Page 91 - ThePhoenix1987-88
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April 28, 19881Western Maryland College/Page II Former POW speaks by Berke Breatbed about Amnesty Int. continued from page 2 ::. !~:e:,n~~~:;yc:~7e~ "Any new arrival, you could hear need, we get it." because the interrogation room is Neou was granted asylum in about 300-400 yards from the jail- the United States in 1981, at which house,andyoucouldheartbethun- lime he began his work with Am- dec of torture, screaming. crying, nest)' Internationa1. pleaing for mercy." In speaking of Amnesty In- In addition, be would often temationaJ, Neou called for every- wake up in the morning and find one to become involved in human men around him dead. One night. the guards dis- covered that Neou could tell SlO- ries, and -Irom that point on de- manded that he do so. Thatability saved him from a mass execution that occured atone point during his imprisonment. Last, he was taken in for a final interrogation which would result in his release or his death. During the course of the interroga- tion, the commander asked him if he could fix his motorcycle. After fixing the motorcycle, Neou was released on the condition that he neverspeakabouthisexpeiences ln the "Re-education Center." Soon after the Vietnamese crossed the Cambodian border, Neou fled to Thailand where' he staved in a ooorlv eauiooed refugee camp. In an effort to make the rights issues. saying, "We blame conditions better, he wrote letters those who commit crimes. Butmy to Amnesty International after a question is, how about those who visitor to the camp gave him the allowthecrimestobecommitted?" address. In addition to Neou. the eve- His appeal worked and ningalsoincludedabriefspeechby Amnesty sentfoodandmedicineas Mr. David Nova, the deputy direc- wcllasconvincing Thaiauthoriues tor of the Mid-Atlantic region of not to send the refugees back to Amnesty International, who spoke Cambodia. "From that day on, the on the efforts of Amnesty to aid tenn amnesty that I don't know prisoners of consciousness around what [it] means, gave me the mean- the world. RAPE MYTH # 13 Myth: Rape only happens in large cities and other densely populated areas. Fact: The truth is rape happens wherever there Is opportunity and ignorance -- rural areas, small towns, college campuses and resorts. Over 1900 rapes were reproted to the police in Mary- land last year. Considering the fact that for every rape reported many authorities feel that 10-20 rapes go unreported, It Is difficult to measure the true depth of this crime. For help or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. Hotline: 848-2724 Office: 857-0900 ADOPTION Couple wants to love and adopt healthy white infant(s). Will pay legal fees & unpaid medical costs. Please call PAM collect: (703) 368-5993
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