Page 17 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 17
October 11, 1984 Palmer names faculty additions, promotions Five new faculty appoint- assistant professor of chemis- ments are three faculty pro- try. He recievec his bache- motions have been lor's degree from the announced for the academic Rensselaer Polytechnic Insti- year 1984-85. tute and his Ph.D. from the of Massachusetts Institute Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, dean of academic affairs, an- Technology. Schreiner will serve as an nounnced that Brain G. Finlay, Ms. Christianna E, Nichols, assistant professor of studies She communications in Dr. Keith R. Osterhout, Elea- earned her SA in English nor L. Schreiner and Ms. from Washington (Mo.) Uni- Phyllis M. Thompson have versity and her master's in joined the faculty at Western from St. Louis communication Maryland College for the start University. In April, she was Chambers, Bricker of the fall semester. awarded her doctorate in in- Finlay will be an instructor in the deaf education depart- tercultural communication to dedicate gym_ ment. He recieved his bache- from St. Louis Thompson wi!! -serve as an lor's degree from The Citadel associate professor of per- at Homecoming and his master's degree from forming arts and chairperson the University of Pittsburgh. fairs, Melvin D. Palmer Nicols will join the political of the newly-formed perform- The new $6 million Physical else physiology and kinesiol- science department as an verslty. She is presently a ing arts department. She re- Education Learning Center at ogy. The gymnasium area will ceived her S.FA instructor. She earned her candidate for a Ph.D. in com- from the Western Maryland College will seat over 1,500 spectators for B.A. in political science from parative politics at George- University of Connecticut, her be dedicated on Saturday, athletic events and will hold Michigan State The American University and town. master's from and her M.F.A. October 13, at 1:15 p.m. in up to 4,000 people as an University her master's in comparative Osterhout is joining the the plaza of the center. exhibition and assembly hall. In July, Western 1984, Included n the short pro- politics from Georgetown Uni- WMC faculty as a visiting connnued on page 2 gram will be remarks by Or. Maryland College received a I Quiet floor proves success Robert H. Chambers, presi- $300,000 grant tram the Kre Foundation of Troy, Michigan, dent of Western Maryland toward the facility. The grant College, and Robert Bricker, by Leo Ryan this year, because the fourth floor, 50 per cent of the chairman of the College's brought the campaign to the $5 million mark and into it's floor of Rouzer is now desig- freshman did not know that Board of Trustees. Things are different this nated as a quiet floor. they would be living on a The 79,000 square-foot final phase, the General' Gifts year on the fourth floor of This change, however, was quiet floor. building will be the new home phase. This grant will be used Rouzer Hall. Students no apparently one of the : best Of the 50 per cent who did to the College's intercollegiate as a challenge for alumni. parents, friends, corporations longer walk the halls in lear 01 kept secrets on campus. know about it, many were athletic teams and physical getting trapped in the middle Many freshman moved into unsure exactly what a quiet education department. and foundations. The College of water battles, the fire extin- their rooms unaware that they floor was. One of those sur- Among the learning facilities will receive the grant only if guishers are still neatly hung would be living in a quiet veyed expected longer quiet that the Center includes is a the final $1 million is secured on the walls, and a full trash section of Rouzer. Some still hours. The current study pe- Human Performance Labora- prior to or on July 15, 1985 The dedication is part of the can has yet to be over-turned. didn't know about it until sev- riod lasts from 6 p.m. to 12 tory (HPL). The HPL will pro- College's Homecoming cele- But the biggest change of all eral days of classes had p.m. on week nights. Another vide space and equipment for has occurred in the noise passed. In a random survey freshman thought a quiet floor research work by faculty, un- bration and will precede the Western Maryland-Dickinson level. Loud disruptions, in taken of both freshmen and dergraduate and graduate fact, are almost non-existant upperclassmen on the fourth continued on page 2 students in the fields of exer- football game at 2 p.m i i hts: hich goal do you 'Psychologists say typical elieve the United States should arget as its top priority in the rapist does not exist space program? . . by Monica Brunson weak, inadequate and depen- may be no threat of life, there dent. is enough coercion to pres- Permanent space station This is the second in a four In a male oriented society, sure the, woman into submis- part series on rape and sex- aggressive, dominant behav- sian. While some authorities tend Shuttle transport service ua/ assault. ior is rewarded. This behavior to agree with these two cate- is manifested in rape. Some "But he didn't look like a authorities agree that there gories, others prefer to ex- Star wars defense system rapist." This is the statement are two types of rapist. There pand on these to create made by a large percentage is the violent sex offender three. These three classifica- Other of rape victims. Taken out of who is mentallytll and may tions are aggressive aim, sex- context, this statement is fairly cause death or serious injury ual aim and sexual true because there is no clear to the victim. The other type is aggression delusion. Halt - or reduction to space exploration way to recognize the potential the aggressive rapist. This is The aggressive aim involves rapist. a sexual offender who resorts an aggressive, destructive 10 20 30 40 50 The rapist usually has pay- to limited .amounts of force in act. The behavior serves to coercing the victim into sex- humiliate, dirty and defile the Number of people ~, ual activity. Date rape is an victim. The degree of violence rape is an expression of hoe- example of the latter of these L;.:::u;rve~y.::;..=m.:.:p::le::::..:l::2.:.4 ..:00::::un:e:::::..:p..::h::oe::n::IX:Jtility by a mare who feels two types. Although there continued on page 2
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