Page 6 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 6IWestem M_!ryland College/September ?7, 1984 New gym praised by Monica Brunson Andrew Feldman '85 • The new Physical Education a~~ I~~~t~~~~I~~I.i,~bing wall Learning Center, (PELC),was Ron Carter '87 _ . designed to accommodate in- "With the new equipment door sports activities and there's less peer pressure to physical education classes. lift more Ihan you really can." But will the P.ELC. attract A check-in policy has been students? implemented to ensure the Nancy Hutchinson, '86 - safety of both the students "It" attracts better athletes and the equipment. What do and makes tournament play you think of this policy? more practical." Eleanor Danko '85 _ Donna cary, '88 - "The check-in policy is fine, "It's great because it at- but I wish I had received tracts both the devoted ath- some prior notice of the rules ~~~rete~~d the occasional and regulations." Wanda Sparrow '86 - Cheryl Glammanco '87 - > "It will hopefully attract more "It's good because out- students to the indoor sport- alders can't use the eouip- ing events," ment when students want to," • Do t:=ootball drops opener r~m W:~~hts~~~~: ~:~~e~~~ The college spent $10 mil- The Terror football team puts up a tough fight In a loss to Gettysburg. eluded in the building. Do you lion to build the P.ELC. feel that these facilities and you think that the money was r l other equipment are useful? spent well? cathy Choy 'SS _ Peter Brooks '87 _ by "'ellssa Renehan, penalized an astronomical 18 Gettysburg opponents on his "The equipment in the "It shouldn't have been so Plagued by a virtually non- times for 210 yards, but the back, He finished with 28 weight room is much better, big; we needed a new li- existent offense, the Western Terrors never managed to yards on 11 carries and the weight room itself is brery." Maryland football team capitalize, Mike Toner and Mike m~nm~~li~n;~rt~ble," Luke Levensohn '87 _ ~;~~:~~ ~~:ir~:~;~~u~ge~~~~ to:~1c~~~na:~~gt~stw~~~~i~~ ~~~v::v~~ ~~~S~~~ddt~f;~~~ "The trainer and trainer's "They could have added lets, that .tbe sc.ore was not more each. Tony Callahan had five rooms are great." _ ~g~:dw:ign~c~oo:a~~~~~,and Co-captain Mike Fuller lopsided. Western Maryland tackles and 15 assists ~~h~~y;~6t~':ufPment Michael lewis '87 _ ,,~~~~do~h: f~~~I:r~~o~~~c~~ ~=~dn:eong~~n~?ay:w~~~eG~~ The defensive secondary and facilities which make it a "It's a hassle, but it serves the first Quarterof play. Fuller, tysburg rolled over a tired showed perhaps the most more complete gym," its purpose." a junior offensive and oeten- WMC defense for 431 yards promise for the Terrors. They held Gettysburg to only four slve lineman, snagged the on 85 plays Cross Country airborn-fumble and lumbered Senior starting quarterback, completions in 11 attempts, and Rick Rockeffeller picked 75 yards to knot the score at drops debut afternoon, Terror fans had Ray Evans, completed only off a Gettysburg pass deep in 7-7. But for the rest of the Western Maryland Territory to four of 17 passes for 22 thwart a Gettysburg scoring yards. little to cheer about by Kelly Connors fore Saturday's meet, he The Terror offense struggled Despite the embarrassing drive The cross country team put stated that F&M would be a!1 afternoon recording only loss, a few players performed The Terror squad travels to forth a great deal of effort and very tough to beat, but he eight first downs, most of well. Other than Fuller, Kenny Pennsylvania to take on the , I dedication in their Sept. 22 tri- feels more optimistic with the which came via Gettysburg Boyd ran hard up the middle, Bears of Ursinus Saturday, was pen~lties. often carrying three and four Gettysburg ~~~It:~dai~!:sr~gklin & Mar- ~~co:\~g ~:~tsth~r. ;~~~~~ September 22 l This meet was Ihe first of learn losl a 101of good run- Field hockey best since '7,n the season, and although ners last year, but also ::1 both the men's and women's gained three promising by Melissa Renehan Harden, and junior Sue the Green Terror women bat- teams lost, several Terrors'put ~omen