Page 109 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 109
April 2, 1987fWestern Maryland College/Page 11 Ghosts wander by Berke Breathed in McDaniel Hall continued from page 6 ~~~:::te'lfro~l a se~-:~r~rm~ basement last August, "l think abortion, • rue stories say. it was a Tuesday or Wednesday However.. the time factor is night, at about 2 am. I was doing always blurred. Most stories say laundry with a friend, and I heard a it happened about fifteen years noise in the kitchen. Nothing ago, which would place it outside was found. Five minutes later, any kind of community memory. there was the sound of the door And. according to my sources, move. opening, but it did not the door, there has not been a suicide on "~J"''t friend, who was facing more like It McDaniel versions or even worse, a for at ieasl30 campus This form came through years. and passed quickly in back of my me. of the tale say Other six feet, and was very tall, about was built over a Civil hospital, War was pale blueish-white, ,j \ If ~~ ~ an off-white it drifted Local history has that and then graveyard. through it badly. was shook the wall and was gone. and I area of campus as the Commons is of Westminster, up pretty and / ~ didn't do my laundry in McDanieJ conceivable that before and during after that," Powell hadn't heard the battle or Gettysburg, it had ~6(}C1~J17HJ(/ $lW.TMH'KlL_MIfEI£/:fIJ- any stories about the apparition been a staging or rear area of the tA/lt(KUN6tKl'Sftllff€. /il£5Pf1!tlMfr11E'l"fEU. \aI, before-band either. He added, war. T!6I!.fIIt'tYIflEIrfJ "There is always something So, what of this apparition? M*£ M4tXflTrl W .. ~u»II'.tP. wrong with the dorms. Blanche More extensive digging into the (where he lives) is a fire hazard, archives may produce some sort Rouzer is Rouzer, and McDaniel of reason, or at least other has a ghost," verifiable sightings. I've heard The best version or the many other stories about this, but either rumors I heard about this incident they were too fantastic, "a lady in was one about a girl who stood in blue flying over McDaniel," or a hall crying and then started. easily explainable. Once I told a walking towards Powell after friend that a girl supposedly hung which he ran. herself in her closet over in But what is the cause behind McDaniel, and ever since, the all these stories? AU of them closet door will not stay shut. apparently center around a girl "Big deal," he said, slamming his who supposedly commiued Blanche closet door and having it suicide when she discovered that swing open again, "I guess my she was pregnant. She either closet's haunted too." RESEARCH Send $2 for catalog of over 16,000 topics to assist your research ef· forts. For info., call ton- free 1~1·5745 (In II· IInois call 312·922~). ST. GEORGE'S UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Ajfilialrd Ifaspi(a/$i" N_¥urIlSI.t, ~"",Jf~ Unllrd Klnltdpm • AflpIO'o'ed l'ebruJIY, 4. 19S7 ~Y Ihe N_ Yurk .. :du ....tlun Ih-plrlm.nt for Ih~ purflO\.tofcon'ir'. Un;.r'-';;I) SchuIlI "' Mrdldn./256 pJ~us~ cOni"'" ~/" Thr fllre;~n Mrdi .. 1 School S~.~k Cn.p" ... llllft Ihl.' all;'-, 0/ On~ E... Main SI.«, • Bit) Sh" ... N "urk 11106 Ad"'IJ'JQ". 151616-65-8500
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