Page 10 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 10
Page 2IWestern Maryland College/October 4, J984 SGA Today Security, infirmary Senate to decide washer, relocate in Decker Recent cantruction and of- dryer issue Oct. 10 fice reshuffling has left some students looking in the wrong by Peter Brooks Board, (1 independent male, places for the offices upon ~raimM.M~ which they depend This 'space has been pro- and 1 c.ommuters~udent)Stu- vided 10 the Student Govern- de~t L!fe Co~ncll, (1 or 2) The college Activities Office :\"1 A . tt (SGA) for Affirmative Action. (1) Student (CAO), in its second move in menl ssccta Ion. I Publications Board. Applica- as many years, has relocated ~ Information concerning wha tions for these positions are back upstairs between Stu- £---l.. " <- ... :.\ ' • Ih~ .stud.ents, faculty. and ad- available at the Information dent Affairs and the Presi- mlnlst~atlon ~re currently for- Desk and should be mailed to dent's office. In addition to ,...,#It mulatlng With respect to "The SGA regaining its former location, W.esternMaryland College al- Freshmen Class Officers the Director of College Activi- fairs . . wilt be elected on Wed. Oct ties, Ms. Kathleen Dawkins, , - It IS Important to tell your '0. On Thurs. Oct. 4 there will maintains an office within the SGA Senator where y.ousta~d be a meeting for all freshman Student Affairs. section. This on any Is~ue dealing With interested in the SGA confer- move was designed to physi- college alfal.rsso that ~e. can ence room at 7 pm. cally shorten the lines of com- t~ke It up With the aomlnlstra- __ A meeting is scheduled munication between Dawkins non or faculty. Talk to your between SGA president Peter and her immediate superior Senator...they r~present you. Brooks, President Robert H Dean of Student Affairs Dr. they are your bridge for brinq- Chambers. Dean Philip Sayre Philip Sayre. ~imp~~out change on this and Ms. Kathy Dawki.n.s,Di- The College Activities Pro- gramming Board, riding on -. While you. are bringing ~~~~p~f t~O~~~~t~~I~ltl:t~I~~ the coattails of the CAO, has up Issues of Im~ortance to d I of the SGA in the also relocated on the upper your Senator don t' forget to fu~ur:o e _ level of Decker Colfege Cen- cast your vote on the washer _ Don't forget Homecom- ~~C~~~~d~~O~ore spacious in system for the concoc .. The ing is on the 13th of October. choices were (1) To remain at The Parade will be immedi- Campus security has shifted It was determined that downstairs, while the offices 7~. cents, (2) To Increase ately preceding the dedica- its base of operations from Health Services no longer re- of Drs. Alexander Ober, Sam- tuition by $3 per semest~r tion 01 the Physical Education the basement of Elderdice quired ..a building as large as uel Case, and Richard Car- and wash free of c~st. We Will Learninq Center. Hall to lower level DCC, in the Thompson Infirmary and penter will be transferred from decide at the meeting . on __ I would like to extend my office formerly occupied by needed to be more centrally the Harlow Pool complex. The Octo.ber ~O, to be held In the apologies to Ms. Joyce Mr. Mitchell Alexander. Assist- located to handle student offices of the Assistant Direc- President s House, all stu- Muller, Director of Public In- ant to the Director of College emergencies. tor of Athetetlcs, Dr. Carol dents are welcome. formation, and to the staff of Activities. Finally, a complete reorgani- Fritz and coach Becky Martin - Tomorrow is the deadline the Phoenix for the misspell- In addition, Campus Health zation of the Atheletic Depart- will move across campus for the student-faculty posi- ings in last weeks article. Services has also abandoned ment offices has been from the Blanche Ward Gym- tions that are open. These s I'd like to thank the officers its longtime location, Thomp- possible due to the renovation naslurr-. Only Ms. Catherine committees are one at the few of the SGA, for their hard son Infirmary, in favor of lower of part of Gin Gymnasium Easterday, Aquatics Director, ways that students have an work and contributions to this level DCC adjacent to the The offices of some male will remain in her present influence in college policy article. These people include: Union National Bank and atheletic department mem- location overlocrkingthe swim- The positions open for stu- Jeff Sweren, Susan Junt. Suz- Campus Security. bers will simply be moved ming pool dents are: (1) Calendar and anne Meadow, Margaret Lecture sparks controversy . J Schedule, (4) Disciplinary Miller, George Peck. and l Hearinp Board, (2) Honor John Palmer continued from page 1 experience in Central America other governments, not one that c~d with their involvement == coups into stable' productive. Waghelstein also Welliver honored comments, "We are trying to in ant;:.interventionist organi- countries to provide protec- show them how things are zations, th~ Wright's give dif- ton for corporate profits. Dur- Each year, as a part of the Class Agent for the Class of changing for the better." This ferent view of Central mg the Guatamcla take.over traditional Homecoming activi- 1950 and has worked for the is going to be a long hard American policy. 