Page 42 - ThePhoenix1988-89
P. 42
Page 6IWestern Maryland CollegelDecember 1, 1988 International Club concludes active I semester l By Debbie Leopold Cuny Chicken. Tempera, Mee Goreng, Senesi Bryani, Fried WORton. and Jaukanoo Punch. Sound like a typical Olar meal? No, it was the rnenu for the recent dinner sponsored by the International Club. Japanese pizza, fried noodles. spiced rice. and custard caramel. are better translated for some of the dishes ROT C from the members' native countries. The club was founded in the fall of 1987 by Chin Choo Hew, a Membership is open to everyone senior Communications/Graphic on campus. "We want to share Arts major from Malaysia. It was cultures and learn from them," BUT WHO'S established "to promote the added Hew. GOING TO PAY FOR awareness of other cultures," said The club has participated in a Chin Choo, president One of the number of activities this semester COLLEGE? club's primary purposes is to ease including a community service adjustment process, especially on project for local senior citizens, the first night on campus when the where they demonstrated Japanese With the job market as student is thousands of miles away calligraphy, Origami (Indian paper tough as it is, you'd love to from home. ''When many foreign art) and Batik (Indian printing). have the advantage of a col- lege degree. But how are you students arrive on campus, they do Other events were horseback going to pay for it? not even have sheets or blankets," riding and a dinner in the Army ROTC can provide said Hew. The club acts as a President's dining room. you with tuition (a two, three support group to help the students The club has been preparing for or four year scholarship) and become familiar with the area. their "International Dance" on the a monthly allowance of $100if Currently the group consists Dining Porch on December 3 from you qualify and join Army of27 foreign students from areas in 9 pm- 1am. Every type of-music ROTC on your campus. You'll Malaysia, Japan. and France, along will be played including Top 40 get a lot more out of it than with IOAmerican students. "It's, songs to tunes from the members' just the opportunity to go to really a lot of fun," stated Heidi own countries. The entire campus college. You'll acquire skills that Nyitrai, an American member. is invited and encouraged toattend. will stay with you for life and get real management experi- Mid-Atlantic ence before you graduate. in Just a few hours a week classes taught by full-time Movement Army Officers and you'll from land learn everything navigation to the ethics of Theater Festival leadership. When you graduate, you'll have earned an Army Lieu- tenant's gold bar as well as a Dates: January 20, 21, 22 college degree. With this Location: Alul1)ni Hall on the competitive edge, you can in- for suc- crease your chances Western Maryland cess either in a civilian career College Campus while fulfilling your commit- mentin the U.S.Army Reserve or National Guard, or as a career officer in the active Special Events: Army. Friday evening features performances by Craig Babcock and Toml Casciero. On Saturday there will be a performance by Ron Foreman. Workshops taught by Daniel Stein, Mark RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPS ARMY ROTC Jaster, and others will be held on THE SMARTEST COLLEGE Saturday and Sunday for COURSE YOU CANTJU{E mime and movement. For more information and / or Contact Western Maryland College Military Science to register, contact Department Carol Geyer at 876-6640. Second Floor Gill Gym (301) 876- 3804
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