Page 50 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 50
Page 2/Western Maryland College/February 25, 1988 Mangan pleased Winter sports end seasons with Contrast by Cynthia Schafer the 200m breast stroke. Steve bounds. SophomoreDavid Barnes went 8 for 11 in field goal range Hegna is expected to finish well at the MAC's in his specialties the and went to the boards for five re- SWIMMING 200 m IM and 100m breaststroke. bounds. This was also the last by Mary Baschoff The Terror swim teams each WRESTLING game for senior standouts Todd Nearly 100 submissions were ended their season on Feb. 13 by The WMC wrestling team Staub, Jeff Stempler, and Kip narrowed tothe22piecesof poetry/ defeating Lycoming. The Lady has completed their 87-88 season Heinzman. prose and 12artwork/photographs Terrors posted a victory with a with a record of 11-5 on the Lynch also lead the team at that appear in the first of two score of 53-32. Senior Mary strength of their double victory season's end with a shooting per- Contrast issues for the '87-'88 Martha Peel lead the women's Feb. 20at home over Moravian 27- centage of 49.6, as well as school year. squad for the season by recording 17and Gettysburg 28-9. Moravian averaging 7.9 rebounds per game. "('m enthusiastic," said II first placefinishes,includingsix was toppled by the Terrors with Barnes followed closely in the Contrast advisor Dr. Kathy Man- inher specialtythe 100mbutterfly. help from pins by Jon Boviu, John shooting department with 45.9 per gan, "about the number of submis- Sophomore Suzanne Kirincic was Antonelli and Tom Kehoe. A pin cent. sions we received for this issue. also a strong influence on the team in the Gettysburg match by 126 WOMEN'S BASKETBALL The quality of the work is very by touchingthe wall in first place pound Jim Jakub helped the Ter- The Lady Terrors dropped high. ( hope we can keep the 15 times this season. Kirincic's rors down the Bullets. their last game of the season 82-71 momentum going for the second best race was the 100mfreestyle. The squad plans to travel to on Feb. 20 to Elizabethtown. This issue!" This year, for the first The menwereleadall yearby the MAC Championships on Feb. game which marked the end of two time, there has been an editorial Dan O'Connor who is expectedto 26-27 at Messiah College. They successful WMC basketball ca- board rather than a single editor. finish in the top five in the 100m will be lead by Bovit (10-3); An- reers while dropping the Terrors "l like the editorial board ap- butterfly at the MAC Champion- tonelli (14-8) with nine pins; ISS overall season standings to 1O·}4 proach better," said Mangan, ships on Feb. 25-27 at Widener. pound Bill Dengler (14-9); 167 and 4-6 in the MAC Southwest. "because that way, one person John Ehlman isalso expectedto be pound Skip Sinak (12-5); and Seniors Lisa Sullivan and Alice doesn't have to do 99% of the CynthiaSchaferPhoto very competitive in the 50m frees- Kehoe (13-6) with six pins. Schwarzkopf completed their bas- work." Dr. Kathy Mangan, associ- tyle at the MAC's standing on the MEN'S BASKETBALL ketballcareersby scoring 10and 16 The namelessly submitted ate professor of English factthat he wasonly beatenonce in The 1987-88 men's basket- points respectively. pieces were reviewed, considered, thisraceall season. MarkWoodard ball season closed on a winning Barb Wolf, the high seorer and discussed by the board, who for Photography, and Laura isfavored inthe400meter Individ- note on Feb. 20 when the Green for WMC, had 18 points, and fin- chose the final material. Once the Balakir for Poetry. Each winner ual Medley once again having Terrors defeated Dickinson76-62. ished the season as WMC's top pieces were selected, they were received a check for $25.00 and placed first inthe MAC'stast year. This victory brought their season playeraveraging 16pointsand 11.3 narrowed further to the prizewin- along with the other contributors,a Woodard was out of action recordt09-160verall anda-S inthe rebounds per game. Carrie Alwine ners ineachof fourcategories: Art, chance to share their work at the over mostof January but inhis first MAC Southwest League. shot 46 per cent from the field, as Fiction, Photography, and Poetry. reading. meet backonJan. 