Page 11 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 11
October 4, 1984iWestern Maryland College/Page 3 Alcohol policy changed to aid independents continued from page 1 Dr. Philip Sayre, Dean of said she could see tom sides Student Affairs hopes "they of the conflict. "The Greeks (the organizations) will find have put time, effort and Decker Center to be a better money into those rooms and place to have parties be- at the same time, the inde- cause of the air-conditioning, pendents were subjected 10 and because of the bigger the noise resulting from the area in Decker they can have parties held in those rooms more poeple attend and make We had to compromise and I more money." think we handled it in the best way possible" Dawkins seconded that opinion "There is more room Sayre feels "the policy gives to dance and make use of the students more of a choice idea of theme parties. People They can now choose will quit coming to the parties whether 10 stay in and study if all there is is a keg and or go to a party, whereas somebody spinning records. before they really had no This gives students more of a choice." chance to have fun." As for alcohol on campus in "The reason behind this general, Sayre maintains, change was a result of in- "moderate and responsible creasing" animosity between use of alcohol can be a the Greek and non-Greek stu- positive ingrediant to a social dents due to the fact that setting. However we are \ several Greek organizations' a~are of the ch~nge in the 01the Alpha Nu Omega sorority welcome prospect pledges at meeting rooms were located drinking age, which severely sections limits the number of students a recent rush party. of the quad. This caused legally allowed to drink on under independent Carpenter takes on were forced to put up with the should drop to about 15 to 20 problems 'because those peo- campus to about 40 to 45 number that pie not invited to the parties percent and Athletic Director's job and also other people using Dawkins contends alcohol noise from those (fuctions) percent next year." their lavatories," explained Dawkins on campus is important to the by Robert Miller student oriented and reaches student body "unfortunately a high percentage of the Sayre added, "this change because it's not real. It should Dr. Richard Carpenter, a student body of policy is just a shift in not be a driving force to have familiar face at WMC, has "NCAA III is what the found- location more than anything a party. We teach about the recently become the new Di- ing fathers had in mind," he else. We have nothing against real world in class but once rector of Athletics. For the explains, "that people would parties or having a good time, students are out of class the past fifteen years he has play sports because they yet we have to protect the focus is on partying. How- taught, and coached football, wanted to. The higher divi- rights of those students not ever, we realize that the stu- swimming, cross country, and sions of NCAA lake on a attending the parties." dents will eventually come to track and field Carpenter different outlook. Division I grips with the real world and received his doctorate in reaches business-like propor- However, Dawkins, who was that is why we don't prohibit sports psycology from West tions. WMC offers no scholar- at one time a member of a alcohol related functions and Virginia University, and began ships, grants, or aid. The Greek organization herself, will continue to have them" his teaching career here at athletic budget is extracted WMC. from college expenses and Carpenter occassionally re- the pressure isn't there to Rape myths minisces about his early years pack stadiums and field- and beginnings in athletics houses." As far back as he can re- Carpenter continues, telling promote violence member, sports have taken of his own ventures into the an important place in his player oriented aspect of the continued from page 1 Second, there is no proto- career plans. sports world. He considers type of a "typical" rapist. The "The genesis of my career One of the reasons that agressor also may be any began with my high school Dr. Richard Carpenter, ~~t~tinh1sf~~~~l~:~~ ;;n~~i~; women feel at fault is be- age, race or socioeconomic coach," he says. The respect Athletic Director like most outdoor acitivites, cause of the myths that have class and admiration of this coach Dr. Carpenter has been which may be due to his surrounded rape. They do not Fifty percent of the victims propelled him toward a career very impressed with the stu- deep roots in Carroll County recognize rape when it hap- know their rapist. Fifty percent in athletics and kept him dents' respect for the new In fact, he lives in the area pens. The following are a few of all rapes occur in the home motivated throughout college facilities as well as the re- with his wife and three chil- of the most common myths of the victim He continued to follow this newed interest and participa- dren. His two boys are active (1) rapists hide in dark alleys The Carroll County sexual path and received his docto- tion of the students. He is in soccer, baseball, and are waiting for their victims, (2) Assualt Service and campus rate in sports psychology. already aware of the fact that soon to be involved in AII- rape occurs between stran- security recommends locking gers, (3) rapists look like Carpenter's comments con- the new gym is meeting its comers Track and Field. His you door at night and asking cerning the new gym are needs and expectations. The five year old daughter, though rapists and (4) good girls the name of the person be- encouraging and positive students' reactions have been still young, also seems inter- don't get raped. Though, fore you open it Inviting an "It's marvelous, a dream "outstanding," he claims, ested in sports and is pres- these myths are beginning to unknown person to come in fade, the Carroll County Sex- come true!"he says. We were "and (the gym has been) in ently involved with dance through an unlocked door is very limited with the old build- constant use." classes. ual Assault Service provides not safe. this information as a warning ing as to what we could do And yet more new ideas are His views toward children Rape can occur anywhere, First, rape is a violent crime and to what we could offer on the horizon. Carpenter, today and athletics are not which can happen to women any time and under any cir- the students. Many previous expresses interest in estab- conservative. "Because of cumstances, including dark organizational problems have lishing a women's soccer pro- their young age, (children) of all ages, races or socioe- alleys. But ignore, either con- conomical Being groups. been solved with the addi- gram at WMC. have various outlets in sports. sciously or unconsciously, the tional space of the new gym Carpenter, though, is still They can try out all different raped is not connected a violence of rape is to give the and the renovation of the old very much pleased with the sports before the 'natural woman's past sexual experi- rapist exactly what he wants one." current athletic program. "It's weeding out' occurs." '- ences or lack of them. ~ - a vulnerable target. ~
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