Page 4 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 4
Page 4,we.tem Maryland College/September 27, 1984 Editorial Western Maryland: new and improved Students of Western Maryland College, welcome to the new and improved Hill. This, new playground for seekers of higher education is brought to you by big bucks. More than a few jaws dropped upon eyeballing the multi- million dollar field house. When I took my first tour of the installation, after only 15 minutes, I could not find an exit. Each door held a different adventure but no exit. One room contained a complete sports medical center with sunken whirlpool. The weight room uses no weights but instead touts the state of the art pneumatic pressure system. The entire facility is a quantum leap from the stone age to the microprocessor,treadmill to the stress test. Basketball is no longer a game at WMC, it is a sport.. Have you seen ANW recently? It now resembles a high rent apartment complex, as opposed to the project style housing of the past. The new dorm is very comfortable and also pleasing to the eye. The entire campus has the glow of revitalization. We have new co-ed dorms, and refurbished student and administration facilities. The quad has grass and Danial MacLea sports carpeted halls. Religion must participate WMC, let's not screw this up. If we keep up the same kind of reckless abandonment that plagued this college in the apathy, fear, violence and hate. I hope that those elements in public moral debates past, students will simply have to live with the vandalism and accept it. So far this semester I have not seen attitudes of have left our campus for good. I also know that this is a by Lloyd Hart chance of that. state should trespass upon fantasy. There is perhaps no more America is' land of the mid- the line of specificity concern- At present we have a school that is trying to provide for dangerous, yet essential sub- dle road. It is as far removed ing endorsement or critism. A some of our basic human needs and then some. Our student ject to discuss in this presi- from theocracy as it is from political leader who endorses activities have been improved. We see Risky Business now dential campaign than the communism, yet it is not void one view of one religious instead of The Blob. There are weekend activities to take part, role of religion in politics and of religion and we must ac- group is then seen not as in besides the ever-present party in the quad. In addition, the separation of church and cept organized religion's right supporting on opinion, but as those parties in the quad can be held in clean and pleasant state. " to express- its views and work choosing that group and all surroundings. Such a debate is a threat in toward its goals, as others do. its positions over all others. Not only do we have a new campus, we also have a new that it challenges the long We would do welJ to remem- However erroneous the per: set of upper eschelon administrators. If given a chance, held view that the public ber that intotlerance of religion ception. it is just that. On the perhaps these people with fresh ideas and a .different forum, in government or out, is as much a form of bigotry other hand, a religious leader- perspective can make WMC a place that you will be proud to cannot be used to debate the as intotlerance by religion. ship that openly favors a send your kids to. religious aspects of moral di- But, if religious groups particular candidate endan- , I lemmas. This is directly and choose to publicly express gers its credibility, as noted l The indirectly a violation of the their views on controversial by the Rev. Harvey Cox, a Harvard University professor, topics, they certainly cannot disres- First Ammendment, expect to be shielded from pectful of religious freedom because the determination of and tolerance and America criticism by the First Am- moral values is at a more Phoenix will discuss it no further.- mendment basic, yet higher, level than politics. Such an answer is neat and With this in mind, tidy and completely unrealis- many tic. Those who would have prominent religious leaders of Another alarming trend is the wall of separation be- all faiths agree, religion's the practice of religious label- Editor-in-Chief . Bill Mann tween church and state im- voice should "annunciate the ing and name-calling. A can- Managing Editor. . Michael Kraig penetrable are denying this values and clarify the moral didate's stance on true issues Copy Editor .. . Jonathon Slade nation's heritage. Our found- principles involved in public should not also earn him a Layout Editor. . Lloyd Hart ing moral prtnctcais are policy issues... but... our reli- reputation as un-Christian, Features Editor Barbara Abel deeply rooted in religion. gious leaders would do well. anti-Semitic, or simply intoller- Sports Editor Elizabeth Leik Many of our ancestors came to say they do not support ant of religion. whether it be Photography Editor .Stacey Pucci here to escape religious per- any specific legislation or from one's opponent or the Photography. ..~MonicaBrunson, Kelty Conners, secution. Their beliefs left an candidate." This view, put Catholic Archbishop of New Elizabeth Leik "indelible mark upon our own. forth by Jesuit Father Joseph York Business Manager Eric Greenberg We are not and have never O'Hare, president of Fordham The questioning of another's Advertising Manager. ....Carol O'Brien been a secular nation. University, is clearly the high- degree of faith or his right to Reporting Staff Robert Miller, Steven Rossman, In fact, we are one of the est road for the church and identify himself with a faith is Michael Quillin, Jill Grahowski, most religious nations on should be emulated by politi- beyond anyone's right. This Cindy Schafer, Melissa Renehan, earth. Nearly 95 per cent of cians. They should refrain association must be left to the Jennifer Martin, Michael Miller, all Americans say they be- from connecting themselves conscience. of the individual Cynthia Gelhard. lieve in God with a particular sect. Speak- Religion is a part of our Millions, the majority, cannot ing before an ecumenical lives and it is a part of our Publishedby and for the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege. be expected to check their prayer breakfast lor a B'nai The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily beliefs at the door of a public government. But it does not not reflect those of the staff or administration building or lock them in their B'rith convention link. does What have exclusive domain over this establish either. With both religion and We welcomecommentsandlor suggestions.Pleaseaddress all homes of places of worship should be of more concern is government acting in their mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Yet. some are afraid that if we a candidate who makes dis- Westminster,Md. 21157. unlock this door the very paraging remarks about Jews proper roles, one as the legis- lator of. the L....dy, the other Member of the Associated Collegiate Press 82 reasons our ancestors fled and whose campaign has the counselor of the soul. we Europe will manifest them- produce both a strong and been conducted almost ex- selves in our government clusively from the pulpit of a compassionate nation, and However, America's vast reli- southern Baptist church. the moral fiber to keep it that gious diversity leaves little Neither the church nor the way
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