Page 5 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 5
September 27, 1984IWestern Maryland College(p~e 5 What would ¥_~u like ~e~Lin~~e~~~dl~ters~f~f~!~ngmade "m0re of 0n to see _ dressed to Mr, Steven a Ross- WMC, of all the new people I nostalgic me feel really about man, last year's editor of the spring of '83 I spent in -US? copy requesting Contrast, cam of the literary the magazine. is Ms. met there, and the things I learned at Or. Cipolla's lee- Lal, Srimati writer, CUf- (ently residing in Calcutta, tures on film, and Prof. Pal- That ijczuk's art studio. India. ,..-----=----, ...-----~-_-, Dear Steven Rossman, semester was a very special, Thank you for your kind wonderful time of personal letters informing me about the growth for me, and WMC lives publication of my poem in on in my mind. although I am Contrast and the poetry read- so very far away in miles. ing held on April 15 at Mc- Thank you for including me in Daniel Lounge. Unfortunately Contrast and thus making my for me, I could not walk memory of WMC even more across and participate, be- special and valuable! cause I'm thousands of miles Wishing you all the best. away now - on the opposite end of the globe! But your Snrnati Lai, alumnus Have the doors to the More student expression More creative programs Amend meal plan dorms open longer. through student teacher from interaction. the students, How many times a day do usually hungry' until late morn- Kevin O'Connor Soanne Cimmino Kathy Dawkins you eat? I eat two meals and ing anyway. After classes end Freshman Sophomore Director of college sometimes a snack. Yet, at 1 p.m. I eat lunch, five being on room and board I hours later dinner is served. activities pay for three. I have no I'm just not hungry enough to choice in the matter. I must eat dinner five hours afte pay ~orthree meals a day if I lunch. Many times I skip din- live In Rouzer. I believe that nero So on an average day- f many students who are on full eat in the dining hall once. board· do not eat all three This does not include week- meals the majority of the time. ends, when I am mostly out a I understand that small col- town. Does' this seem right leges like WMC find it difficult that I should eat between to arrange meals for less than eight and 12 meals a wee a full crowd. But it seems and pay for 21! unfair ! to f am not aware of how many '_"_ _ _.JIL "'-' _ __:__:_......l ~r~:y ap~~n~~o~t~~~~~s~~:: ~~:e~~~~! t~~ow~b~~~~I~~i~ enthusiasm don't eat that many. I find it offered an alternate mea sponsored almost impossible to get to plan. All I am asking for is t the dining hall twice a day let be charged for what I eat an Mike Quillin Charissa Wieland al~ne~~r:~~rage day I get up ~otta~re~i~~ t~~!, ~~~:~e ~ _____________________________ Senior breakfast right awa . 1am not Marriott. ""'lMlch~! Kralg Junior a.m. This eliminates at 9:30 I l Contrast editor blasts English _dept. « Editor, stunted present campus inter- departments that snculd be The turnout at the Contrast est in your publication. You supporting your efforts, attend poetry reading last semester have a staff of about six this impressive affair. was a case in point. Only a people, aU of whom are in- handful of people attended volved in other activities and What was most disappoint- what was probably the first can not devote their full ef- ing about that situation-was poetry reading of Western forts to your publication that those people had never Maryland College's literary gone out of their way to magazine, Contrast, since the Now imagine that despite all actively generate interest in magazine was established. of that, you and your staff Contrast to begin with. Yet, it The poetry reading was a generate enough interest was in their own best interests special and memorable occa- (through much publicity), re- to do so. sion. It was one which typifies ceiving about one hundred What should have occurred, the college experience of submissions (on a campus of and what I hope will happen American people gathered for a com- about 1,400, including faculty, in the future, is for the .English mon cause (the glory of litera- administration and alumni), department, in particular, to ture anc oral storytelling) and judge those submissions dur- offer their services to the Cancer enjoying each other's com- ing many meetings and print literary magazine by providing pany. Conspicuously absent a top quality literary maga- positive input and generating Society from this congregation were ztne-.a magazine superior to interest on and off campus. ! people who normally encour- any that came before it. am speaking about teachers aged and supported such offering to write essays, give creative pursuits members of Finally, suppose that you criticism, offer suggestions, the English and arts depart- yourself put up posters all attend any future poetry read- ments, as well as students over the campus and in town -ings and generally help make who majored in those areas. to publicize a poetry reading Contrast popular and integral where students and teachers part of the college experi- Imagine that you are the can read their own poetry ence. It is of detriment to the editor of your college's literary English department's own magazine. Imagine also, that Poetry that you published in image if they do not actively il or write your iocal unit the poor leadership of pre- your literary maqazine. support the college literary of the American Cancer vious years and the resulting Imagine that none of the magazine. Society for a free negative altitudes have faculty and students, of the Steven Rossman, Senior