Page 75 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 75
MalCh 3, 1983 Page 7 FoIlies Pr~Y!a~!Yv~2r The year's show features a Crossword Puzzle Betsy Mitchell loose comedy show. is put on number of other changes. The "Last year's show will be ~ each year by the Junior cla~s three showings will be divided real tough act to follow, for a three-fold purpose: to fill between two nights _ one on began Beth Dorian, "but the class treasury for the Friday at 8 p.m. and two on we're pretty confident." She coming year; to allow the 7 and 9:30 p.m. was speaking of the upco,m- people involved to get to There' will be no "Parent's lng 1983 Junior Follies, which know one another and have a Show," Rob mentioned that, will be presented on Friday, good time; and to poke some while other editions of the March 4 and Saturday, March good-natured (well, usually) at Follies have had themes, this 5. Dorian, billed as the our school. This year, a n~m- year's writers have paid spe- tive director, is working ber of changes are belnq clal attention to developing a closely with musical director implemented to make Junior cohesive plot line, making it Rob McQuay and dialogue Follies an even better event. "more like an original musi- coach Reed Mortimer, as well The most obvious change cal" than a satirical variety as a massive cast of actors, will be the shift in I~ation C?f show. singers and dancers,. to the Follies from their tradl- The development of the produce this satirical musical tional home, the For_um,to the script, too, is taking a rather extravaganza. Mainstageof Alumni Hall. Rob unusual path. The dialogue is Betrayal McQuay listed some advan- evolving improvisationally; that is, the cast of each scene tages: a larger acting space, a better sound and lighting is provided with a situation system, better visability. Par- and a number of ideas by the ACROSS DOWN B~e~~:;:~ Md. - The ~~~' ~~readc~~io~~~,~r~~a~~ ~~:~rs~~~n c~~fcn Wn~~~at~ 1. Fty high 1. Sufferer of "slump" Western Maryland College theatrical setting. Dorian is works, said director Reed 5. Winter transportation (abbrev.) Production of Harold Pinter's quick to bring up the most Mortimer, "because each of 9. Coagulate 2. Bi-racial confection Betrayal will open on Thurs- practical reason for ~he the cast is really creative and 13. Killer whale 3. Fighters for the first day, March 10 and run switch: the improved seating funny. It's interesting to hear 14. Rip amendment through Sunday, March 13 at capactiy. Alumni holds 555 'actor input.' I think it'll be 15. Hard or straight 4. Chickensnake 8:15 P.M. in the Understag.e people, as compared to the great." 16. Animal skin 5. Razor Sharpener of Alumni Hall. The play Will Forum's 230. The more pea- An endeavor like this one is 17. _avis 6. Tree foliage be performed on a specially pie that see the show, she not without problems. Mc- 18. Pindat's works 7. The Pearl's first name designed revolving stage cre- said, the more money the Quay said, "The biggest 19. Weekend pilgrimmage 8. Emptied ated by set designer Ira Oom- class will have to put towards problems with anything of this destination 9. Pull ser. the Junior-Senior Banquet. nature is getting people to 22. Short Sleep 10. Italian beach resort Directed by Harvey Doster, Such practical concerns are find the time to rehearse." 23. Lunatic 11. Unique chap Betrayal, is set in the 60's and vital to this year's Follies. The McQuay went on to say that 24. Spike 12. Hardy heroine 70's in London and involves a move to Alumni also allows he feels confident about his 27. Happy club 20. Consumes triangular reltionship between for the construction of a ver- cast (which includes nearly 28. Taxi 21. What? (Sp.) a husband and wife and the satne set, designed by Pete one-third of the class); All the 32. Pungent herbs 24. Fastener husband's best friend. It Roof, suggesting various directors agreed with McQuay 33. Commie 25. __ we forget - deals with a series of betray- spots around WMC's cam~us. when he commented on the 34. Center 26. Sniggler's catch als within the triangular rel- The addition of such theatrical unexpected turnout of nighly 35. Ait 27. Smile tionship, but Pinter is not. a elements completes the pro- talented Juniors. 36. US spy service 28. Male's role in oanclna naturalistic dramatist. tne-ota- ductions professional look. continued to page 8 17. Brads 29. Penny logue and the characters are -;;;;;;;;;;:.,;;;;;~~;;"";;,,,====.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~!!!!!!= 38. Scores (abbrev.) 30. ,Guthrie real. Never the less, the over- !!! 9. Group 31. Number 1 all effect is one of mystery, of . Ready __ 34. Saturday moming uncertainty, of suspense. An .Betrayal 1. Pussy entertainment understanding of these ef- 2. Sneaky rodent 36. Negative ions fects will help us to find the 3. With "a", weekend pil- 37. Biblical zookeeper key to Pinter's' method and MARt::H 10, II, 12, 13 grimmage destination. 39. Drinking establishment meaning, and the secret of 51. Story 41. Suzette or paper his impact on the stage. 8:15 p.m. 52. Woodwind 42. Where they found Moses The cast includes Frank 53. __ Day (multivitamins) 43. _boy! Evans, Rob McQuay, Stacey Understage, Alumni Hall 54. Snare 44. Fish Pfeifer, and Robert Stamer. 55. "Happy Days" language 45. __ Yorick Betrayal is $1.00 for stu- for.en unpopular person 47. Blood and guts dents, the campus, and sen- 56. Japs 48. A single quantity ior citizens; and $2.00 for 7. Church section 49. Bristle others. 6. French holy men (abbrev.) 50. Simple 9. Zodiac's song redone by Jackson Browne ALL The Counting Place OFFICE. ART + DRAFTING SUPPLIES Decker Center Lower Level % Beat the HIGH cost of yo ur For all y.... eros. stitch and candltwicking needs SCHOOL SUPPLI~S TODAY! 15 OFF * -- with in the Crossroad Square Shopping -- Center ~ tnstNiction Handmade gifts our specIalty __ Supplies Custom framing. -this co.,.,.t1"!; I/AUO Thll:~ - Wit" -- -- ~cated ww.Y, KINGa~~_~~9" RIWGER B~~~~ ~'' •• ,. __." __"".~ •."",.,.'"'..,..,.,.,.,.,.. ,..,•.,.,.,.. '-:.~",~=.~",,,,,,~,,,,';""_;';""';:';';'''';';''''''''
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