Page 8 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 8
Page 8IWestero Maryl~nd Colle~~September 27. 1984 See The Final Frontier Starfight~r captures by Barbara Abel Most of WMC students have checking out the Historical video game enthusiasts yet to explore the final fron- Society between. September tier, Westminster.Students liv- 29 and October 5 and look at by Jonathan Slade ine Mary Stewart, is the love on planet Rylos, for example, .ing on campus don't realize some products of Maryland's So many summer movies interest of The Last Starfighter appears more antiseptic than that there are many interest- most talented craftspeople. vanish into the void of film who shares Alex's dream of most of loday's hospitals and ing things to do in Westmin- On display will be such crafts history forgotten because they moving up in the world; and the clothes that the aliens ster. Events that give students as hand made quills, crewel do not appeal to the popular Robert Preston plays Cen- wear suggest that someone a break from every day cam- tauri, the stereotypical can has developed a self-cleaninq pus life. ~~~g~~rf~~~te~t~;~SSn!~t~r~ audience. Several of this man with a soft heart who polyester If you're ready for a fun- works. Admission to the show ~~~~s t~elt~:S~!m~a~=te~Ui~~ whisks Alex from his home on Jonathan Betuel's script, filled day of tasting wine, earth to the barren world of though, is crisp and entertain- eating good food and listen- ~s2~ii?~ea~~m~~~~r~~rc: cluding the following film. But, Rylos ing, if not entirely new. Build- ing to great music, then you Coming up next weekend is due to the ever-expanding Commendable perform- ing from the same basic should attend the Wine Festi- Westminster's own Fall Fest ~~~e:;:~k~~tt;~i~d':;~~: t~~ ances also go to Dan O'Her- premise as Walt Disney's val on September29. Located This free weekend of. excite- avid movie addict who will be lihy as the grandfatherly TRON, The Last Starfighter is at historical Union Min Home- ment includes crafts, dancing, awaiting its release on tape-or navigator who shatters the another answer to "What if a stead, your admission price of anti-reptile. attitude that young man suddenly found $7.50 includes a free en- ~~I? ~~~e~~f ~:~nc~d~:e~~ disc human nature harbors, and himself thrust into a video graved wine glass, and every- honor of the local train. This At long last the world learns Vernon Washington as Otis, game world?" In fact, almost one over the age of 21 will be celebration will last the entire the truth behind the video the optimistic black man who all of the special effects are able to sample ten free sam- weekend and will be held in ' game movement.And the an- constantly pushes Alex to computer graphics, as they ples from Maryland's finest Longwell Parking Lot. swer, as revealed in Universal capture his dream "with both were in TRON, but here Digi- vineyards. The day's events "Fiddler On The Roof" will Pictures' The Last Starfighter, hands and hold on tight." tal Productions (the company will include music from clas- be performed at the Weslmin- win have more youngsters Washington's character is responsible for the dazzling sic quartets and jazz ensem- ster High School for those than ever pumping quarters vaguely reminiscent of the computer imagery) has out bles, children's games, and interested in the arts. Giving into the arcade experience. kind-hearted elder played by done itself. Movement of craft strolling minstrels. Along with the community the chance to Lance Guest stars as the Scatman Crothers in Twilight through space is smooth and displays of local cratts.. there see young talent at work, the persistent dreamer Alex Zone ~ The Movie. fluid, and the battles have the will be plenty of food. Every- performance will be on the 28 Rogan who is trapped by the Furthermore, Craig Satan's finesse of Olympic figure thing from exotic cuisine to and 29 at 8:00 p.m. consequences of responsibil- musical score flows well with skating. It's a shame, though, the old stand by hot dog will There is plenty to choose ity. Longing for a chance to the action (hints of the Raid- that a real sense of urgency, be on hand for a hungry from if you just want to gel off attend a respectable college, ers theme are evident) and of impending death, is never crowd. Tours will be given campus for awhile. Most all of Alex finds himself constantly Director Nick Castle keeps fostered in the audience through the 22 room mansion these events are within walk- imprisoned in the boredom of the picture moving after the After all, there is a big at an additional cost. There ing distance of WMC. Take a dust-swept trailer park, opening sequence, which difference between simply will be plenty to do for both the time and go where no plunging toilets and repairing dwells a little too long at the identifying with a character young and old man has gone before and antennas for elderly residents. trailer park. Castle, it seems, and truly feeling for his secur- For those who don't