30 atUrsinus, he Junior Bryan Lynch once did Wolf. Sullivan lead the team This issue's prizewinners, an- The second issueof Contrast placed first three times in the again lead the squad by netting 24 for most assists in a game with nouncedar the reading of Contrast is due to arrive at the end of April. lOOOmfreestyle, 200m butterfly, points and bringing down 15 reo in McDaniel Lounge. were Wil- Submission guidelines will be liam Gringley for Art, David Ow- available soon at the information Billy D. picks intramural champs ings for Fiction, Katie Ruppenthal desk or from Mangan. Phi Mu sisters by Bill Desciak by theSigEps, Phi DelLSandMilny couple of tough big men in the Seededthird is theChiefs followed some nice ballhandlers and a Maulers. paint Theytookthe Facultytotwo sponsor Mr. WMC men's lacrosse team annihilated Staff team is the only undefeated Maulers have to depend soley on Maryland The Western In the South, the Faculty- overtimesbeforelosingasqueeker. Catonsville Community College team in the playoffs and they are their guards and Lee Schiller. Not continued from page 1 ~ 16-6 at Catonsville. Junior Billy seeded first in the South followed enough. Idiots 74- Maulers48. . by the Hogans and the Idiots. The Sig Eps vs. Ministers: This In the talent portion of the I =e~~:I~ :~i~~.:~~:;o: Betes "B" team is in fourth; the provestobeoneofthebettergames ~e~~~t ~::~_:r:eg :nn~~; \ Chessock had two goals and two Ministers are in fifth with the in the opening round. Both teams Chuck Taylor All-Star Team grab- have some tough big men in Scott basketballs on a pen, an arrow, and ;:~~'n :en~:t ~o::d ~~I ~ofe~: bing the sixth and final spot. Here Walton and Jim "I canned 34" a coat hanger, taking a drink while on defense. then are the pairings and my picks Cardea. Ron Cella isn't a bad ball- :~:n~! ~~hc:;d i::~:e~onn-· The Winter Oympics are not for the tournament: handler for the Sig Eps. This will ~;~:~~:nE~~~~:~~~~;: :,~n":~~:':~~~~~:~~~i; ~~:~~~~~~~~fJ~ go down tothefinalminutesbefore Chlefs vs. Chuck Taylor All-Stars: Chiefs have too much Cardea and company pulls away. power on the inside along with a Ministers 56- Sig Eps 50. New Yorker who can hit from The Quarter Finals Lion,lip-synching to "Like ;:;: :~dh :~: a=:dqu:~ ~~~~g~~n~'e ~O~~v:~I!ng~ three-point land as well as pene- uetes "A" vs. Chiefs: The irateeffectively. Chiefs68-Taylor ;~i~:~::'~;~d';:~ ~i~I:~:~~i;:;m;:~~~mer ~;~?~~~*"?:E.~~£~ Chiefs gave the Betes their only 36. loss this year, but the Betes only Phi Delts ...s. Betes "0": The had two of their starting fiveas the finale was stuffing eggs down his First place was awarded to Lion.The Russians have 16medals Phi Deltshave beenout for halfthe .Chiefs tooktheone pointsqueeker. pants and then smashing them. Cerveny with second place going followedbyEastGennany with 10. ~=I:n :lh:ec:v:en:in:::g:::g:ow:n:,:om:pe=-:LO:m:e:,:ro:W:d:fa:vo:n:·",:c:a:di:gan=.~ Switzerlandand Austria each have season soit ishardto say what they But the Betes are at full strength have got. (do know that Frankie and they have vengeance in their r- six. Kratovil can do some tricky ball eyes. Betes 94- Chiefs 62. In the Intramural world, the handling and Denny Snyder can Hogans ...s. Phi Delts or For Sale Intramural Athletic Committee poponeifheishot BillyHalletand Beres B: If the Betes bear the Phi (lAC) has finally broken down the Bill Heatherington can shoot the Delts, they will be looking to Spinet-Console Piano Bargain 14team roster from across campus "J" pretty well themselves and avenge a two point loss to the to the elite 12 who will make the Chris Newman and Cort Sand- Hogans. Meanwhile the Phi Delts Wanted: Responsible party to take playoffs. In the North, we have the strom pound some mean boards. haven't played the Hogans yet. Betes taking it from the gridiron to This proves to be a tough one. I'll Either way the Hogans have Andy over lowmonthly payments on spinet-console the hardwoods in search of their call it a pick'em. "3-point" Pons and Barry Bucka- piano, Can be seen locally, fourth consecutive intramural Idiots vs. Milny Maulers: lew, which is too much fire power Call 1-800-327-3345 ext. 101 championship. They are the num- The Idiots have proven to be the for either potential competitor. suprise team of the year along with ber one seed in the North followed L -'by the Bachelors' "Ballzz". the Faculty-Staff team. They have continued on page 3
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