Page 116 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 116
Page 6IWestern Maryland Couege/Aprn 16,1987 AIDS testing offered BLOOM COUNTY blood are tested and if any show by Stacey Pucci positive Cor the AIDS virus you AIDS. There have been many will be notified of 'abnormal articles in the past explaining the findings' in your blood. You will specific details and concerns about then be urged to come to the Red the disease, but what should you Cross to 'donate' another pint of do if you suspect you have blood which will be retested. If _ contracted the virus? again you show positive signs of According to Marlene AIDS antibodies you will be Clements, R.N., DifCCIOr of the notified by a letter. This whole Student Health Services, "There process takes about two months." are now many clinics in the area If a person were to go to a where they are doing AIDS private lab, the test would only testing." These include the take a total of three days and Carroll County Health would show antibodies six weeks Department, which has free to three months after exposure. testing but is not anonymous; There is presently no on- Baltimore County Health eampus AIDS testing available, Department, which again has free but Clements advises, "We can testing and it is done send any high risk individuals to a anonymously by number; the Red private Jab for testing .at the Cross, which has free anonymous student's expense." She also testing; and the Health Education recommends, "If anyone has any 1 Resources Organization (HERO). question 'or anxiety mc"y should HERO is an organization which get tested" I deals specifically with AIDS and The following is a list of works as a support group for places that a person may contact patients and provides counseling. to find more infonnation: Many people who gave blood ·Carroll County Health Depar- last week at the blood drive may tment; 857-5000; call Juanita be wondering what will happen to De Vault, R.N. for an appoint- the blood they donated. ment. According to a spokesman for the Red Cross, "All the units of continued on page 7 Adoption Loving, young, childless couple wish to adopt a healthy white infant. We can provide the best education and opportunities for a child. • Please call collect 301-461-1792 evenings. SGA & CAPBoard proudly announce .., A Student - Faculty Happy Hour! Date: Thursday, April 16, 1987 Place: Sunny Weather - Pub Patio Bad Weather - Forum Time: 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm ~~, ~, ~, and Snacks!
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