Page 78 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 78
.-. ___ Inlon No l Again, the campus is caught up in controversy over the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity (known on and off the campus as the notorious Preachers). One would think that the issue would have' appropriately died-when the Preacher charter was revoked last year. Yet we, as' students and educators. find ourselves again wallow- ing in the human mud thatIs continually generated by the mere mention of Delta Pi Alpha. When will the college community, that espouses a doctrine of "First Principles" in the attempt to "place students at the center of a "humane environment," once and for all rebuke the kind of thuggery and disregard tor society that the Preachers as a collective group have come to proudly represent. - . ;_ How did the Preachers lose their charter, ana what is the significance of that revocation? Here is what we know. , The Preachers for years have prided themselves on being recognized as outlaw, desperado, figures of, Western Maryland College. They have -enjoyed the intimidation and fear they viciously wielded over many WMC students with a tyrannical relish. How many times have we heard members of Delta Pi Alpha taunt students with the words "We are the badest asses on Give Preachers a chance campus, and don't you forget it!" The Preachers were allowed, like spoiled children, to continue such bullying unchecked by WMC adminis- trators, SGA representatives, and the fraternal organi- , Will the Preachers ever be anized. According to ~~~:~~~!st~a~~~I:h~~he~e~~ part of the Western Maryland president James Johnson, the stated. zations. However, the bullying led to wanton disregard College community again? "utmost concern" of the fra- for the law, and eventually to the abusive brutaliz~tion We will find out this week, ternity was to address the The fraternity as a whole of a 17-year-old freshman last year. To the embarrass- ment of Western Maryland College, its students, when the administration de- problems of last year. AI- "understands the severity" faculty, alumni and supporters, the Preachers proved cides whether to reinstate the though he didn't elabqrate. he and in no way condones the to United States of America that they were indeed the Delta Pi Alpha fraternity's did say that respect for actions of last year. This new "badest asses" at Western Maryland College, their charter or to sound its 'death grades and college rules is attitude is reflected in the reputation verified by the national press. knell. incorporated into the new maintenance of their living In the midst of a nightmare, WMC shamefully had . Last spring the Preachers' constitution. He also said that Quarters and through cooper- to admit that such hoodlums were allowed to run- charter was revoked as pun- the traditional "hell week" has ation with the new policies of' isbment for a hazing incident been abandoned because of the cafeteria. ~I unchecked in the "center of a humane environment," during Hell Week. Clubroom its detrimental effects on the Calling the Greek system taking advantage of all innocent and law abiding privileges were taken away grades and health of pledges. citizens who attend classes at this campus. There was and the fraternity members A new system of initiation "stagnant," the Preachers argued that for the sake of only one thing a distraught college could do: Officially revoke the charter of Delta Pi Alpna, and not recognize were dispersed throughout obligations will dilute the ad- diversity the charter should the organization as anything other than an inf0f!Tlal the campus (part of the pun- verse effects of pledge week be reinstated. The last signifi- cant point made was that ishment being that no more by spreading it over two association of street punks. Finally, the appropriate and moral justice due was dealt. All persons on this than two brothers could live weeks while at the same time withholding the charter would This fraternicide. on a givefl haU).~Formal meet- preserving the traditions of -constitute campus who support the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness breathed a sigh~of relief. ings of the fraternity were also the fraternity. . . year all but tWo of the broth- A year later, much to the disgust of most WMC fOrbidden... . At the Interfraternity Council er~ will g.raduate, leaving a students, the issue of reinstating the Preacher charter The administration ruled that meeting on Monday February rmcroscoprc nucleus around is seriously considered and deb~ted. SUCh,activi!y after a period of one y~ar 21 1983 meniber~ of the which to rebuild the fraternity. reminds all students how hypocntlcal an academic Delta Pi ~Ipha could petrtl?n D~lta Pi Alpha fraternity ~owever, if the f~aternity is institution can be, and how worthless a college degree for a rem~tatel!'ent of ti I~~ raised several. -more points r~lnstated last year s pledges can become. charter..Durrng thls.proba 0 concerning the reinstatement Will be.c0'!l~ broth~rs and the To reinstate the Preacher charter would wash away ary perrod, accordlnq to As- of the charter. The Councd ~rat~rn!ty~III remain a healthy the efforts WMC has made this past year to regain its soc~ate .Dean of Stude.nt which consists of three mem- InstltutIO~. .. self-respect and the esteem of its Sister institutions and Affarrs Higbee, the fratern!~, bers from each fraternity is That IS the Situation the the surrounding community. All graduates henceforth ~~~d~~t ~,~m~~~~i~m~Xt It~ obligated to recommend to continued to page 6 would hold high thelr degrees, yet the shame of a abide by the policies and - The reinstatement of the Delta Pi Alpha charter would llnqer regulations of the institution." in their hearts and minds. Ph -e The Preachers recently proved that they are not The Preachers were also re- - oenlx penitent of their past actions, and they intend to quire~ ~o submit a revi~ed conatltutlcrr and a detailed conduct business as usual once their-mob is officially description of pledge week recognized again. They openly broke into their former activities and obligations. club room last week. What did the college administra- On February 2, 1983 the Editor. . Robert Holt tion that seeks to "place the student in a humane fraternity petitioned the ad- Associate Editor ,.. Greg Elba environment" do? Nothing more than seriously consi- ministration for the reinstate- Managing Editor Teresa Norman der condoning such lawless action by reinstating the ment of its charter. The News Editor David Bogdanski charter the Preachers seek to give credibility to their petition requested the "oppor- Copy.Editor. · · ·· ···..···..···· ·· ·..·· · ···Chris Soto -crimlnal behavior. tunity to give members a Sports Editor Bruce Mable Tell the Preachers with the resolve of a clear and Photo Editor... .. Martin Schulman strong voice that their shameful tradition of violence chance to correct old mis- Business Manager Deb Armsworthy and pillage has been swept away, and that it will n-ever takes," and to "establish a dwell again at the college espousing the motto "I call positive identity throughout Published by' and for the students of Western Mary_fand College. the campus and community." thee from darkness into the light." The petition also states that The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily Demonstrate to all who see and recognize Westem reflect those of the_staff or administration. Maryland College with firm and decisive action that the "we can and ---witJ recognize We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all high ideals lauded in the class room have true and uphold the rights of oth- mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College. ers as individuals here at significance outside of the class room as well. TELL Western Md. College." Westminster, Md. 21157. THE PREACHERS. THAT THEY _WILL NEVER BE RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR LAWLESSNESS AGAIN. The constitution of the fra- F Member of the ASSOCiatedCollegiate Press name withheld by request ternity was completely reorg-
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