Page 36 - ThePhoenix1985-86
P. 36
Page 6fWestem Maryland College/November 14, 1985 Phi receives honors Kaplan tells of Holocaust continued from page 1 onstratesextremepromptness by Leo Ryan tria after the war. It was there after the director looked up in filing their reports with the "Unless we face the fact that Kaplan was born. "The Holocaust" to find out Phi Delta "Theta has been central headquarters. that the Holocaust was a She is the first to admit that what exactly it was that Ka- runner-up for this award. The The awards were presented crisis in western civilization, her upbringing has given her plan was allowed to present Kansas City Trophy can only by the province president we will not be able to repair a different understanding of her exhibit be offered to a fraternity that Bob Fitzpatrick to past and another crisis in Western Civi- life. In fact, Kaplan was only Presently, Kaplan is the has received the Gold Star present chapter officials lization." This was the mes- five years old when her par- Citation the same year. This chiefly responsible for the sage of Ms. Sarah Kaplan, ents first exposed her to their principal at the Oheb Shalom citation is the top chapter success. who spoke on Oct. 28 in Holocaust experiences, and it Religious School in Pikesville, MD. The Holocaust program award, and is. presented .to There are four fraternitieson McDaniel Lounge to a group is to her parents thai she there begins at the kindergar- the group which. has dis- the Hill, Phi Delta Theta being of Dr. Ira Zepp's religion stu- attributes her own "survivalist played excellence In scholar- the only international one. It dents. Kaplan, whose parents attitude" ten level, she explained. "The children begin with work- ship, chapter manag~ment,has chapters in the US and both survived the Holocaust, After graduating from the shops on prejudice, and the alumni relations, frat~rnlty re- Canada. is among that generation University of Maryland, Betti- lations, fraternity life, and which will eventuallybe man's moer County with Bachelor intensity of the material in- community service. Phi Delta Chapter President Mike only link to the Holocaust degrees in education, social creases with each grade Theta has won the Gold Star Paglione, ready to celebrate experience. As a member of studies, and Hebrew cultures, leveL" for the past three years the "triple crown" victory, the International Board of Kaplan began to teach about Although the program be- The final honor given to the said, "It is my feeling that by Children of Survivors, Kaplan the Holocaust in 1970 at the gins when the children are fraternity was the General winning these prestigious is attempting to educate the Bethel Religious School in very young, she says chirdren Headquarters Trophy, awards, we have shown once younger generation about the Baltimore. She described the should not be exposed to awarded for efficient chapter again that Maryland Beta is Holocaust frequent resistance she got graphic depictions of the Hol- management. It is offered to one of the best small college Kaplan's motherwas held at from administrators when she ocaust until they are in the the organization which dem- chapters of Phi Delta Theta." the Auschwitz concentration first asked to teach about the twelfth qrade. camp during World War II. Holocaust. Her father managed to es- Kaplan perhaps best char- Help Wanted cape from the Nazi's while "The principal didn't want acterized the Holocaust expe- being transported by cattle anything to do with it," she rience in her response to the Any male or female student interested in car to the Bugenwald camp recalled. "He thought it was a question: "Why didn't the With the help of a friend, he bad idea" Jews resist (the Nazis)?" meeting some very important and influential secured a knife which he then She described one incident people while working short hours in the used to cut a hole in the in which she wanted to do a "They resisted where they president's home. Please Contact: bottom of the cattle car. The Holocaust exhibit at a UMBC could," she replied. "Resist- two men slipped through the art show. When she ex- ance is staying alive when Brenda Carlton Ext. 221 hole and escaped. Kaplan's pressed her interests to the you are fed seventycalories a Executive Housekeeper or 848-0545 parents first met in a Dis- show's director, his response day. Resistance is saving placed PersonsCamp in Aus- rw_a_S_'_W_h_al_i_S_il_?'_' _II_w_a_s _O_nl_Y_b_re_ad_lo_l_ra_d_e_f.:.or_a:___kn.:.if..:.e_, ".., House of Liquors ONE OF THE OLDEST WAYS Carron Plaza, Westminster TO BECOME AN ARMY OFFICER ISmLLONE OF THE BESt Molson Golden $3.59/6 pk. expires 11/27 The Army Reserve And last year alone, over 70,(XX)students Officers' Training Corps IROTC) is more than a partici~~~~ere interested in the leadership c~Tng~m.h"sa and management training. Others enrolled on full-tuition scholarships.And the financial For 163 years. 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