Page 61 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 61
December 6, l&84lWeltem Maryland CollegeIPage 5 60 seconds on camp-us Sororities refute Do you .think that the pub editoria/statement should be in operation in the concerning hazing fall of '8S? Editor, conduct responsible new pledging mem- so that programs This letter is in response to bers are educated about the the Nov. 8 editorial "Inhuman traditions and meanings of Greek Hazing Practices Must the societies and begin to Cease Now." build loyalty towards them. As It seems The Phoenix staff you know, we are concerned. needs to get the facts straight that pledging activities follow in order to write an educated certain guidelines. editorial. First, Nancy Young I know that each of you is has not sent a letter to two aware of the Western Mary- sororities who have not yet land CQllege policy 01) hazing violated hazing policies. Sec- (pages 63-64, Student Hand- ondly, none of the four sorori- book), and I am heartened to ties "have been cited as see that the plans which most having inflicted some form of of you have shown' me for humiliation and/or pain upon your pledging exemplify the their pledges." Both of these best traditions of responsible accusations are false. pledging. The fraternities and sorori- ties did receive a letter from Dean Sayre, however. Rather Obviously this letter does No, because there Yes, because It Definitely, because than a letter of accusation, it not illustrate actions against are enough places serves as a place If the pub Isn't was a letter of commendation. as so-called hazing; instead it promotes key paragraphs went Two In town that the stu- for new students to open, more people such: commends__§__nd COnauct. proper pledging It must also be pointed out dents can by beer get together and will cruise down, This is the time that many of that pledging does not neces- cheaper and we are meet other students town and possibly your organizations are begin- sarily mean hazing. An indi- ning pledging activities. Sev- vidual chooses to join an also losing money and also get to have to drive while eral of you have talked with organization and experience Kathy It is not on' the weekends. know the school Intoxicated. me or plans, and Dawkins' about traditional activities. not involved I commend your fair for someone better. those of you for excellent in Greek life to denounce programs. We are well aware practices that they are unfa- of the desire on the part of miliar with. Sandi Morgan Sheri Bialczak, Jr. David Dante, Jr. fraternities and sororities to The Inter-Sorority Council _Ste~en Rossman' ,:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Exams: When everything that could go wrong does It is getting close to final nightmare and FAIL all of your for sexual favors. sit next to Virgo, who com- each question about twenty exams week. Are you glad? exams. Stay away from HBO. LEO: You arrive at your final plains. "I tope I will pass this times, very slowly, to make Are you sad? Some of us are TAURUS: While eating a exam one hour early and exam and still retain my 4.00 sure you understand the con- old hands at the final exam nutritious breakfast before engage in an old habit - grade point average." In tent. When you re-word the game, while others of us your first exam: your eggs IDLE WORRYING. You de- reply, you throw up on Virgo, questions, you discover (EU- (freshman) will enter new slide off your plate and into velop signs of anxiety such as your teacher and several stu- rekat) that you have written 'WOrlds of fear, failure., or for- your lap - yokes down. You eye twitching, muscle spasms dents. Aries will help you Grime and Punishment - in tune. also spill orange soda all over and sticking your tongue out clean up your act. \ RUssian. Since you don't un- Last month the Counseling yourself. your friend (a Scor- at your adviser, whom you SCORPIO: Your notes for derstand Russian, you flunk I Office provided the student pia) and your friend's notes. hate. You use the "SELF- your next exam are burned by the exam. A fellow Capricorn body with a list of clever Scorpio is not too happy. You CONTROL STRATEGY" of Leo who explains that notes will calm you down. ideas for taking exams. Now, loose two of your very best screaming your head off and are an "invention of the while lt1ey APPEARED to be friends to "chirppies" (a can- as a result you fail all of your Devil." You borrow someone AQUARIUS: By using the fairly intelligent strategies, I arial disease). exams. DON'T GO OUTSIDE else's notes (from your good process of elimination, you know few people who actually GEMINI: You tell yourself TODAY. Sagittarian friend) and are eliminate all possible answers work this way in REAL LIFE. over and over again, "I WILL VIRGO: You go to your last able to study intensely - to the multiple choice ques- Most of us enjoy spasing FAIL, r WILL FAIL" and "I will final exam, with two pencils FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THE tions - then YOU are elimi- out, getting drunk or cram- never retain my 1.01 grade (the points of which are bro- EXAM. This is called "CRAM- nated with an F. If Libra ming just before a BIG· FINAl point average if I fail this ken), one pen (with no ink) MING," which you have down crosses your path, DO NOT EXAM. exam." At lunch, you get the and a bad case of elbow to an art. Halfway through take your second exam. What follows is a pseudo- only case of ptomaine poi- cramp. Capncom lends you a your exam, Libra throws up Today would be a good day horoscope - a guess, a stoning at school. Although pen, but you forget to bring behind you and on you. to sell your rock collection. foretelling, a premeditated you think you did pretty well your watch to keep track of SAGITTARIUS: You ask treatise to drive you INSANE. on the exam, you fail. Pisces the time. Two hours later you (beg) your teacher, "Please PISCES: There's some These vicious vignettes might comforts you by patting the realize that you are taking the don't give us a final exam." GOOD NEWS and some BAD very well occur - the ques- top of your head. WRONG EXAM. WHICH YOU He says he won't, but NEWS. First the bad news: tion is: Will they happen to CANCER: When. Taurus tells PASS, although you fail the changes his mind. You find Taurus accidently 'bangs your YOU?' you, "Do something relaxing one you are supposed to out the day of the exam. So head against a lam post, leav- ARIES: You pace around or pleasant for yourself right take, Aquarian will goose you. do your fellow' students. You ing you unconscious the your dorm cell for eighteen before the exam," you have LIBRA: Before your final are beaten to a pulp and whole week of final exams. hours wondering why you sex with a dear friend, over- exam, you run into Gemini, consequently are in no condi- The good news is - you are haven't studied more It IS sleep and miss two exams in Cancer and Leo (classic tion to take the exam. Leo allowed to retake the' exams I probably because Gemini told a row. who BEWARE OF AQUAR- you cases STUDENTS). They get leaves door. a big surprise at your you missed and NEXT HEY! BE of OBSES- ANXIOUS YEAR! front you not to You WIll get to bed - Luck to tries IAN Good SIVE sell • at one o'clock have a horrlble health jnsuranca in _e.xcnange .. you. terribly upset. Then you CAPRICORt': You .. jead , CAREFUL OUT THERE' .' .. ......'.._.
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