Page 47 - ThePhoenix1987-88
P. 47
February 11, 1988lWestern Maryland College/Page 7 Men's basketball by Berke Breathed defeats Bullets Heinzmann recorded eight points by Cynthia Schafer while sophomores Dave Barnes. Eric Stoltz. and freshman Marc The Western Maryland Rudolph, each added six. men's basketball team defeated The Green shot a season their visting MAC Southwest Sec- high of 53 per cent from the field tion rivals thc Gettysburg Bullets but were never able to run away 83-81, in front of a large enthusias- from the Bullets as they too shot tic home crowd on Feb. 6. well from the field with 54 percent. Gettysburg closed to within one Junior Bryan Lynch scored point with just three minutes left in a season high 26 points in-the vic- the contest, but Lynch sank four tory, hitting nine of 14 from the foul ShOlS and then Stoltz nailed field and sinking eight of nine from two more with just 15 seconds the foul line. Freshman Ed remaining. Krusinski came in off thebench for The Terrors will play at the second highest point total by on Feb. 13 at S pm ver- netting 16 of his own. Senior Kip sus M"oravian. Poetry lecture set Dave Smith, runner-up for Prairie Schooner, Pushcart Press. the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry in both KansasQuarlerly,Misceflany,and 1979 and 1~81, will deliver the 'the American Academy and Insti- second annual Christopher Bothe Me for Arts and Letters. Memorial Lecture on Thursday, He has been a staff member Feb.25. Smith,curremlyprofessor of writers' conferences at Benning- of English at Virginia Common- ton, Duke, Florida, Utah, and Indi- wealth University, will give a pub- ana, and has lectured at more than a lie lecture-reading in McDaniel hundred colleges and universities Lounge at 8 pm. around the country. The poet's work has ap- The annual Christopher peared in some twenty anthologies Bothe Memorial lectureship was and in most of the well-known established last year by his family national literary journals. He has and friends to support a day of published nineteen volumes of residence at the college by a visit- poetry. essays, and fiction over the fig writer, who meets with student past two decades. writers in and out of class and gives Smilb has garnered numer- a public reading-lecture. Bothe, ous awards and prizes, including a who died in 1984, is a member of Guggenheim Fellowship in 1981, theWMCciassof1972,apoetand two National Endowment for the award-winning journalist and Arts awards, and prizes from the printer. .W_ FAN'S CHINESE ~ESTAURANT SzactAJn . ca_ . . HunanD- 59W.lIalnSt. PolyneSIan , . 84&-0919 AmerIcan . _ _ 976-3166 Cocktail service Qulckey Luncll & Cony Out 11AM-10PM SUn.-ThUrs.11AM11PMF~.~ r-------F~;;;,--------, Carriage House Liquors 'At the Forks' 113 W. Main St., Westminster specials this week ... Matilda Bay Wine Cooler 41$2,99 Seagrams 7 1literl$7.99 L ~
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