Page 19 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 19
October II, 1984lWestem Maryland CollegelPage 3 WMC hosts college Christian Fellowship fair for high schools holds annual retreat by JonathanSlade shows that we have good spent at one of these things. by Barbara Abel The retreat was organized to Anxious to learn about op- financial stability." They (the students) usually meet these objectives. portunities that exist after a Ms. Kathy Waye, Assistant just parade through and take During the last weekend in The participants had many twelfth grade graduation, cu- Director of Admissions at pamphlets. There is not much September, . t.he Weste~n good things to say about the rious students from area high Washington College, also time to sit down and hold Maryland Christian Fellowship time they spent there. "Awe- schools ventured into WMC's thinks that the fair was a discussions with people." span.sored a r~treat fo~ any- some" was probably the most new gym last Tuesday to success. Arnquiest admits, however, It used descriptive. "It's neat to attend the Carroll County "I've had a good response that the student turnout sur- one Interested 10 attending. covered Saturday and Sun- see how God unites different Continuing Education Fair. from those who came," she passed all previous years. day and was held at Camp people in spirit and heart," Here they were able to wan- explains. "It has been really good in der from table to table, pick "Students during the night that respect," she explains. "I Hashua. said Mary Thompson. Jenny up college information pam- program seem more aware of have seen a greater volume The retreat started with ev- Maclea, another participant phlets, and talk to admissions the college program and what of students tonight than at eryane joining in a massive added. "The retreat w~s representatives from schools questions to ask. past fairs. For getting people game of ultimate frisbee, and great1 It was a. fantastic all over the state of Maryland. "I also feel that Western out, this' approach has defi- men breaking up into small chance to spend time away This was, in fact, the first time Maryland has done an excel- nitely been more successful." groups, where everyone .f~om school, books, and fOU- that Carroll's college fair was lent job hosting it." shared individual experi- ~s. It gave me an opportun- held at WMC. In previous Waye believes, however, Kevin Seymour, a senior at ences. Later everyone got ity to relax. and have fun, years, it was hosted by West- that holding the fair all day Westminster High, was back. together in a fellowship make new friends, strengthen minster High School. long may be a bit much. slightly disappointed though. group and got a chance to old friendships and learn "It was helpful, but there "We had a very heavy turn- "There were three sessions meet each other. TIme was about Jesus Christ." out," says Ms. Martha Gag- throughout the day-one in the were not many colleges also spent in worship, which Christian Fellowship is a non, Western Maryland's morning, one in the afternoon, there," he says. "There are a helped unify everyone even group that anyone can be- Dean of Admissions and Fi- lot of tables, but not many further. The fellowships main come involved in to the extent and one at night. I think I people. Because it was not nancial Aid. "The response would like to go back to just speaker, Mr. John Streeve, a that the individual wishes. All tonight was steady. and en- the night program and have held at Westminster High math teacher share his expe- are welcome to attend Small couraging. We always had everyone come in at once," School, I think there wasn't riences, as a Christian, and Groups for bible study and somebody at our table." she says. "The reps would much publicity for it and a lot knowledge of the Scriptures. Large Group, where the Fel- "The volume of people (dur- probably like to have every- of students didn't know about lowship gets together. Daily ing the night session)," she thing condensed a little." it." The main objectives of the prayer groups meet at Little adds, "was not as high as However, Junior Lara retreat, according to Ron Baker on Monday through this morning, but the quality Waye concludes, though, Brown, another student from Gavlin, the organizer, were Thursday from 6:20 p.m. to (of questions) was just as that the location this year is Westminster, offers one rea- accomplished. To build unity 6:40 p.m. The WMCF will also good. This was mainly be- "mueh better" than having it son for the apparent lack of among Christians at WMC, be attending the Urbana Mis- cause we also had the at Westminster High. participation in the fair by a and to share with Christians in srons Conference in Illinois on chance to talk to parents." But not everyone agrees. large number of universities. the fellowship the vision of Dec. 27-31, and it is not In addition, Gagnon be- "For me, I much preferred "The colleges here are God are two of the purposes. necessary to belong to WMCF lieves that the setting of the the high school setting," mostly from the state of Mary- Gavlin would also like the to. attend the conference. fair in the recently-completed claims UMBC's Assistant Di- land and there are few from retreat to have helped Chris- Anyone interested in joining Physical Education Learning rector of Admissions