Page 77 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 77
April 14,1988iWeslem Maryland College/Page 5 ~ 60 Seconds on Camp-us Do you think racism exists on this campus? Yes, but I don't think it I guess there is, but I I don't think it exists on Yes. People who don't There is racism on exists as much as have not personally this campus. I've seen fit the mold, whether campu~- although a lot people think it does. experienced it. no evidence of it. based on race or per- of peop~~ don't want to There's just a few indi- sonality, suffer at admit it. viduals that ruin it for WMC. all of us. Karen Weaver Jude Yearwood Paula McManus Jim Tarr Rhonda Myers _ Jonathan Slade _ Ghost of a chance: Can I get a good job after college? The other night I was visited " ... a more concrete minor-or any- processor," I said, searching for a his pad and handed the paper to me. bytheGhostofEmploymentYetlO thing?" skill that might be remotely mar- I looked at it, somewhat Come. "J write," Ismiled proudly. kctable. dumbfounded. ''Gradute school?" . "Major. please?" he said. Out came the Valium. "Ah," he looked relieved, "I can't go giving you a tour barging into my head, pen poised "Look, son," he sat down, scratching something on his pad, of future jobs right now. They all over his clipboard. leaning forward and resting the "so you can type." involve saying 'Have a nice day.?' "Who the hell are you?" lsat clipboard on his knee, "what can "Two fingers." "So, if J don't go to graduate up in bed. ''Tonight was supposed you do?" "Look," he said, drawing a school, the future looks pretty to be the rerun ofthatjello trampo- "I'm a communications ma- line through whatever he'd just bleak, huh?" line fantasy." jor. I'm educable. I can do any- written, "maybe we should take The ghost stood up, putting "It's been pre-empted," he thing well." another approach to this. Suits. away his pen. "I'm afraid so. scowled, adjusting his horn- He sighed, mumbled to him- You got any good suits." You're a communications major. rimmed glasses. "With a month self,thenwipedhisbrow. "Come again?" You'll have to deal with lousy left before graduation, you don't "I don't know what you've "If you don't know what they hours, terrible JXiY, and impossible have time for that." He wrote been up to for four years, kid, but I want you to know, you can at least deadlines. And you probably something down, and looked at me think somewhere along the line look like something they want w need a new wardrobe." won't even lilre what you're again. "What's your major, you missed an essential lesson. In hire. Nice blue jacket, tie, dress "How am I going to pay for doing." please?" order to make the big money in this shoes. And get some Static Guard it? I'm up to my arrears in debt" He turned and started to fade "Why do you need to know world, you've got to be able to talk so your hair doesn't stand up like "Gerajob." Hefroze.almost from my mind. that?" I asked. about something that absolutely that" immediately realizing the irony. "Hey, waira minute," Icalled "Wehavetoknowwhetherto confuses the common man," "Hold on. This is all I have," Taking a long breath, he looked after him. "When you were in col- give you the nightmare tour or not." "Pardon?" I said. "Shredded sweatshirts, down at his clipboard. "Look, kid, lege, what did you major in?" "Communications," I told "Bread molds and how they shorts, and one grey suit that's seen maybe if we had gotten to you "Look," he said, dissolving him. relate to socio-ecomonic stability, every wedding, formal, and funeral sooner, we could've saved you. into the night, "it's three o'clock in Hegroaned and poppeda few psychological disorders that make since my first bout with body You could've been apsycbo-bio or the morning, 1 lost my bottle of Dramamine. people steal napkins from fast food odor." business-econ major. Now, Pepto-Bismol, and I've got at least "Do you have, perhaps, a restaurants. Stuff like that." "Obviously, then," he tapped though, we have to deal with what twentymorepeopletohauntbefore ... P}qre •. ," he fum~lec! f~!~~~9~,.'. ,.:.;.:,.-::~.~!l~~)l(~~to use a,''l''Pr~ v the pt{n.·again;;.t}l.~.g~j ·:'Y,W,.i. \\,e1)'p go!-;,JIe,rjP,ge4 "Ish~, off daY~]9u _fig~itout.",
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