Page 112 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 2!Western Maryland College/April 16,[987 Seniors struggle with test Sapora, Smelkinson test. "You need these modernize Tartuffe continued from page 1 wilhOve~~~:O:~~~he i~r~ "But," she continued, "most proficiency have failed it." skills in many of the quantitative Lightner, lhough, explained courses here at WMC," he provides an opportunity for that "the algebra is the more stressed. "It has worked in continued from page 1 people to discover that "there is critical for most people. Many screening out students who would remaining five roles will be value in working for the media have not had it since their otherwise have trouble. Students portrayed by members of the involving both that film he and is of stage," the explaining freshman or sophomore years of are a little bit bcuer prepared. We Carroll County community. opinion that the two media do not. high school, and have been don't want to get them into these Since acting before a camera "demean" each other. . avoiding it like the plague ever courses and then faillhem because involves an approach wholly since. of a lack of basic skills." different from performing on Taking advantage of the "But," he stressed, "we have agreement with the translator stage. been bending over backwards to April 28 will be the last project Smelkinson regards this which allows "a degree of latitude experience as a learning adapting play," help thorn [the students]. " opportunity before graduation for for both the actors and the in producers have the modified the the "We do have two non-credit those who have yet to pass the technical staff, adding that the courses that are offered each exam. Lightner will be meeting original translation. One such program has been listed in the change involves an all modem set semester," said Lightner, "and I this week with Deans Palmer and Carroll County Sun Times as a and costumes. have suggested books to use and Wolfe to discuss the steps to be "world premiere." explained Sapora loaned other books that would be taken by those seniors who do not Co-producers Dr. Robert Sapora positions except that that of the all "Tartuffe provides the first do of help. pass at that time. Although all of and Mr. Ira Domser hope that this director of videotaping have been opportunity to explained something original," Stage "Mathematics 001 is set up as these students will be allowed 10 version oITarluffe will attain high students. adding Josh Selzer. Manager an independent study," he walk across the stage with their standing equivalent to that of filled by WMC to conccnmne" as promises that the play will have He tfuu he "intends continued, "so that the student classmates in May, Wolfe said much of his energy as possible to an intriguing SCl may schedule it around his other that failure to demonstrate math ~~~~ Dic~~~~q~hi~h :a:fi~~ make the production "as good as Tam.iffe. which runs from April classes. Our passing rate for proficiency will be "enough to adapted to the stage and then to it can be." people who have come to class keep you from graduating." television. According to Sapora, Tanuffe 29 to May 2, will be performed Hall. in the Under Stage of Alumni and are diligent is one hundred per t "You can't ignore a problem cent. and hope that it will go away," I think "The frustration," Lightner explained Lightner, "and seniors Panek's latest book to hit shelves said, "is in gelling them to come that's what many-of our to class." have done." "I was reading maybe three \ or four books a week for six or RESEARCH says, "I started writing essays Panek on seven years. And the other thing to the first one," "With enough is that I was systematic Send $2 for catalog the detective story writers and take notes about everything. r of over 16,000 topics to then I thought, 'Why don't I write look ten minutes writing down assist your research ef· a couple more of these essays and some impressions r and a few have forts. For info., call ton- I'U put it together and one, I set a quotes that thought were book: On the second free 1~1·5745 (In II· out to write essays on [previously sigruucant. and that way r could IInois call 312·922-0300). chosen authors], reading go back over it and find evidence The for this point of that point." , ReHarch, Rm. 600-N, everything they've written. second book, he says, was D•• rborn, Chicago, u, 8Oe05 "The new book is a history," possible through the help of a National Endowment for the:' '-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'<~'::::::~ he continues, "so it's of self- not • developed in little son Humanities Research Grant contained essays. It's kind of a But there arc several reasons This summer thousands of people from aU over the continuing history of the detective for his continued work in the area Mid-Atlantic region will come to Western Maryland story." of British popular fiction, he College. Some for a day, some for a week or more. And for that reason, Panek explains, adding that so little, recommends that, if a student is a recent work has been done in this curious novice in the field of area. Panek says that "the It's called summer conferencing and its one of detective stories, the new book Dr. LeRoy Panek, Pro- snobbishness of the literary the fastest growing fields in marketing. should be read rust. fessor of English establishment" is the main reason But how did his essays about for lhis. At Western Maryland we work hard to help keep British spy and detective novels fiction at all. I decided I was "Up until the past maybe ten your costs down by keeping our facilities in use year come about? going to do a J an Term on the or fifteen years, they really. round. The competition is working hard too. So to It all started back in me early detective story, and so r started haven't acknowledged popular stay on top. we need to make sure that those who 1970's when WMC initiated reading the stuff and kind of fiction as being literature," he choose WMC this year will keep coming back year January terms, he says. scrounging around seeing what says. "They just see it as after year. "When January term first other people had written about it. started, I'd never read any popular It all kind of took off from there. continued on page 7 And for that we need people. Hard-working, able- bodied young men and women to show off Western Senior Week schedule announced Maryland at its finest. And who better than our own students. weeks, and a bus will provide will provide for transportation to continued from page 1 transportation to and from the and from the bars. It you would like to work here at WMC this . harbor. On Friday, all parents are In summer. we have conference positions open for: has some great ideas," she added. to members addition, wam senior class on invited to attend the Baccalaureate •. will have a chance to work who Seniors and the President's reception participate in a class-wide softball their suntans before graduation which follows. Then, an all- 2 Assistant Directors game and a picnic at Harveysronc will be able to usc the pool over campus-party is planned. In past 4 Conference Assistants Park Wednesday. at the COllege Conference Center years, this event has been held in 6 Conference Aides & 6 Lifeguards on Thursday afternoon from about Gill gymnasium, but, due to For later that night, Senior 12-3 pm. Following tradition, inadequate acoustics, it has been For more information stop by the Marketing Office Week' organizers are trying to the class dinner will be held on moved to 11 yet undisclosed in the lower level of Decker College Center, next to arrange a "Booze Cruise" around evening. And later that night, locauon. Union National Bank. Baltimore's Inner Harbor. The there will be :.1 bar-hop bus trip Senior Week, then, officially • the advance Point for I- .. cruise will sale take of tickets in a few down to the Fells again, area bus in ends with on Saturday afternoon. commencement place Once Baltimore. a ceremonies
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