this year - Ann The Western Maryland field Malkus. Freshman goalie, liz lied F&M. Unfortunately, the Terrors' bid for a third con- ~Mc~~o~rianP"r{~~~:a~~~:d ~q~~~:e~:ere:~~£Ea~~ ~~9;~y~:~~~~:1~~gt~~~.f~tel- ~~~~~'e d~~afgdsa~~sS~~11i~ secutive victory was thwarted by the consistently strong ~6~~n~;r~~r ~I~~:d ~~~;h5!i Gustafsen, Lynn Schuler, Mary's in a pre-season scrim- Co-captain Barbie Hess Fond M team. The WMC 26:40, and Sue Stevenson Becky Nave, and Alice Cia- mage': the Green Terror said the Juniata rout installed stickers fell 2-1, a considera- place third for the women, lieUa. Beginning runners on women faced Juniata on Sep- confidence in the Green and ble improvement, however, in with a time of 19:29. Tracy the men's team are John tember 15. WMC embar- Gold attack "It proved we previous deficits versus F&M. Serratellialso ran a good race Laprade, John Robinson, and rassed their opponent 5-0, could score," she remarked Nancy Hutchinson scored in 21:40. Sean Walsh. The rest of the their first five-goat perform- On the other hand, the York the lone goal on a penalty F&M won the men's meet, men's team consists of Rich ance since 1979. contest tested the WMC de- shot in the second half scoring 22 points. Western Harfst, Rob McLaughlin, Joe Freshman Stacey Bradley, tense because "they are more Co-captain Hess described Maryland received a score of Thomas, Tyl Heinemann,and scoring 3 of the 5 goals, is on our level," according to the F&M confrontation as "an 39. In the women's meet, Keller. more than sufficiently filling Hess aggressive, evenly matched F&M placed first again, fe- Those people who have the gap at link left by 1984 WMC's field hockey team game." Coaches Weyers and ceiving an 18. Messiah's never been to a cross country graduate, Susie Matthews. has faced several changes Hemphill were pleased with women were second with 26, meet are certainly missing out Each adding one to the score this season- which may be team's performance. and Western Maryland fin- on a very competitive sport were juniors Alyce Harden contributing to this early suc- Sue Cooke said the F&M ished third. The distance of The runners not only compete and Nancy Hutchinson. Cap- cess. Coach Weyers, returned contest would be "a key fac- the men's race was 4.75 against other teams, but tains Sue Cooke and Barbie from a one year sebatical. is tor" in maintining the team's miles, and the women's was a against the clock and their Hess, along with Hutchinson, combining her defense-ori- morale. "A lot of teamwork" is 5000 m run. personal record. Running tallied one assist apiece. ented coachinq style with the greatest contributor to the Dr. Rick Carpenter, the takes a lot of dedication and Septemberzo. WMC won a Coach RoxanneHemphill's of- hockey team's early victories, coach for the past six years, personal discipline. The' run- tougher battle versus York fensive strategies. "Their according to Cooke. "You can feels confident about this sea- ners work out on their own 'College at York. A 3-2 victory, styles compliment one an- really feel it," added Hess. son. He believes that both schedule in the morning and Sue Cooke scored the win- other," said Hess. In addition "It's great!" teams are going to present have a team practice in the ning goal with 9:15 left to go to the new coaching combina- WMC field hockey travels to some tough competition, yet afternoon, The cross country in the 10 minute overtime. lion, the field hockey team Messiah College on October he also stresses that some of team's next meet is at home Again, Alyce Harden and has moved to a new home 2 and battles Gettysburg on their hardest meets are at the this Saturday against Gettys- Nancy Hutchinson each field located behind the Scott October 4 before returning beginning of the season. Be- burg, scored in regulation time. As- S. Bair Stadium. home to take on Lebanon '-_::_....;.,;......;..;.;;:;;::.;.;,,;.;:;.,_;;..;.;;...__ ~ _1 sists are attributed to Cooke, _Saturday,_September 22, Valley, Saturday, October 6.
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