ChurchandendedatDeckerCen- Black History Month would be shown for upcoming ter. Studentsmarchedwnhcandles committee members Black History Month events. and balloons as they sang hymns have come," bur warned, "Some- Upcoming events include a such as "We Shall Overcome" and thing has to happen beyond tonight." Rascism Service in Big Baker, a "Lift Every Voice and Sing." Reactions to the march were dance in the forum, and an Afro- In front of Big Baker, marchers mixed. BSU president Angela Cole- American meal in the Englar paused to listen to Reverend Herb man said that she was pleased with Dining Hall. A drama festival Watson speak. Watson, a 1978 me turnout but feared that people will be held on February 28 in WMCMen's Basketball team readies WMC graduate, talked about his were only ''joining the bandwagon which students will do literary for the next battle. experiences at the college. H~told for February and not comminng for readings and dramatic perform- See related articles on pages 6 and 7. marchers, "We've got 10 be proud the year." She added that the march of who we are and from where we showed "visual support for what the Continued on page 6 Sidelights: Vandals attack ArT clubroom By Erwin Gonzalez the folding chair remained embed- also noted that the incident is still ded in the wall and both a window under investigation, but made no On Saturday,January21, Do you think Reagan and Bush clubroom of the ArT (Alpha the gate and its curtain remained lying official comment as to theextemof iL against the bar. Paul Holloway, According should be made to testify in the Gemma Tau) fraternity, located by the Offlceof'Campus Safety, no dent of ArT, expressed current presi- filed to the report his discon- of Blanche Ward in the basement rial of Oliver North? Hall, was vandalized. The van- property was stolen and both the tent with the current situation. The dals entered the room and splat- source of break-in and means to fraternity's clubroom privilages tered paint and punctured several enter are unknown. were revoked due to a hazing holes in the walls. Campus secu- Jerry E. Gooding, new director charge and now they are victims of rity was called in at 11:03 pm that of Campus Safety, stated that he vandalism. Since the loss of their . evening after Chris Flatter, for- handed the report of the incident clubroom, they have used it for the mer president of the Bachelors. over to the Office of Student Af- sole purpose of storage and are in discovered the damage. fairs. When asked why the police possession of the keys. According According to Flatter, he had weren't called in to investigate the to Paul, it is part of the been in the clubroom the night incident, Mr. Gooding stated, "The administration's "good faith" pol- before and all was fine, but as he police were not called because icy. entered the following evening, he there is no suspect. It is not routine Concerning the vandalism it- discovered something was awry. procedure for vandalism." When self. he hopes that the damaged Flatter noticed the clubroom re- asked what precautions were being composites are still salvagable and frigerator opened and became made lO insure the future safety of believes the college will accept suspicious. Realizing the refrig- the Blanche clubroom area, he responsibility for the the rest. Paul erator was closed the previous replied," Campus Safety is not re- indicated that there are no suspects night, he turned the lights on, and sponsible for the clubroom area" or leads and will not speculate as to found that the room was in Yet he did indicate that they nor- why anyone would want to wreck shambles. Severa) holes were mally patrol the area within certain their clubroom. He also noted that placed in the walls with the use of hours. physical plant claims the a pickaxe and a folding chair, and Dean of Student Affairs, Phil- clubrooms are secure. blue paint was splattered over lip R. Sayre said that he iscurrentiy Since the vandalism, the win- Sample Size: 86 Phoenix SOUrce: 1 walls bearing their insignia photos. and trying to get an estimate of the dow gate found on the clubroom amount of the damage and will act has been locked . fraternity composite Both the base of the pick axe and accordingly once that is clear. He
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