Page 52 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 52
Page 8IWestem Maryland College/February 12, 1986 Out of Africa calms bullet-ridden nerves by Jonathan Slade The strength of the film, it bubbling with paradox, but seems, lies not in the action, never confused. He sees that For anyone who has grown but in the depth of the char- man is destroying the African weary of cinematic blood-let- acters. Streep is superb: Hav- landscape, and silently ting and Hollywood body ing mastered a Danish mourns its demise. To be counts, director Sidney Pol- accent, she never allows it to sure, Redford's role is de- lack has at last sent us a falter. The sentences roll off manding, larger than life, but healing tonic. her tongue with a laconic he still manages it exceed- Postmarked Out of Africa, wisdom befitting one who un- ingly well, with his philosophi- this wonderful package derstands much about the cal gazes and passive soothes our grenade-induced world, but does not wish to rationality. Perhaps Streep, headaches and softens the flaunt her experience. She though, who dominates the machine gun chatter in our moves from scene to scene film, should have received her ears, offering us the chance with a suave certainty, which co-star's place at the begin- to relax in a remarkably pas- is interrupted only occasion- ning of the credits, for she is toral atmosphere. ally with bouts of nervous riveting and stunning. Redford Alpha Nu Omega sisters relax in the living room of Starring Meryl Streep as the cigarette smoking. Indeed, we is merely enthralling. their new suite in C section Daniel MacLea. hardy Danish aristocrat Karen' find Karen Bllxen to be a Director Pollack, then, has Blixen, Out of Africa chroni- three dimensional character, viewing public in this produc- brought forth a gift to the in Blixen'g cles the tribulations and Streep, with all her fron- Housing plan offered life after her move to Kenya in tier finesse, is most deserving tion. Taking full advantage of the breathtaking African vis- 1914. of an academy award. Having to snare a failed husband in her native land, tas, as well as the enormously continued from page 1 fied by the first week in April she has completed the trek to Even Brandauer, who plays talented cast, he has created as to their room assignments Africa in order to marry her her husband, succeeds with an absorbing narrative that students displaced from for next year. The rest of the cousin Baron Bror Blixen his portrayal. He manages to makes us both think and feel. Whiteford and Rouzer. How- student body will move (Klaus Maria Brandauer) . offer up a calm, collected, His is a film about people and ever, the lottery system will through the lottery and be Here, on Bror's estate, they and lecherous baron, without relationships, about dreams, remain intact for upperclas- accommodated "as fairly as are to raise cattle for a living. ever becoming callous and desires, and goals. men after the placement of possible" by Housing during And so, the new baroness inhuman. Brandauer is some- the affinity housing group into the third or fourth week in settles down, appearing to how able to tread the fine line How refreshing a change Daniel MacLea. April. Elderdice and Smith have found a permanent between "amiable" and "de- from the recent onslaught of If approved, the affinity House residents will also be niche in a society of black testable," and despite his loud-macho-firearm flicks that housing groups will be noti- inctcded in this group. tribesmen and haughty British multitude of flaws, does not force you to leave the theater ~==================: colonials - that is, of course, alienate the audience. nauseous, deaf, and ninety r per cent brain-dead. until she encounters the wan- And Redford, who receives dering romantic adventurer top billing on the credits, is See Out of Africa. It will Denys Finch Hatton (Robert also powerful. His Denys Hat- soothe your cinematic Redford). ton is a complex individual, wounds. Brooks searches local area for filmmaking opportunities the 1985 season 01 the WMC cosm of America," Brooks by Cindy Sharp girls volleyball team. Through says. the Network, a student group And despite his constant Western Maryland College under the communications exposure to the world of film, will be losing a promising department, Brooks en- he has yet to grow weary of it, young film maker when senior massed over six hours of explaining that he simply Peter Brooks graduates this coverage of the squad, which "can't get enough" production June. Brooks has spent the he intends to use for a docu- experience and practice. Cur- last year collecting footage of mentary. His goal here, rently a WMC communica- both school-sponsored and Brooks says, is to capture for tions and systems analysis 11·9:30; Fri. 10-7:30; Sat. off-campus events which he one year "the tradition that major, Brooks plans to attend will eventually use in various Western Maryland volleyball graduate school at New York MOVIE RENTALS documentaries. has maintained for many University and study film With the help of other WMC years." theory for his masters degree. No.d.p·n. ..... $1.50/movie Overnight students last November, he But his dream, though, is to T.csctap·W.d. $2.50Itwo movies Overnight filmed Speaker of the House As a senior project, Brooks produce narratives, which he Fddioy $2.00/movie Overnight Tip O'Neill's visit, and also is working on yet another claims are more difficult to Fd. 'dUNoa. $4.00/movie 3 days spent time recording perform- documentary, this. one con- make than documentaries. Sat. 'till Noa. $3.00/movie OR ers in the college pub. These cerning the Morgan commu- The story he would most like to transfer to film is Ralph in Washington, DC. nity clips, when edited, wilt be $5.00lfwo movies 2 days sent to the Admissions Office Morgan is a cross-cultural Ellison's novel The Invisible in the form of a promotional neighborhood comprised of Man. "I'd like to use the audience MACHINES: per night (any n1g'" $8.99 Overnight video to be shown to pros- Asians, Hispanic Americans, as the invisible man," Brooks whites; pective students. But these blacks, and and $15 dollars for the weekend (Sat.-Mon.) are not Brooks' only recent Brooks gathered ten hours of says, explaining that the char- $200 deposit returned If machine is not damaged projects. tape on the area during a two acters would address the On Nov. 16, he assisted MEMBERSHIP: '9.99 • year; '44.99 • Life director Peter Wasserman in week period last summer. The camera directly as if it was an individual. production, he says, also re- 24 how drop-off time filming the Sounds of Silence quired him to do two months Ironically, the famous direc- Wed_. membership entitles you to: music presentation. "The film of research, forcing him to tor Orson Wells at one point 10 Fre •• owl.. - one (1) per month is intended to capture the spend much of his vacation in wished to produce a film in F.... Bll'thd.p Nowl. l Every 10th Movie Free (up to 5 family members) uniqueness and beauty of the the library. Through this docu- this manner, but never found mentary, he hopes to convey 10~ DlseoUJIt on Sales event," Brooks explains. He time to do so. Perhaps Brooks though, with his growing thirst the distinct relationships each adds that it took much prepa- .............. Mrs wID redeYe_ tn. ration to produce the show. cultural group has with one for cinematic conquest, will r_tal ..... (1 pa r..u,) In addition, Brooks has another. undertake the challenge and '- __J used his camera to chronicle "This community is a micro- succeed where Wells did not.
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