drink, check out what's happening This, however, is not his idea has an intriguing sense of ity. Anyone who has ever day you might want to consider in Westminster of success humor and does an admirable dreamed can identify with . Enter the video game, job incorporating it into the Alex's thirst for adventure. CAD plans program Alex's only escape from rou- story, but still a couple of Unfortunately, the viewer is tine scenes suffer severely, being not afforded the opportunity After racking up a phenom- almost too tongue-in-cheek. to deeply sympathize or care continued from page 1 various activities within, as enonalĀ· score, though, he One will have youngsters for Alex's well-being through- petitions between the well as outside, of school. learns all too late that fantasy hopping into any Ultra-modern out the film. His safety is orientation groups started Fri- and made the student feel can become reality as the automobile that resembles a always assumed and the end- day off. After completing tests welcome and at home. arcade machine is actually a space craft, and the other ing is almost predictable. Still, The Last Starfighter is .1 and meeting with 'advisors, Dawkins was pleased with means of testing for the "gift" portrays the hokiest home- an enjoyable piece of science an ability that vaguely coming ever ~ be- the I::>ngday wa~ ende.d by this year's orientation l the film presentation Stnpes. cause "it had more academic resembles George Lucas' To further complicate mat- fiction, worthy to be seen by "Force." Someone possessing ters, Robert Fletcher's set de- all who have ever plunked a . On Saturday, represent a- emphasis, a study skills in- tives tron: aU ?f the campus ventory exercise, prospective this ':gift" is immediately re- signs, though well suited to token into an arcade game or organJz~l!o~sdiscussed goals career evaluation and more cruited as a starfiqhter by an highlight the action that un- pondered the future while and objectives far the year, faculty involvement." The of- off-world observer. folds, suffer from an over- gazing out a window on a and slgn.e~up ne.wrecrul!s at fice of college activities also ..1aggie,played -by Cather- cleanliness. The military base lazy summer day the ACtIVIl~SFair. A vl.~eo handles daily duties. One of dance, .Wlt~ a Hawaiian these duties includes central- t~eme, hlgh-lI~hted Saturday izing the building schedules night. As the finale of events, for those groups who want to by Michael Quillin cently). And Wilder trying to an outdoor. concert took reserve a room. The Office of learn how to ride a horse in pl~ce, teaturinq the Bermuda College Activities also pro- Some of the movies in the order to impress Ie Brock is Tnangle .. .. vices leadership training for area right now are The likewise amusing. In ~ddltlan t? .provld~n~ all student organizations,pro- Woman in Red, Ghostbusters, The movie combines all the som~ of the aC~lvltlesfor on- vides ideas for fund raising, and Purple..Rain. The Woman right elements Tnlo a well entation, the Office of College and gives program support. in Red is a romantic comedy, Activities provided the staff. Ghostbusters is comic may- done, witty romantic n~m. Twenty-five students acted as Organizationssuch as Cap- hem, and Purple Rain is a two Ghostbusters ....:.....If you orientation leaders (OL's). The board and the Greek Council hour rock video I haven't seen this movie OL's gave students tests and are also advised by the col- The Woman In Red is a ~ you've either foreign evaluations, talked about the lege activities office great date movie. It is very ried, has two da g ,nd country or you live In a closet. lives in a nice house. Then This movie is a must see, if ~===============;:::;;::~much a romantic comedy. one day he sees The Woman only for Bill Murray's tremen- r The acting is generally good with strong performances by In Red. He falls completely dous performance. Charles Groden, Joseph Bal- "in lust" with her and decides Purple Rain - a good ani, Gilda Radner, and of that he wants to have his first movie if you enter the theater course Gene Wilder. affair. not expecting anything. If you Kelly Ie Brock plays The The movie takes hiT are looking for good acting, a Woman In Red, and although through many humorous epi- -beltevable story line, or en- PRESENTS she does not say much, she sodes. Among them are Wi1- gaging dialog you won't find Contact any Phi Sig!! has a screen presence that is der trying to make a date with any of it here. If, on the other riveting. Kelly le Brock is Kelly and getting the com- hand, you like music, or Personalized Birthday Cakes... sexy, pany secretary instead, and a watching well choreographed blind man visiting a bar (This dancing, and beauiful girls The story is about a con- Send one to a friend. servative business man (Gene is one of the funniest "sight" this movie is good. It is L -.J Wilder) who is happily mar- ,gags that I have. seen re- indeed entertaining.
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