Page 12 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 12
Page 4IWestem Maryland College/October 4, 1984 Editorial ~1fU1 ~ ~EN.1lIE" A~ ~f!. IN ~~. flft5r ...... Register to vote, it's America's duty Register. This word can call make?" Well. if you don't forth memories of assembly register and vote, you will line tedium, the beginning of never know. There are always an infinite wait, or the reality those few who say, "I don't that upon reaching the head care what happens." If this is of the line, you find that what the case then perhaps it is you came to register for is no better if you don't vote. We longer available. We are all understand that crawling into registered for something pas- a hole is much easier then sively or actively. We register walking into a voting booth our cars and for our classes, For the majority of students, birth and Jan Term. Some registration is not avoided but people register with Selective simply it does not possess Service and some even regis- the immediacy of classes, ter to vote cars, and television Can you recall your parents With the selection of the speaking of their "time," their next President of the United era of activity. That was the States hanging in the bal- age when their lives took on a ance, registering to vote is a faster pace. They were more main concern. While it is rea- aware and able to deal with sonable to assume that most their environment single hand- have registered their cars with edly. At this moment it is our "time," time to begin sharing the Department of Motor Vehi- some of those responsibilities Gromyko~s visit will ctes. we are well aware of the fact that nearlv half of the which our parents still cher- student body is' not registered ish. Now that we are able and yield little substance to vote. It is not our intention encouraged to accept a por- to preach about your basic tion of that once-envied re- freedoms, or how privileged sponsibility, suddenly there by Lloyd Hart tie ground surrounds arms- decided the U.S. would not the U.S. Citizen is to have the are better things to do. Is this control. And right now the try to keep up in the arms right to vote. Indeed. lor a true? Few ideals are more Andrei Gromyko set loot in battle has reached an im- race. They gambled a huge moment, let us seek reasons important than perpetuating the White House for the first passe. The U.S. wants to percentage of their gross na- for not registering. Why not the tradition of a great nation time in six years last Friday. discuss strategic and me- tional product on this and register? It can t be time, The following statement is dis- No one is certain of the dium-range missiles and the they have lost. registration lakes only a few played near the campus post results, if any, of this and U.S. will not holds discussions ar~hse;00n~~6It~~iO~c~n~~~ minutes and provided you office. It is unsigned. "Be a other meetings the Soviet For- remain a U.S. Citizen, lasts for true American, use one of the eign Minister has attended ~~~tli~~in~e~~oeu~':~s-~~~Ir~ reasons above all. five years as long as you vote greatest gifts you have, your during his short stay in the negotiations started again is a The Russian economy is in at least once during that time right to vote. It's your choice. U.S. One thing is sure, concession on this point the midst of a long and deep Some people respond with, Your voice counts, your vote though, someone is going to ~£~ik~~~i~%~~g~O~~~:~~~~~~~~~;~v:~~~€,:ig~n~e~~! "What difference- can I counts. Register to vote." benefit from this eleventh hour diplomacy and it's not Walter Russian marketplace. They The Mondale. has any new proposals with cannot afford to keep this up him, and if he does they It's no secret that the meet- and still feed their people. he will offer them. doubt Phoenix Lngwith Gromyko is for purely Gauging by past Soviet offi- They cannot gamble again on political reasons. It is also no four more years of escalation. cers, if anything, he will offer that the Presi- coincidence nothing more than a reitera- dent's first meeting with high tion of 010 Soviet positions They have to get out soon Then their is also the ques- level Soviet officials come just Editor-in-Chief ..... . BiII Mann jive weeks before the presi- with new labels. :~; ~~V\~aG~io~h~r~~~~etho~ Managing Editor .. . Michael Kraig dential elections. But however Then why this sudden initia- world is at a low ebb not only Copy Editor.... . Jonathan Slade superficial these meetings are tive on the part of Gromyko? in Europe, but in Southeast Layout Editor ... Lloyd Hart likely to be, it does effectively And why now instead 01 after Asia and Central America as well. The ongoing war in AI- the election? It is indeed out eliminate one 01 the major Barbara Abel II Features Editor . . . Elizabeth Leik egy. of character for Gromyko to ganistan and the continuing points of the Mondale strat- Sports Editor.. place himself in the middle of Soviet support of Nicaragua Stacey Pucci Photography Editor .. Photography... Margaret Gemski,Ursula Wiedmann The former Vice President U.S. electoral politics, consid- has caused even its staunch- Business Manager. . .Eric Greenberg has consistently pointed out ering that never before have est allies, Rumania and East Advertising Manager.. . .... Carol O'Brien that Reagan was until now, high level Soviet officials ac- Germany among them, to Reporting Staff Robert Miller, Steven Rossman, the first president since Her- tively sought, much less held question Moscow Michael Quillin, Jill Grahowski, bert Hoover not to meet with meetings with opposition Perhaps the cruelest aspect Cindy Schafer, Melissa Renehan, top Soviet officials. Obviously presidential candidates of this display is that it proba- Jennifer Martin, Michael Miller. last weeks developments h~~ea~~:~I~se~h~~e~~e~~~ie:~bly won't yield anything in the CynthiaGelhard. pulled the rug out from under the re-election of Ronald Rea- ~~tO~fIYr!~~ :~~~ ~~~t~~t~~i this argument. As Time maga- zine noted, "the chance to be ~a;a~~~inaen~~e:ri~~~~~t~~sd~: work is il both sides agree to Publisheouy and tor the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege seen shaking hands with Gro- The opinions expressed in this publicationdo rot necessarily myko in the White House Oval They have finally realized that ~~-t~~I~ti~~~.e~~~~~e~~~~~;~ reflect those of the staff or administration Office could reap rich political America, while it is not a Eisenhower offered on-site in- nation of hawks, will not have spectton to the Soviets and We welcomecommentsend/or suggestions.Pleaseaddressall benefits. its good faith abused they refused, 30 years ago. mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Aside from the usual agree- Reagan has _Westminster,Md. 21157 ments on continued cultural successfully put the Soviets There is little chance of. them accepting it now Member of the Associated Collegiate Press Ell and scientific exchanges and on the defensive, and is bar- stances, arms control for the Under present circum- pledges-to continue negotia- gaining from the only logical tions on everything from trade position, .one of strength sake of arms control is a to _humanrights, the real bat- Long ago the Soviet Union waste of time
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