Page 111 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 111
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College Seniors struggle to pass .math proficiency exam noted, adding, "we're just bringing by Leo Ryan the thing full circle by adding a computational facility." With a little more than one Dr. James Lightner, who is in month remaining before charge of administering the graduation, seven per cent of the examination, explained that "on a senior class--18 students-have yet normal pattern, the test is offered to pass the college's math three times a year. But with proficiency examination. special testing sessions, in This year's senior class is the addition to those regularly first to be affected by the exam, scheduled exams, the offering has which was instituted four years really been about four times a ago to match the already existing year." competency requirements in Thus, whh nearly 16 English composition, physical opportunities to take the education, and foreign languages. examination, why have some students still failed to demonstrate Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, Dean competence in basic arithmetic of Academic Affairs, explained operations and algebra? !.hat there has been a "decline in According to Assistant Dean I ~omputationa1 and writing skills of Academic Affairs Helen Wolfe, Tartuffe cast members John McAndrew and Missy m the last few years. "Some have passed the Ridgely run through their lines in preparation for the "This has worried a lot of Dr. James Lightner, Pro- arithmetical part, but not the modern version of the classic French work. people," he continued, "and has fessor of Mathematics algebraic. Some of these students provoked a lot of reform have never taken the exam literature. This [math proficiency nationwide in an auempt to get because they missed the initial Tartuffe to debut examination] is just part of the back to basic preparation skills. cycle. reform movement that can be seen "We already had a writing on stage, video in colleges and high schools proficiency requirement," Palmer ~ontinued on page 2 Senior Week to follow final exams by Roshini Georgel which the while the spirit of the contemporary people can relate E. Morris Kimberly [classical] play is retained," said process of planning lots explained Cathy McNiH, Senior When the curtain goes up at 8 Director Art Smelkinson. version French The original activities. Class President. "We are pm on April 29, the newly- by Stacey Pucci "We are starung a planning a great week and hope merged Dramatic Art and has been translated into This year for the first time tradition at WMC," he said. that everyone will be up here and Communications a modem departments of contemporary English WMC by Mr. version will present has Young Bailey and WMC will hold a Senior Week The events are scheduled to get involved. Moliere's Tarluffe The play will purchased the rights to it. from May 18-22--thc days start on Tuesday, May 19, with "Kathy Dawkins, Director of later be videotaped and shown Seven WMC students have between final exams and an outdoor concert around 3 pm. College Activities, is also over Carroll Community been cast in the project, and the graduation. Then, later in the evening a helping us with Senior Week and Television, cable channel 50. And, according to senior Chris bonrire is planned. continued on page 2 continued on page 2 Ginther, his class is now in the "This is only the beginning," "This version is a play to Sideli hts: as it a good idea to Panek awaits publication raise the speed limit to 65 miles per hour? of book on detective fiction from obvious Literature. there's another side to changes Aside in content the as welt as Yes But - this To dale, he has written three the titles (Panek title "is my reaction the by David Fox confesses that man--LcRoy Panek, latest book's writer. No own titles"), my against fancy - published. in The 1979:"" Next Waf/eau's in form and technique. and of essays them on books, which all of have the three books represent a change been first, "It's easiest The Detective Novel to make a book Shepherds: Don't care if you lake a bunch Britain was in ]914-1940, came published subject the same put The Special Branch: Spy Nove/ in 1981. The British together," have he explains. about "You to worry don't any 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 And soon these two will be kind of sophisticated Number of people joined by a third book simply development And that's mere or called An tmroaucuon to the less what the first two books arc. source: Phoenix Detective Story which should be out, as Panek says, "any day." continued on page 2
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