Page 20 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 20
Page 4lWe.tem Maryland CoUegeJPage 9 Editorial DO", 000 G,D, 0-. cQl..N SGA constitution Perhaps one of the single most incredible feats of the college experience is aclimatization to life in the "real world" Sure, you were under the impression that your entire life was spent in the "real world", Sorry, wrong answer. Upon entering this institution of higher reahty, heads snap from the jolt of truth bestowed upon the unsuspecting freshmen. Suppose we examine some of those true to life college experiences which WMC may provide for you. Just last week elections were held for SGA vice president. As it happened, Jeff Sweren, SGA treasurer, placed his name on the ballot for a shot at vice president. He lost. Few tears were shed by Sweren following his defeat because he was not required to give up the treasurer's position. As a matter of fact, no person was permitted to run for the slot while Sweren was doing his George Bush warm up. We certainly do not begrudge Mr. Sweren of a chance to hold either position. We do wonder how it is possible, while under the_iurisdictionof "real world". Gforces- to run for a second government position without giving up the first. What other strange feats can occur under the current SGA bylaws. If nothing else, it is good to know that should Vice Presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro lose in November, her council job is still safe and awaiting her return. Dee vs. Elderdice Baseball: the game that during the day but at night that door is closed and locked remains in Wrigley , Between Decker College Center and Elderdice there is a rather large and heavy metal door. The door is always open tight. For the most part students move around Decker in a relaxed manner, but for some reason, when a student passes by C. Lloyd Hart Unexpectedly the great man course, the immortal Babe through that glass door into Elderdice, locomotion suddenly raised his right hand and Ruth. breeze of the The crisp becomes slightly restricted. II may be the thickness of the October afternoon whisked pointed to the sun-bleached carpet which slows the stride and deadens the norse. It may benches, deep behind the The 29th World Series van- also be the functions of the different offices which make their the scraps of paper like centerfield wall, as if to signal ished into the record books home behind the glass door. leaves over the heads of the that that would soon be the long ago. Charley Root and Primarily, the offices in Elderdice deal with some of the anxious spectators. The final resting place of the ball the Babe are both gone. All less pleasent aspects of college life. Think about that echoes of the idle cnatter his opponent now held. that is lett of this page in is accomplished in the silent flourescent surroundings. The suddenly turned to the silence baseball history, no less a Finance Office collects your money. The registrar m~kes sure of awe and anticipation. Then, The man on the mound, dream because it really hap- your work load is sufficient. The dreaded Academic Aff~irs just as quickly the aura of clearly offended by this at- paned, are the memories and came reverence crashing office resides on the second floor along with the exacting frontery unleashed his next Wrigley Field. percision that is Business Affairs. down amidst the boos and pitch with evan more power I There is a certain COld,unfeeling taughtness associated catcalls, as he emerged from than before. Again the man The old ballpark rises above I with the non-Decker offices, while the Decker offices give the the safety of the dugout. with the weapon swung and the neighborhoods of Chi- again he missed. impression that they are interested in Student Affairs, College cago's North Side as a living hl:llking figure, aging l , - Activities, and Security. In additon there is the Student Health and The overweight, strode to- The pitcher returned the testament to what our national Center, the Dining Hall and the Pub. Wonde~ul, caring, and pastime was and can still be. helpful sounding office names. The fact remains, though, that ward the plate as had no slightest of smiles. It was the dining hall can mess up your day just as fast as the other before him. The pot- instantly replaced with an icy Wrigley Field seats barely registrar can. belly and the thin legs, that cold countenance as the 37,000. Ivy has covered its braggart repeated his daring looked as if they could not The support the weight of the promise. brick outfield walls for more The a century. than half were instantly huge body, Seething with contempt, the Phoenix present could never forget the full height as the man at the scoreboard is still operated AU who were recognizable. pitcher drew himself up to his completely by hand, just as it was in the days of Tinker to slow yet confident swager of Editor-in-Chief BilI Mann the most feared man the plate calmly raised the men- Evers to Chance. It has no Managing Editor Michael Kraig game had known in its shan acing black barrel of the bat dome. It has no artifical sur- Copy Editor Jonathan Slad~ history. even higher. face. And, it has no lights. It Layout Editor Lloyd Hart He unleashed a throw with is exactly as the Babe left it closer he came, the The Features Editor · Barbara Abel touder they booed. As he dug more feeling and purpose 52 years ago. Sports Editor Elizabeth Leik his SPikes into the soft din than he had ever known. Photography Editor Stac_eyPucci and balked out the defenilJg Today, every fan who takes Photography .... Margaret Gemskl, Ursula Wiedmann This time the black bat did his seat within the walls of the jeers of the partisan crowd, not miss. hallowed field can look first he drew a steely stare upon ~~~~~i~fn~~:~:~e·r·.:::::::::::: ::::·.::::::::::::~~~a~~le~~~~~ his opponent. Slowly he From the moment the bat toward home plate and then Reponing Staff Robert Miller, Steven Rossman, to the ivy, so close _you can Michael Quillin, Jill Gra owski, raised the mammoth black and ball connected there was almost touch it, and see the Cindy Schafer, Melissa Renehan, bat until it was posed to strike no doubt as to the outcome of Babe standing there once Jennifer Martin, Michael Miller, with the lightening quickness this battle. Time seemed to more. Rhonda Myers', Kelly Connor Cynthia Gelhard. of a cobra at the. slightest stand still as the ball sailed movement, while never taking. higher and higher into the That's baseball.' That's why Published Oy Q, ,w .cr the studentsof WesternMarylandCollege. his eyes from those of his deafening silence of that every fan loves Wrigley Field. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily fellow gladiator. bright October day, so long reflect those of the staff or administration. The other man returned the ago. That's why we can't let the We welcome commentsand/or suggestions.Pleaseaddress all glare with equal feeling, that The year was 1932. The magic of Wrigley Field go the way of Ebbet's Field and the mail to The Phoenix. Box 1. Western Maryland College. for one moment in time was place was Wrigley Field. The Polo Grounds. And that's why Westminster,Md. 21157. _ nothing short of hate. pitcher was the little-remem- everyone, deep down, roots Member of the Associated Collegiate Press • F threw. The man swung and bered, longtlrne ace of the just a little bit for the Cubs. From barely sixty feet, he Cub staff Charley you Because missed. Chicago The batter was, of against baseball. can't root Root.
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