100,000 people were killed ties, the award for Alumnus of Centennial Expansion Emer- battle and the first steps have Ms. Wright, a termer r-eace Chile lost over 10 percent of the Year is presented at half- gency Program at the Col- already been taken. Accord- Corps volunteer, has been to her population dunng the time of the Homecoming foot- lege. In 1976 he received the ing to the Colonel, Congress Nicaragua twice since the 1972 coup." ball game - Meritorious Service Award must realize that there will not revolution. Wilbur, in fact, im- On October lJ, itle nattnrne from the WMC Alumni Asso- be an overnight victory and it ports crafts from Central Mr. Wright comments, "The ceremony will honor Dr dation. He currently is serving will take additional funding to America and has visited many (act that we are trying to Daniel I. Welliver, '50. The as chairman of the Carroll accomplish these goals - countries including EI Salva- make it an east-west conflict award honors Welliver for his County Special Gifts Cam- "We can't just walk away dor. is an excuse to protect our enthusiastic and abundant paign for the Physical Educa- from it and I see no alterna- political interests. It would not service to Western Maryland tion Learning Center tives." he stresses In contrast to Colonel be well thought of as the US College: his years of service Welliver lives in Westminster One of the ways Waghelstein waoneistems comments, Ms. versus EI Salvador or Gran- to church and community; with his wife, Mary Ada Wel- thinks that the guerrillas can Wright claims, "We are the ada for that matter. It must be and his prominence and dis- liver. Their son, Paul, is the be weakened is by cutting off reason that these countries thought of as the US versus tinction he has achieved in new athletic trainer at WMC. arms shipment from Nicara- have not yet reached the the Soviet Union or Cuba." twentieth century. Our corpo- Ms. Wright says, "The struc- the medical profession. a~~rd~1~~t~IZm~ A~Se~~i~~i~~~~~h~'T;~er~i~!~u~ti~~gho:ne~ rations exploit the people of tural threat is not from com- Welliver IS a past president will present a Young Alumnus communication lines are rou- these countries by taking ad- munism but from all popular o~ the Maryland State Board Service Award to Katherine tinely cut off. The only way to vantage of cheap labor with movements in general be- of Medical Examiners and Blazek Wright, '74. The award stop arm shipments was to no health plans or vacations." cause they can occur in the censure. a past president of honors Wright for a decade of mine the Nicaraguan ports" She adds, "This is lust a US." To Waghelsteins' com- e Carroll County Medical continuous loyal service to her During the question and smoke screen for corporate ment that we cannot leave E\ ociety; a past president of class, to the Young Alumni of answer period of Waghel- profits." Salvador without giving it to the Maryland Academy of Baltimore, to the Alumni Asso- stein's briefing session at She then continues, adding the Soviets, Ms. Wright Family Practice: and author of elation and to Western Mary- WMC, conflict was sparked "Waghelstein's comment claims, "The longer we stay, professional articles pub- land College by a part time student, Ms. about keeping Central Amer- the more difficult it will be to fished nationally. He presently Wright has served as class Sandy Wright, who has lived ica under control, in order to come upon a settlement." Mr. serves -on the Board of Direc- secretary for the Class of in Central America off and on have influence in the rest 01 Wright adds, "All we have to tors for the National Federa- 1974: a member of the Young for the last 15 years. Wright, the world, sounds like some- do is announce we are leav- tion Licensing and Alumni Committee; and as and her husband Wilbuc thing Henry Kissinger would ing and Duarte' would be at Examination Board treasurer of the Baltimore stand In vehement opposition say. We are supposed to be L_W_el_Iiv_e_r_h_a_s_s_e_rv_ed_a_s_a_Y"o:.:u"ng,--A~lu_m,-ni_C;_h..;.a:;.pt..;.er__ --, s~y!n3_!h_al_~~r _ f!_rst._band a governm~nt t_hal sl!pports continued on page 7
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