Page 47 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 47
December 1, 1988lWestern Maryland College/Page 11 WMC community participates in voluntarism by Chloe Garre«son·Butz shampoo. Students may also YOU QUALIFY FUn volunteer to work with children at INSTANT CREDITI The Social Concerns Committee the Carroll County Shelter for the Start making" credit pur- is currently involved in organizing iii Homeless. chases nlHEDIATELyl I~e fund raising and community Many student groups are also will send you a Members service. The committee is co- making contributions. A Credit Card at once witll chaired by Dr. Ronald Tail of the percentage of the money raised NO CREDIT CHECK. Buy an) Sociology department and Dr. through events and sales will go to Jewelry, Clothing,Sport- Philip Sayre, Dean of Student the causes. Some projects planned ing cocas.wcccbes , Elec- Affairs. There are 25 to 30 separate are the sale of posters, showing tronics & MOREl All with payments out installment organizational efforts involved in films and money raised through the of our "Giant 100+ Pages the- fend raising on campus, recycling of cans. Catalog." Take 12 months including student groups and the The entire Western Maryland to repay. 'tour personal academic and administrative staff is involved with the United credit card is a -second departments of Western Maryland Way campaign. Employees are LD.- valuable for check College. -- Concems COmmntee Fundralslng Chairpersons able to designate an agency cashing, etc. plus your Social Two WMC students head the towards which their contributions Students Credit Group fund raising of the Social Concerns Denise Belylan and Lisa Defflnbaugh will go. Many are naming the _A-I reference will be on Committee. Lisa Deffinbaugh is in this January inNew Zealand. Some Other campus groups will get Carroll County Shelter for the file to help you obtain charge of student involvement in sports in which Western Maryland student volunteersto giveupamea1 Homeless as their choice. other in credit cards. So your $5 cat a Log send the Carroll County community, will participate are volleyball, or meals in the cafeteria. The The anticipated goal for money deposit now. (refundable and Denise Betylon heads the fund wrestling, and soccer. money usually used topurchase the raised by the campus' groups is with your fir~t order) raising of campus organizations. Various organizations on campus food ~ill be contributed to the about $2000. This in addition to EsUbbh J'lU"tnd~ ~(ljOl"jt The total money donated will go are sponsoring activities for food fund. money from the United Way lQQ%Slll!f1diQr1GUlf1tntaed~ .-:- torp.trM~IYBltkt II into an overall fund and be raising. The activities include fun The community service aspect campaign which is possibly ...----------~==~ distributed to two causes: the and creative ways to raise money. of the Social Concerns Commiuee another $2000. ------"'------ Carroll County Shelter for the such as bake sales, selling hasafewprojectsintheworks.One Anyone interested in volunteering ---------,,--- Homeless, and the Western Halloween treats, book sales, the involves setting up a pantry for timeorparticipatinginafundraiser Maryland Deaf World Game sale of the Men ofWMC calendars Aids patients to geta free"mea1and can contact Lisa Deffinbaugh or MEMBERS P.O.80"'" athletes. The games will be held and candy and ghoul-a-grams. toiletry articles such as soap and Denise Betylon. Students FDRTLAUD£RO.l.lE, C>Oll>"""""" MRfDA33J38 LET'S TALK GLAR A common WMC response to the above statement would be "Personally, it's a subject about which I avoid discussion." And then there are the comments which go something like this: "Frankly, I'd rather talk about it than eat there." And we have many excuses for merely complaining, and failing to take action. Some consider Glar a lost cause, and don't want to waste energy trying to help a hopeless case. Others are thankful for the chance to begin their diets, and be successful, because there is no available food which they would consider consuming. Furthermore, it burns calories to walk to Glar, then sit and socialize. Seriously, this campus spends a lot of time complaining about Glar, but nobody ever seems to take the initiative to make suggestions for positive changes which could lead to potential improvements. Then came Bob Brown's "Glarbage Revealed ..." So, to follow up on Bob's example, and to show our true devotion to the motto, "Freely We Serve," we at the Phoenix would like to serve the WMC community, by conducting a survey to gather suggestions and comments about Glar from those who have to eat there day after day. This is your chance to comment on anything and everything from the service to the lack of thawed bagels. While you're at it, also point out what you like, to insure that it will remain available... Below, feel free to say whatever you never had the nerve, or the opportunity, to tell the Glar manager. . Send the completed forms to P.O, Box 513, The Phoenix will compile the results and send them to Glar. We will print the results in the next issue. 1) This is what I like best about Glar: 2) Three words which best describe the service in Glar would be: 3) This is what I like least about Glar: 4) I would like to see the following things added in Glar: 5) I would most like to tell the Glar manager:
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