Page 49 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 49
February 12, 1986IWestern Maryland College/Page 5 ~ tiD seconds on camp-us When do you think the next space shuttle should be launched? As soon as possi- Very soon. The If they launch an- As soon as they fig- As soon as they ble. Malfunctions shuttle disaster was other shuttle too ure out the prob- find out the cause are inevitable. overpublicized. The soon all they're lem, but before the We've dedicated Space Program going to do is make program loses mo- of the explosion. They don't stop air • ourselves to the needs a positive another mistake. mentum. travel when a plane pursuit of technol- boost to their crashes. ogy. Image. Steve Reber Wanda Sparrow Sharon Distance Frances Ward Jeff Kirkwood Letters to the Editor-- Commuter parking cars; so are we. Some of us student body, we remain the Unfamiliarity mixing of students, faculty Invisible minority - travel from as far as one hour, our needs and administration. We con- one way, to attend this institu- and desires rarely consid- Editor, stantly receive campus mail tion. Although Mr. (Scott) ered. We do not request the I was at happy hour the informing us of how many The following fetter was. sent Moyer (Director of Security) is return of our parking lot solely other day and the conversa- classes we need to graduate, to President Robert H. Cham- correct in saying that there based on our expandmq pop- tion moved through subjects how much money we owe1 bers by Commuter Coordina- are parking spots available, ulation. We are irate with the and what sanctions are going tor Kris Nystrom, Dec. 3, we do not feel Ihat as com- manner in which the decision such as the new affinity hous- to be placed on us. Why can't' 1985. muters we should be penal- was made. This decision was ing, parties, classes and then these leaders show their Sir; ized for our non-residential made without informing us, we began to discuss the faces sometimes instead of of Western administration With this letter we, the com- status. Parking is continuously without a request to our input, showing their signatures. The muter students of Western available behind the new gym and without informing the Maryland. I soon noticed that problems that occur on this Maryland College, respectfully and in the Harrison House Jot, Commuter Coordinator - our a lot of students didn't know campus are two-sided and who the dean of academic present a petition concerning however, Staff and Faculty liaison with the Administration. affairs is, who the dean of until the two sides get to- the current parking lot situa- are centrally located, why We feel that in a decision of student affairs is and a few gether, recognize each other I. ~~y:~~~eo~~~~~s:~;tc~~~ we be? The resident this magnitude, the manner people claimed that they and begin to work together, can" students do not depend daily cern to the members of the upon their cars, and in fact by which it was made was could walk by our school the problems will continue. grossly unfair. Maybe the answer is more president and not recognize Administration, however this is many cars sit in lots for days him. What is happening? student/administration func- one of the most important to weeks at a time without With this in mind, we re- It tions or maybe not. I feel issues we currently face as being moved quest the decision to be re- isn't that these students don't sorry for those students who names of these know "the students. Sir, our population is con- viewed in a just and fair light. important people, it is that don', know some of the great We ask that the decision stantly expanding. Five years We thank you for your time. they can't match the names people who work here and I revoking the assignment of ago, there were fewer than 40 with the faces. know our faculty and adminis- the gravel loL by PELC for of us. That figure has risen to This institution is known for tration is missing out on meet- commuter use be reviewed. over 205 and continues to The commuters of its small student - [aculty ing those who have a lot to As the Faculty and Staff are climb. Although we are now ratio, but a small ratio ob- offer, maybe even friendship. dependant daily upon their more than 15--per cent of the Western Maryland College viously isn't helping in the Liz Fox
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