Page 21 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 21
October 11, 1984lWellem Muyland CollegeJP.,e 5 60 seconds on campus, ..sleven Rossman__ ' .... 00 you think there Prof:-Reagan will be a nuclear war makes his debut -f t-? It was clearly the Twilight I Ie Ime Zone. Bertha was describing things you forgot to say about the Professor. I hear he's for a supposedly new professor cutting welfare programs and • at the college. The strange part is, the more I heard, the increasing defense spending. He's also known to nod off -at more this guy sounded like important meetings. He calls someone I knew. As we sat in Russia 'the focus of evil.' And Decker Center talking away, I have you heard his latest became convinced that she joke? It goes: 'Testing one, was pulling my leg. Figure- two, three. We have outlawed lively, that is. Russiatoday. We start bomb- "One of his children is a in9 in five minutes." ballet dancer?" I said. "The gentleman I'm retering "Yes, and the other is a to," Bertha cut iry "is for feminist. Their outlooks are defense spending as a totally different," said Bertha. I means of protecting our coun- wasn't quite sure whether it try. He is for mutually verifia- was the professor and the ble arms reduction. He is for ballet dancer or the professor fairness in taxes and he is a and the feminist which had selfless, hardworking man differing viewpoints. who believes in a 'get tough' "Really?" policy with the Russians. Re- "Yes, but he has children member we are dealing with from his first marriage, also. a government who would His first wife was an actress, I shoot down an airliner with think." Visions of falcons and innocent people aboard." California vineyards danced Bertha and I were at an in my brain. impasse. "And this guy's a professor "Stop playing games, Ber- at this college?" I tried. tha. I wasn't born yesterday. she said. "Right," "You'll Admit it. We are talking about No, nobody's never guess what his favorite the President of the United last moment the going to the one to food is-- Jellybeans!" , States." Bertha wasn't listening to "Don't kid me, Bertha. A hand of God will say I ended the en- professor} his first wife was me. She was looking straight comedown from tire world. an actress-- and he likes ahead. I followed her gaze to the heavens and jellybeans! I don't believe one the edge of the crowd and Next, word you're saying. noticed a .temsn figure with strike man with a you're going to tell me he's a slicked back hair and rosy bolt of common 'real nice guy' and that he cheeks. The next thing that happened I'still can't believe. likes little children." sense. "He is and he does!" she Coming up the stairs, in jog- Michael GlglllHI Jennifer Bertrand Dr. Ethan Seidel shot back. ging suit and sneakers, came I ____ ,:so=p;;h;O;:m~O;;r,;:e;....;s;;O;;:p:;h;;o;;,;m~O;re Eiiciioiiniio.m_IC.Sp;~fe~~~r~~p:~~~~" i~ ~~ii~ ~e~~~sW}~~!g~~~ai~ ~;~~i~~ ii I st?~~~u~~, r~:.~ i~nth:v~ac;~_ ~~~eean~~J~~Sth~~~~~q m~~ I Women fight adversity in Quad partments. He teaches some in the jogging suit saw the courses in political science man with the rosy cheeks. He Editor, of the grandstand graciously people while using the facility. and some in communications. smiled at me and I saw a Well we've made history . play a tape of fight songs When standing at the sinks I hear he even has a part in a twinkle in his eye, then he ran women in the Quad~A recorded in 1947 - truly you can see who' is in the play right here on campus." out the door. The jogger change which many students exquisite music to wake up to showers and who is on the "Oh. come now!" I admon- jogged after him. I'm not sure, never imagined. Our adminis- on a Saturday morning. toilets. The same principle is ished. "You don't expect me but I think an attractive young tration decided to make some But on to those "few basic applied when in the shower or to believe thatl She did. "Per- woman with a funky hairdo renovations and thought we problems." To begin with, we seated on the toilet. It is so haps I can point out some followed just behind. women might want a piece of only have one entrance for thoughtful of WMC to keep us L-~--~---r----"":'-------' the action. And action is ex- four floors of students. This from feeling lonely. It someone did feel lonely it actly what we got :;c never particular entrance opens to a was good to know that during Commuter bulletin ending. lobby which is also part of the As one women from ANW Phi Delt section. Therefore the evening hours for the first tew weeks the third and fourth stated, "I really feel. much every time you come in or out floor of Bachelors could enjoy board vandalized more a part of the college they can enjoy your presence; community. Although there they also know where you've your shower as well. ~nd by Editor, nied because of someone's were a few basic problems, been, who you are with and some amazing quirk, the sec- As the Commuter Repre- irresponsible actions. Already on the whole. it has been a what time you come in. And ond floor top window has to sentative, my duties are to I am looking for alternative great timel" { you thought you were leaving be down, the lights on and inform and aid Commuters in sources to keep the Commut- ANW women are certfiinly a your parents home? the night clear. All this made any way I see fit. One of my ers informed. This is taking a part of the college commu- Thls doesn't sound like it a direct view from A Section activities includes a Com- lot of my time, and is costing nity. As' a matter of fact we much of a problem? Then we Daniel Mclea to the left hand muter News board - located the school money - student's are right in the middle of all come to the interesting topic shower stall on the second near the Post Office. I have money. activities. We have the fratern- of our "communal" bath- floor of ANW.. been posting information and ities, the new gym, with great rooms. A person instantly We've all become accus- suggestions for two years If someone is angry with me saunas, and the student cen- loses her modesty once she tomed to this change in sce- without incident. In the past - fine...let's talk it out. Face ter only steps away. Looking steps, in; there are no curtains nery, particularly the week, however, the board has to face. But its pretty sense- out our back window we can on me showers and the toilets Bachelors. We've adapted to been vandalized repeatedly. less hurting other people, check on all the sports teams. have no stalls. our history making move, Obscenities have been when trying to get to just one A particularly special event We have quickly learned to even the once familiar heckle scrawled across notices, and person, because now I'll fight comes when we have a home deal with the problem of no "Girls, get out of the quadl" notices have been ripped back. football game. A group of curtains or stalls. And be- has tapered off. from the board. The right to anonymous men stationed in cause of our large vanity Kathy Marvel, Senior be informed will not be de- Kris Nystrom, Senior the sound box located on top mirror it is very easy to talk to
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