Page 14 - ThePhoenix1984-85
P. 14
Page 6!We.tem Maryland College/October 4, 1984 Intramurals begin with Swim Classic by Elizabeth Lelk and volleyball (coed). Intra- mural competition is held ev- The First Annual WMC Swim Classic was held at 7 pm eryday but Sunday in the Tuesday, Sept. 25, as an afternoon Soccer is a new sport on addition to the fall intramural the agenda for fall activities, activities schedule. Entries were accepted for individual and has been well received Organized to test the interest and team participants. in women's soccer, this new ... For the men, the Rouzer addition has the chance to Rowdies consisting of fresh- push its w.ay into the intercol- man Chris Meny, Fred Walz, legiate schedule if the interest Kevin Woest, Matt Martinkas, grows. Already there are five and Ed Swanson took home the trophy with 26 points. The organized teams. women's team, the Guppies, Seibert has been the intra- mural director for the past made up of Andi Saccoccio, four years and is aided by - Carissa Wieland, Sue Wal- lace, and Tracey Serratelli. 'students Sharon Goff, Joe captured their division with 28 Monteleone, Dan D'irnperil. points. The Swim Classic was '~~edP~Ou9~~~~:~~~o~~;~~~ The volleyball team will try to match the performance of last years organized by Aquatics Direc- patton for the size of the squad, shown here In a playoff match. tor Ms. Kim Easterday and school. Last year's statistics 1983-84 season, almost one Volleyba(Ls Yrl!lS Intramural Director Mr. Dave Seibert, as a result of a show that 335 women and 455 men participated in the questionnaire sent out last l1!!!a!Pl!t~!ns year half of the school by Andrew P. Jung In earlier action this season Hopkins without any effort by The fall, the intramurals will Activities are posted outside The Green Terrors volleyball the Terrors traveled to the the scores of 15-5 and 15-11 continue until Thanksgiving the gymnasium and post of- team is off to a flying start this Mary Washington Invitational vacation and will include flee. and sign-up sheets are year, by winning five of their Tournament and captured The team is lead on offense touch football (men and available at the Decker Col- first six matches second place. Their only loss by Miles and Bawiec who women), soc~er (women), lege Center Information desk. Their most recent win came came to the host team, Mary have combined for over 60 on Sept. 27 against Franklin Washington, by the scores of ki\\s, which is an unreturnable Muhlenberg hands and Marshall. WMC did not 15-13 and 15-13. The green hit in the first six matches allow F&M a single point in and gold defeated Chowane .the first game, only two points 15-11 and 15-7, North Caro- The team goes on the road Jerrors second loss in the second and six in the lina Wesleyan 15-7, 15-10 in to face Elizabethtown on Oct final game of the match. The 2. On Oct. 8 they face Sus- other tour~ament ~tion. Miles, Nicky Pesik and Linda Bawiec green and gold were lead by quehana, while rounding out senior co-captain Beth Lau- were named to the all-taurna- the road trip on Oct.11 at by Kelly Connors w~~t~~e~~~~hQP~~artrtue:iti~Mt~ rial, who had a productive ment team. York. The Terrors return home The Western Maryland Ter- score. The Terrors couldn't night serving with four aces In their first two games the on Oct. 13 to host Dickenson rors suffered a 20-9 defeat in capitalize, even after mking it and Karen Miles who had Terrors had little trouble with in the Physical Education I a home game Sat. Sept. 29 all the way to the one yard twelve kills to help lead the Notre Dame, 15-2 and 15-4 Learning Center at 11 am. against the Muhlenberg line. Mules. Through displaying Defensively the Terrors Soccer drops matches I slightly stronger offensive and pounded away at the Mules -, defensive positions than in its and recovered four fumbles, first game, the Terrors were one each by Mike Toner, John I never in the game. Gomulka, Peter Wilson, and to Messiah, Susquehanna Muhlenberg led 13-0 at the Joe Callahan. Mike Chavez end of the first quarter on two also intercepted two passes, The WMC soccer team suf- fO~a~~d~~nTO~s~U~~~~a~~te~ ~~~~il~~ ~~~ ~~so~8 s~~~~~ fered two losses this week as Broas to Tom Neumann. Neu- Muhlenberg's Broas twice, the Terrors post a 1-5 record mann later scored on a 97 but could not overcome the ha17~Ye~~:~ht~~ ~~~~n26 the yal1tek:Ckg:t;i~~rn'a second ~~~e~~r~2Z~:~~i~~UShingand Terrors began the game with chance on a penalty against WMC's offense accumu- f~~sh~:n f?r~~n~o~7.Yd~re~~iC:h the Mules, quarterback "Ray tared only 16 first downs, nine then answered with three Evans capitalized on the mis- rushing, and five passing, goals, and held onto the 3-1 ~~~~n;it~e a le':o e~dar~orru~ ~nd t~o on pen~ltie~. Inladd.i- win. Ranked fourteenth in the touchdown three minutes into .~~n2~ e~a~2e~Pf~~e67ony~r~~X league, Messiah played well fheThseecoTnedrroqrsuartreecr.overeda The Terrors ultimately lead in an~as~e~!t~~~a:?;r~~~~o~~n~ rushing yardage, with 179, 29, at Susquehanna proved fumble later in the third while netting a total of 246 costly to the Terrors, outside quarter, which resulted in a yards offensively. of the 2-1 loss. Junior 35 yard chuck Weinstein field O~~e6Ta~r~o~~;a~extgame IS sweeper Mike Paqlione in- 0 al 1."9: : :,==:s::::;;::::::::;:;::~~~======~jured tendons in his knee, r and is possibly out for the English Tutor se~:~;~rs' Don Gardiner, Having Trouble Writing Papers? sophomore qoalie. had a .# Contact Jesse Glass, Jr. ~~~t~ ~~~~~IS~~~~ I~~~~rjuus~ t Experienced Teacher of Exposi- ~~8etc~;,,:h~r~~IYf~~~~';,,~~ tory Writing JO;h:nJ~er:~~certeam has a 848-3690-Evenings f~2~ee~f;~b~~~in~n~n~~s~~~d WMC soccer team member eut sprints his L!R..!:e=a:::s:::o.:..:n~a:::b:.:.le:::..._:...R:.::a::t:::e:::s~ __ _.j hanna __ , _ •. _ opponent for a shot on '9081•. _
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