Page 53 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 53
ThePhoenix Western Maryland College February 27, 1986 I, 'New' tighter rules end cafeteria carry-out by Beth Spangler can allow ice cream to leave the cafeteria on the grounds that it is meant for immediate Regulars of Englar Dining consumption, but all other Hall have recently raised their foods will be stopped. The voices in opposition to a policy, Taylor explains, is in- "new" policy banning the re- tended to protect students moval of food from the cafet- who would remove perishable eria. In actuality, though, this foods from the cafeteria which may become health risks. has always existed, policy r according to Mr. Al Taylor, Taylor warns that lunchmeats director of WMC's food serv- and bread are open to bac- ices program. terial growth and pose a po- "We are reiterating the pol- tential threat to students' icy of Western Maryland," he health if not properly refriger- said. "We only carry out ated. school policy as they relay it Nevertheless, many resi- to us." dents complain that they "pay The regulation states that no for the food" so that the food, drinks, or dishware may removal of some perishable be taken out of the dining hall items will not create a finan- "Mr. Jagger" Tom Rinch sings a duet with "Tine as a student leaves. Taylor cial hardship for Englar. Their claim is further supported by says that "it will prevent foods Turner" Inga Patrick from leaving the cafeteria un- the fact that, since installation necessarily, thus preventing The dining room discon- of the Validine system, only Rinch struts way to board increases to the stu- tinues its carry out serv- 60 per cent of those who pay dent in the end." Taylor explains that workers ice. continued on page 7 Mr. WMC crown Conference center planned and John Stonebraker as both by Tina Pagliocchlnl "Mr. Stoney" and "Mr. Unre- nounced this week that the Quality Inn franchise concept: cognizable" by Michael Norkus overall go-ahead is pending and the project is a joint The second annual Mr. The swimsuit competition Construction equipment will the completion of a minor site venture by Harkins Asso- ¥ WMC Contest was held Fri- brought the gentlemen out. soon be visible on WMC revision by the college. ciates, Inc. of Silver Spring, day, Feb. 21. Sponsored by each exhibiting what the best- property near Route 140, To be located between MD and WMC Development Delta Sigma Kappa, the event dressed WMC girl will be starting preliminary work on Routes 31 and 32, the Col- Corporation (a for-profit affili- drew a capacity crowd to the wearing this summer, Dan the new College Inn Confer- lege Inn Conference Center ate of Western Maryland Col- Forum where five individuals Pipes' suit led the competition ence Center. promises to spawn economic lege) competed for the title. with its pastel colors and Groundbreaking is tenta- activity for the college and the The 1On-room motel facility David Douglas was intro- modest skirt tively scheduled for March 11 town community, as well as will include a 3,000 square duced as "Mr. Big Crankster," The third part of the contest when excavation work for the provide convenience features foot meeting center, and a Dan Pipes as "Mr. Sorry," was supposed to be an exhi- $4.5 million structure com- for campus visitors. The pro- 4,500 square foot full service Bob Forsythe as "Mr. Bob-G," mences. But the Westminster totype inn-meeting facility-res- Tom Rinch as "Mr. Jagger," continued on page 7 Planning C€lmmission an- taurant is based on the continued on page 7 Sidelights: ill you still buy King holiday sparks Tylenol products despite the re- occuring incidents of tamper- community dissent ing? for all men. King remains a Monday in Jan. now desig- by C. Lloyd. Hart living presence, especially for nated Dr. Martin Luther King black Americans who invoke Day. King is the only Ameri- than Yes On April 4, 1968 Dr Martin his name and words above all can other Washington President to be the in others continuing George Luther King Jr., a 39 year old search for equality in civil honored with a national legal No black minister from Montgom- rights. . holiday During the first 15 years ery, AL was gunned down on As the nation held its first the balcony of the Lorraine following his death, King's official observance of King's Motel in Memphis, TN. supporters fought to have a holiday, though, controversy His life was an inspiration national holiday named in his erupted in Carroll County and and a rallying point for blacks honor. The struggle for con- nearby Baltimore County over 5 10 15 20 25 ~ 100 105 i10 nationwide. His death, as an gressional approval was met the closing of schools. While many city schools, including authentic with obstacles and objections, American martyr, .[. Number of people has served to focus and in- including a fiIIibuster led by those in Washington, D.C., Sen. Jesse Helms (R-SC). But .had closed in unofficial local tensify in the hearts of blacks Survey sample: 126 Source: Phoenix and whites alike, his quest for as 1986 dawned, persistence freedom and human dignity finally won out, with the third continued on page 2
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