Page 18 - ThePhoenix1984-85
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Page 2lWe.tem Maryland College/October II, 1984 SGA TOday Meadows elected VP, Homecoming court announced by Peter Brooks go on. The parade begins at 12:15 p.m. at the East Middle Last wednesday the SGA elected a new Vice President. School and will end at the Bair Stadium. For further lnfor-, Her name is Suzanne Mead- Suzanne served pre- rnation contact Jeff Ballentine Susan Hunt (ANW 3000), viously Publicity Chairperson (ANW 2(00), or Jeff Sweren for the SGA. Information re- garding the vacant Publicity (ANW 3000). Chair position will be forth- Peace week nets returns coming. We would like to proudly announce the 1984 Home- Only four applications were coming Court. by Michael Scalzi relief in poor countries pus Peace and Justice Coali- received for the Student-Fac- throughout Africa, Asia, and ticn offer their congratulations ulty Committee openings. Students who attended Latin America. The money and thanks to those who Since the deadline has SENIOR CLASS(,85) WMC in the spring of last donated by WMC students, participated in the fast and passed the SGA: Exec. Com- KING - JOHN ROSENQU- year, may recall The Oxfam which came through the sacri- supported this endeavor. The coalition also invites any stu- fice of one, two; or all three of America Tenth Annual Fast mittee will act on the applica- IST For World Harvest, sponsored their dining hall meats for one dent interested in participat- tions received and information QUEEN - SUE COOKE on the remaining openings JUNIOR CLASS ('86) by the campus Peace and day, went to aid the develop- ing in Elderdice Peace Week will, too, be forthcoming. PRINCE ANDREW Justice Coalition. The Oxfam ment of small projects, reach- '85, or attending forums which STUMP Fast was held during Elderd- ing into villages and rural explore peaceful alternatives The meeting between Presi- PRINCESS - ABBIE HOFF- ice Peace Week '84 and in- areas. There, local groups to world issues. Any inter- dent Chambers, Dean Sayre, MAN valved the participation of work to increase food produc- ested individual may attend Kathy Dawkins and myself SOPHOMORE CLASS ('87) well over 200 students. tion and economic self-reli- meetings, which are held on was very successful. We basi- PRINCE - ERIC HUMMEL Oxfam America is a non- ance. the. third Sunday of each cally agreed that the SGA will PRINCESS - SHEILAH profit, international agency WMC students raised a total month. The next is scheduled for Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the that funds self-help develop- be functioning under a1\ LYNCH of $889.56. guidelines set down in the FRESHMAN CLASS ('88) men! projects and disaster The members of the cam- Freeman Room. student handbook. PRINCE - GARY ANILE Psychologist say rapists PRINCESS - SHAWN The Homecoming Commit- CHATFIELD tee has been working very rarely fit most stereotypes hard and is pleased to an- Congratulations to all the win- nounce that the parade will ners! continued from page 1 offender is charged with as- There are many theories as Palmer names varies from simple assault to victim is usually a stranger to why men rape; and even sault with intent to commit rape. In these cases, the more reasons for why women brutal, vicious attacks, result- report don't it. Even with ing sometimes in the victim's faculty, additions death. In this instance, the who has been watched from these theories, there is no a distance. clear cut, across the board victim could be a stranger or detusicn description of a rapist. The Sex-aggression friend. promotions by sexual wishes. The ag- has a sadistic component. man who rapes does so be- The sexual aim is motivated cause The offender has no ability to a better he lacks experience sexual pleasure means for expressing his gressor uses less force and frequently embraces the without some degree of vio- masculinity. Rape is usually a lence being present. These power trip, not a passion trip. woman from behind- In this rapists contend that "women This is one of the points Ihat continued from page 1 University of Michigan and case, if the woman struggles lik~ to get roughed up. They psychologists can .agree from the Florida State Univer- has been at WMC since 1978 he panics and flees. The enjoy a good fight." coon. sity. Mangan, a member of the the fol/owing members of the promoted to associate profes- Quiet floor surprises freshmen Palmer also announced that English department. has been western - Maryland College sor. A graduate of Denison faculty have been promoted: University- with her master's continued from page 1 panic on the flourth floor -ear- year's quiet floor be co-ed. Dr. Thomas G. Deveny, Dr. and 'doctorate from Ohio Uni- would be only inhabited by lier this year. There was talk Another student suggested Julie 0. Badiee and Dr. Kathy versity, she has been on the "quiet people." of a 24 hour quiet period. that it be offered exclusively S. Mangan. Western Maryland faculty Many freshmen, however, Many felt this was much too to upperclassmen. Living on Deveny, a member of the since 1978. believe that they should have restrictive, especially to the campus for a year, he ex- foreign languages depart- been better informed. Upper- freshman who never knew plains, would better enable a ment, has been promoted 10 Palmer also announced that cfassmen who decided last about the quiet status of the student to decide whether or associate professor. A gradu- the following members of the spring to live on the floor had floor. not a quiet floor is for him. ate of the State University 01 faculty will be taking sabbati- to sign a contract staling --..The current hours, however,/----:-.i.~.,_~ ~. New York with a master's cal leaves during the aca- they would abide by specific seem to have kept everyone This is thlHlrst year that any from the University of Florida demic year: Dr. Francis M. norse fevel requletions. Fresh- content. Even some students dormitory has housed a quiet ~pd a PH.D. from North Caro- Fennell (fall), Dr. Howard B. men, though, simply had. to who didflt originally like the section. And though there is lina. Deveny has been at Orenstein (fail). Dr. Julie 0 answer "yes" on a housing idea will now admit that it an occasional blast of a Western Maryland College Badiee (spring), Dr. William F. questionnaire to the inquiry Q06&. have some advantages. stereo or a scream in the since 1978 Cipolla (spring), Dr. Mary "Would you- like to live on a All of those surveyed agreed hallway, the quiet floor, has Baciee. a member of the art _EllenElwell (spring), Dr. Rob- quiet floor?" Some freshmen that a. quiet floor should be generally been a success. department. has also been ert W. Sapora (spring), Tim reported answering the ques- offered next year, bl,lt there "Everybody's a 'little noisy ptorrotec to associate profes- Weinfeld (spring), Dr. Peter D. non. Others claim they never were a few suggestions to Sometimes," says CA Brian sor. Head of the art depart- Yedinak (spring), Dr Jack E. $aw- it~, improve the situation. Russo.' "Butas long as peo- ment, Badiee earned her Clark (year), and Dr. Richard This apparentlack of com- ple have common courtesy, BA, MA and PhD. from the H. Smith, Jr. (year). munication between school One idea common among these shouldnt be any prob- l_--'- ___J and student caused a slight all residents was that next lem." . -
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