Ms. Gin- Pennsylvania," she explains." tians find the role God has for WMCF or attending the con- Center will have a positive ger Arnquiest. "I find this There isn't any representation them to play in the Christian ference should contact Cindy effect on those students who (gym) too cavernous and im- from the New England area, body on campus, and-to exult Rasberry, Diane Perry, Jenny attended. personal. It's like being at the for example, as well as other the Jesus Christ through cor- Maclea, Ron Gavun. or Gail "I don't think any athlete bottom of a swimming pool. A parts of the United States." To porate worship and ministry. Sadler. could not be interested in this gymnasium is not conducive travel such long distances, campus after seeing this (the to serious conversation. Brown suggests, would not Feminist Coalition new gym)," she says. "This is "I don't feel," she adds, be profitable for many col- a fabulous facility. And it also "that there is quality time leges. . Parents weekend planned fights sexism by RhondaMyers On Saturday Nov. 3, at residence hall members on by Jill Grabowski leaders with different posi- tions. The position of leader- Parents Weekend is right 7:15-9:30 a.m. a cafeteria their son's or daughter's hall. Since the spring semester ship in the group is alternated around the corner. Last year's style breakfast will be served There will be a reception for of 1984, many students have to maintain balance. parents day in the spring, will in Englar Dining Hall. Dr. the parents of commuters in gotten involved with an orga- The Feminist Coalition will be this year's parents week- Melvin D. Palmer, the Dean of the Leidy Room. From .5:30- nization called the Feminist be discussing the focus on end in the fall. The weekend Academic Affairs and Dr. Phi- 6:15 p.m. the members of Coalition. The Feminist Coati- awareness of sexual assault activities will begin late Friday lie Sayre, Dean of Student WMC Parents Board will host tion is a politically oriented and date rape on campus. afternoon, Nov. 2 and end Affairs will address the par- a reception in Ensor'1ouhge organization that works to They also plan to begin work- Sunday morning, Nov. 4. The ents in the Physical Education for the president, Robert H. eliminate sexism on campus ing on a pamphlet dealing thrust of parents weekend for Learning Center. From 9:45- Chambers III and his family. and especially in the class- with various women's issues. the student's parents to meet 11:30 a.m. faculty members After the reception, dinner will rooms. with faculty, staff, other par- will answer questions about be served in the Forum from Co-leader Monica Brunson ants and students. the courses and programs 6:15-8 p.m. In addition to This year will be the first full stated, "My goal as a co- When the parents arrive. a within the departments. dinner, Dr. Chambers will ad- organized year for the Femin- leader is to eliminate sexism reception and dinner will head dress the parents. At 8:15 ist Coalition. Last year the especially in the classroom. the agenda. The reception will In the Hoover _Library a p.m. the Woodley sisters will organization was not politi- Some women do not feel begin at 5 p.m. and dinner viewing of Egyptian Artifacts perform in Cole Porter's Re- cally oriented. The coalition comfortable speaking in the starts at 5:30 p.m. with an will take place from 10 a.m.- 5 view in Alumni Hall. Fireworks ptans 10 be having socials in classroom and that's not Italian theme planned. p.m. At noon on the Quad are planned to end Saturday's the near future in which any- right." Brunson said that she one can After dinner there will be a there will be a picnic lunch, activities at dark. become involved. got involved with the Feminist faculty slide show presenta- featuring the Western Mary- Breakfast from 8:30-9:30 While men are welcome to Coalition out of frustration. tion featuring Dr. Julie O. land College Jazz Ensemble. a.m. will start Sunday morning participate in the organization, Brunson also said that last Badiee and Sadie Kneller while winding up the last day these socials will be dealing year people had no tolerance Miller. Friday evening two One and one half hours of receptions and meetings. with women's issues. for anyone who thought differ- showings of The Big Chill will later, the WMC Green Terrors At 10 a.m., there will be a The advisors of the Feminist ently. She wanted to join a take place in Alumni Hall. and the Little Quakers of church service in Baker Me- Coalition this year are Ms. group that was working to- In addition to sponsoring Swarthmore battle it out on morial Chapel. To end the Helen Wolf and TIm Winefeld. wards people being more tol- the movie, College Activities the field in the Scott Bair weekend, brunch will be The five officers are Eric erant of each other and that will host a coffeehouse on the Stadium. From 4 p.m. - 5:30 served in Englar Dining Hall. Greenberg, Susan Udy, Jen would take political stands dining porch where KIER will p..m., the residence halls will For those parents who wish to Orlick, Monica Brunson, and towards the tolerance of oth- perform from 7:15 p.m.- mid- provide the parents with a stay longer, golf matches are Yvette Pack. Each are co- ers. night. chance to meet with the other 'planned. L_--=-------------____J
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