Page 13 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 13
October 4, 1984/Western Maryland CoJlegeIPage 5 60 seconds on campus ..steven Rossma.... __ , 1 What do-you think of WMC's Jan Term: Who alcohol policy? tows the line My foreign friend does not Abdul opened his eyes very understand what Western wide and said, "That's it? You Maryland College is all about. go through all that for a little ~ Don't get me wrong. He is a stinky sticker?!" kind and intelligent guy, but f=. ~ 1 he just doesn't know what this raining now, as people took "That's right, Abdul," It was college is all about. I Take last Tuesday, for in- cover. "And then you are regis- stance. I was waiting on this tered for your January Term long line for Jan Term regis- course?" tration. It stretched from Eld- "Well, not exactly," I smiled erdice to Alumni Hall. People politely. "The number I get were sitting, standing, sun- determines what time I must bathing. Some even brought be at the Forum,'" along their Walkmans and were listening to music. It was "You 'mean, you must wait great fun, and something I on line again tomorrow?" Abdul's eyes nearly popped look forward to each year. In The pubis doing poorly. It I fact. I was a little sad. This out of his head. "Yes. Then I will get the Jan is only busy two nights a the people would be the last time I would Term course I want" participate in something I had week.On the weekends the parties can come to love and cherish. "What if you do not get the . parties take all business. Just then my friend, who is course you desire?" Doris Bowie Dwain Woodley from another country, walked Pub junior over to say hello "l'rn a senior. I will get the course I want," I snapped. I Art dept. neglected in favor 01 alhletes cession start?" he asked. .with all of Abdul's questions. was getting a little annoyed "What time does the pro- "But what if you do not get is "But only To those of the readers who of one of the underdog de- lack of adequate working "Six-fifteen," I replied. twelve the course you want?" Abdul it expected me to write about a partments in WMC's aca- space, supplies and proper o'clock. my·friend. Do you not persisted. "You are a senior, stolen Art Department toilet, I demic society. equipment. How long must have classes. but seniors do not have pref- offer an apology and a brief The Art Department is we wait for these repairs? "And how long have xyou erence." "That's true," I had explanation. For the unin- housed in what used to be A move has been made to been on line?" Abdul asked to admit. "But seniors used to formed, last Thursday a toilet WMC's library, between provide the Art Club and suspiciously. get preference. One year, was taken from the Art BUild- Blanche Ward Hall and Little similar student organizations numbers were arbitrarily given ing without the knowledge of Baker Chapel. I'm sure many with small budgets to get "Since about' eight o'clock out by computer and no one anyone in the department, people are familiar with the them off the ground, but no this morning," said r, pulling a had to wail on line," I remem- stirring up tempers in this impressive facade of the decisive action has been chicken leg out of my picnic bered fondly. generally ignored department.; building, but not so many with taken. And the art building is basket. "Would you like a "Ah, that sounds much sim- and prompting me to write an the shabby conditions of the falling apart. So, the athletes piece?" pler and less time consum- j stealers of toilets. However, I interior. To just name a few of finally got a new gym and "No, thank you." Abdul stu- ing," Abdul said inftammatory letter denuncing the major repairs needed, I there are plans to expand the I realized that the issue here is note the leaking roof, the library. Even the dorms are died me for a moment. "Why that wasn't what the "real "Yeah. But they decided not the toilet, or lack thereof. are you eating out here?" inferior lighting and a base- being improved. Great! When (Incidentally, the toilet was promptly reptaced.) The real ment floor in desperate need will the artists get their turn at "Well, J didn't eat breakfast world" was like. So they voted against it" of repair. The list may be new, improved facilities? issue is the shabby treatment expanded to include an utter Rosie Andrews, Junior and I won't be able to eat "Who voted against it?" -ThomasGarlandl----- _ lunch. So f made my own "They did," I said indig- lunch today," I said while eating my chicken leg and nantly "Who are "they"? Cooperation buil-ds college drinking a warm soda. You will will you let me finish my lunch "I don't know, Abdul. Now "Please explain. miss breakfast, lunch, all your in peace!" In his essay, Civil Disobedi- tried to keep an open mind question. I, for one, would like classes and stand in line for ence, Henry David Thoreau thus far. All of that aside, to know exactly where the ten hours? For what?" "This registration business supports the motto that "that though, I feel that some mem- doesn't sound so hot, my government is best which bers of the administration are ~~~ts~t~~~~o~nsib~;i~:s,Ofa~~ Abdul was quite perturbed friend. It goes against the governs Jeast." Now, this can using this very confusion to general effectiveness as a and so I told him simply, "I 'First Principles,' you' know, also be said to apply to make changes that are sure policy making tool. The pur- am doing all this so that I can "We place students at the college administrations in re- to be disagreeable to all, or a pose of the SGA, as slated in ~ee~is~e~o~o~u~~er,J:~IT~~~ center of a humane environ- gard to student affairs. This is portion of the student body. A rnenf." not to say that our adminfstra- case in point is the still open ~ur,~~rr~~~~t~t~e~~:angde~~~i course I want." I started to tion should make itself invisi- fire-door issue in the new welfare of the student body feel a few drops of rain. a~~~t~~t t a;:id, y~~ei~~lk~7~ ble, for the rules and policies Albert Norman Ward Hall and to express a student "I see," he said. He was warily they implement are, for the voice in the affairs of the clearly confused. "What hap- most part, vital to the smooth The fact of the matter is that college." As it seems to be pens at six-fifteen?" "It is in the college hand- operation of the school. Whal students are generally very turning out, our collective stu- "Everyone goes through the book. Have you never read t am trying to say, through the creative at solving problems dent voice has directed itself line. When you get to the the 'First Principles'?" words of Thoreau, is that they that closely effect their lives. to nothing more pressing than door, one person checks to "No," I replied. I rummaged should know when 10 leave Witho~t at least some sort of washing machines and even see lf you are really a student through my picnic basket. well enough alone interaction between the ad- there it trembles with indeci- at the college, then another "Would you like a banana?" ministration and students this Realizing that we are now important resource is wasted siveness. Here let me say that person checks to see-It you "Are all Americans so living under a new administra- Of course, you might ask, the fault lies neither with the really have your registration crazy?" said Abdul, laughing tion and are bound to experi- what about the Student Gov- SGA nor the administration card. Finally, someone puts a heartily. He took the banana alone. In this sometimes ten- and we both laughed, com- little sticker, with a number ence some of the growth ernment Association? In light uous relationship all involved between one and sixteen, on pletely drenched from the pangs characteristic of any of the recent policy changes must be able and ready to your card." ram. period of transition I have this is indeed a very good give and take. I.... J
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