Page 114 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 114
Page 4!Western Maryland College/April 16,1987 Editorial Local media hype One accusation that constantly haunts all news media is that, on a slow week, we manufacture stories to fill pages. Unfortunately, most publications are guilty of this at one time or another. Occasionally, however, a fellow member of the media family gets so carried away with a non-event that even we must point it out. Such was the case with the Sunday, April 12 issue of the Carroll County .' S"". Printed as a supplement to The Baltimore Sunday SUlI, the Carroll paper dedicated the better part of six pages to Western Maryland College's alcohol policy and its consequences. Indeed, we believe that this was a bit much. Bear in mind, though, that we make this statement not on the basis that the articles offered negative PR about the college-a fact which must be providing quite a bit of discomfort to campus administrators along about now. Instead, we take issue with the SUlI stories strictly on journalistic grounds. First of all, the topic of WMC's alcohol policy is hardly fraught with timeliness. The college's decision to relinquish its liquor license occurred last summer. In fact, the story was even old news by the time the Carroll County Times covered it in the fall, complete with its staged photograph of two freshmen sulking into their large Cokes about a dry Pub. Indeed, it would appear that the local press is bent on disregarding time as a factor in the hopes of finding some sensational story here. After all, students are being deprived of their alcohol, right? Surely there must be some kind of catastrophe or scandal. one~=i~~te; ~eC:;~~":h~iO~: wth~ ---------------------------- aforementioned stories seems to have embarked on her assignment with the intention of providing an indepth analysis of the alcohol situation at WMC--not wholly an uninteresting idea. Unfortunately, ---- Letters to the Editor though, the story grew into four separate articles which delve into areas totally unrelated to the liquor topic. At one point, we are told growing part of the liberal arts that the duties of a campus safety officer include "everything from Palmer offers tradition of Western Maryland traffic enforcemem. .. to getting a squirrel out of a room." Is this College, the Communications relevant? Only, perhaps, jf the squirrel had been drinking excessively. research and department embraces those studies In another story, we catch up on the lifeofa 1985 WMC graduate who which are a vital part of the has entered the restaurant business. Again, is this pertinent to the creativity grants human environment. Stage drama topic of WMC's alcohol policy? is a part of our culture, as are In the end, we believe that the Carroll CountySun Stories revealed Editor, film, video, and television; these extensive research, but not enough editing. How many alumni had to Student research and media are compatible, not be quoted praising the social life here in the past, and how many creativity grants are now being competitive, as you would have ":" current students had to complain in print about the present situation, awarded. To apply for an award, a it. Any opportunity we are before the point was beaten to death? student must have a WMC grade presented with to go beyond Yes, the fact is that WMC's alcohol policy has changed. And yes, point average of 3.2 and obtain what's already been done is a good it is harder to find functions on campus where liquor is served. This, the direct involvement or close opportunity and should be however, does not mean that the entire colJege has turned into a social sponsorship of a faculty member. welcomed. Change is inevitable-- dust bowl. Students can still find their beer and fun without looking The awards are competitive. there's no use fighting it. The extremely hard. best we can do is to try to Indeed, is there six pages of good news copy here? We think not. The grants are intended to Rada, Michel understand it and act on that encourage special projects that understanding. It complement students' major rebut charges weighty seems that the mOSI issue on your collective The Phoenix academic emphases; they are not minds is the fact that Pam Regis_ at normal of Wash 'Editor' the cover intended to was not witnessed in attendance expenses may connected not mayor of a course. be The project This letter was originally sent My Sister in this House. Regis with a particular course. It may /0 the editor of The Wash, a is not the Communications be a special studies outgrowth of student newsletter which is department. Perhaps there were Editor-in-Chief.. . Jona\han5Iade a course. A gram may cover the currently acting as the unofficial other members of the Copy Edilor...... . ... n' " .. ,." ••• .i.Stacle Hemphill cost of materials for such spokesman for dramatic arts Communicauons/rbeaue Arts Sports Editor . " " Cynthla Schafer majors. department that also didn't attend. Photography Editor.... .. " BIII Mann projects. It may cover travel Business Manager . C. Lloyd Hart expenses to libraries or special Perhaps that particular style of Production Technician .Andrew Raith To whomever is obviously theatre is not appealing to Reporting StafL.Cralg Cecil, Angela Coleman. Marlene collections. Clements, Bill ceecies. Adrian Gawdiak, concerned, EVERYONE (could !hat be so?). Roshinl George, Chris Ginther, Kim MOlris, These are merely examples; I After perusing the latest issue Perhaps Regis doesn't owe anyone Robin Myers, Jason Plummer. Stacey an explanation of her whereabouts Pucci, Leo Ryan, Lee Spector would like to see what kinds of of your semi-objective newsletter Advisor . Pamela RegiS creative proposals students may with some amusement and much at the time in question. (Was devise, in consuulunicn with pity, a reply seemed to be in there a roll call at the show, or appropriate faculty. Grants may order. Please bear with us ... were you just checking for Pam?) The Phoenix Is a bimonthly publication 01 Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed In columns and letters 10 range from $25 to $500. We'll get to the specifics in a Enough said. the editor do rot necessarily reflect those of the staff or Applications are available in my moment, but first Ids examine The next victim of your administration. Editorials are the responsibility of the editor- whitewash in-chief, and are approved by the editorial board. The office. The deadline for the overall picture you painted of is Jon Slade. Jon Phoenix reserves the right to headline, and edit for length, applications for the 1987-88 year the cynical and narrow-minded works tt~d to keep a good clarity, and libelOus content. All letters to the editor must be is May 8, 1987. adherents to the department of newspaper here at WMC. We signed. AulhOfship wilt be verified. Address all mail to: The Phoenix, Western Maryland Communications, which we all know we are not alone in College, Westminster, MD 21157. Melvin D. Palmer know work only in their own best Dean of Academic Affairs interests. As a vibrant and continued on page 5
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