Page 76 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 76
Final taps for MASH The theme s o ng of the wise Col. Potter; the M' A·S·H· may be "Suicideis loveable B.1.; the complex Painless," but with one of "Hot Lips"; Father Mulcahy, a television's all-time popular ?ehind-the-scenes hero;. KI- shows gracefully bowing out, Inge~, deep down a ~edlcat.ed l its many fans will be hurting soldier, and Charles WIn- badly. chester, the cultured one in the The madcap doctors. nurses Swamp. and other personnel of the Each show was a different U.S. Army hospital during the and great experience. Korean War will always have Eac.h pe~on may have a a warm spot in their audience's Favorite episode. It may have hearts. Their humane. sen- been the one when Hawkeye sitive and patriotic characters and Margaret made love, or becamepart of the family for when Hawkeye had a craving 30 minutes each week. for some ribs from Adam's While the show will survive Ribs in Chicago. And how Neuwiller watercolors critiqued through synJication, its could ~ou forget that choked- from page 6 departurewill leavesan empty up feeling you got when you feeling with its fans.. Come found out Henry Blake'splane paintings. Except for sketchy But the feelings stirred within the viewer to fill in passages on, admit it. Who out there was shot down over the Seaof Silhouetted figures of the boy the viewer result more from with the imagination. hasn't identified with Japan. Perhaps it was Radar's and his dog in The Way We admiration of the artist's pa- Mrs. Neuwiller's paintngs Hawkeye when he ranted and going home show you Were and Friendship, only tience and from the sentimen- are a tribute to her precise raved about the samemenu in rem e m b e r -w a t chi n g things which hint at human tal subject matter than from drawing skills and eye for the messtent. A river of liver Hawkeye salute Radar for the presence are pictured. The any expressiveness of line, detail. Her choices of subject and an oceanof fish just won't last time. ---- humans themselves are color, or composition. matter summon up sentimen- ring as true. Or as funny. One could name many hauntingly absent. After so many details, She/- .tal yearning for the rural life. The Irish have the right episodes worth watching "If one of my paintings ter from the Storm is refresh- Her style shows a thorough philosophy about death, one again. M*A*S*H* dared to immortalize something Carroll. ingly simple. The composition mastery of such techniques that applies especially for. take chancesand made televi- Countians are familiar with, differs from the standard for- as the wood graining featured thosemourning the passingon sion history with some of its then I have achieved my mula, for the viewer is looking in 17 out of 25 paintings. of M· A·S·H·. They have a creations. One of the most goal," said Mrs. Neuwiller. out the door of a bam in the Perhaps if Mrs. Neuwiller wake, not to ferget or easethe striking was the show where Reminiscence of Home sue- snowstorm. Mrs. Neuwiller at- abandoned her tiny _brushes pain, but to celebrate how Hawkeye was injured in the ceeds by these standards, for lows the white paper to show and stepped back from her wonderful the.oerson was. countryside and is the only it harnesses the cozy atmos- through fresh sketchy brush paintings, she could use her CDS has been silting on a one to talk during the phere of an old family home strokes, and overlaps small- talents to discover a new gold mine. The number-one 6O-minute episode. Another at harvest time. The precision washed areas 01 transparenf range of expression without network in the ratings race WOlS the episode told solely of such details as the weather color. Detail is not the subject the demanding restraints of spent$2 million to produce the from the point of view of the beaten porch, the delicate matter, and the artist allows tedious details. 2VJ-hourfinal episodeand will wounded. Although all the lattice work, the exposed probably garner dose to $20 showstold the-grim realitiesof bricks, and the outlined war, M·A*S*H* dared to leaves is truly breathtaking. million. a show the feelings one GI had F II· ... Advertisers also want 0 Ies piece of the action. They when his dead buddy's aorta bought commercial spots at was usedto save another's life. from page 7 $400,000 far in advance. While CBS is discussingthe Dorian named a few of the Major characters such as possibility of a spin-off of show's highlights. "Of course, John "Trapper" Maclntire. M·A·S·H*, the network it's hard to chose a real high ,LOCUST WINES Henry Blake, Frank "Ferret should let it rest in peace.The point. I'd have to mention the Face" Burns and Radar may cast and producers felt 10 duet between Rick St. John 648-2910 have left the series.but, they, years was enough, and they and Becky Johnson, and the 10 East Main along with the rest of the wanted to move on to other new Beatles medley ... It's Lowest "Jug" Prices in Town 4077thwill always be good for ventures. The network should really difficult to pick out only JiJlc-nj~hltri"'·i'J_J;ames. r._",:::pc:::,::_t_::th:::O.::"'_::f::"'.:.:I;~ng:'.:_,,=-:=-=~a~fe~W~f~av~o~rit~e~s.~··==---:::=::-:~::::;;;::::;;:::::;;:::::;;:::::;;;;::::;;;:::;;;:=========~ The core that kept the show r AYEAR OUT OF COWGE, going consisted of the comic but caring Hawkeye. the ANDA STRAUSSISMAKING AVIAnON show's creeuve Foundation: LOST: BLACK LEATHER HISTORY IN THE ARMY. JACKET believed to have been left in Pub Thursday night, Feburary 24. SUB- 'Tmbeingassignedtoa "I gotintoRarC reallyjust STANTIAL REWARD OF· ChinookhelicopterunitinGermany tosee whatit was allabout. Forme,it FERED! NO QUESTIONS as atestpilotandmaintenanceofficer, allcouldn'thaveworkedoutbetter:' ASKED! This jacket was a gift andI'mproudthat111 bethefirst ArmyRarCgot AndaStrauss and means a great deal to womanto havethatassignmentover offto agoodstan.Maybeit cando thesameforyou.Tofmdour.sropby there.It'sarealthrill fOrme me, I only wish to retrieve my "So waslearninghowtofly yourArmyRare officeoncampus coat. I will pay anyone $50.00 ahelicopter.It takesalot moreskill Andbeginyourfutureasan who returns my jacket, or can thananairplane.If youthinkcollege officer tell me who has it. The money isdemanding,fljghtschooliseven is with the information desk, tougher.It'snor onlyacademically ~jrn_ply return the jacket and demanding,it'sreallymentally AT WESTERN MARYLAND collect the reward. IF ANY- demandingaswell asphysically. SEE CAPTAIN MIKE MAULDIN ONE HAS INFORMATION: "InGermany,l'll haveachance Leave a note or talk to me, I tousesomeoftheleadershipand MILITARY SCIENCE will keep full confidentially. TO rrianagementtechniquesIlearnedin ANW OR CAll 620 WHOEVER HAS MY JACKET: Rare. It'sgoingtobearealchallenge havingcommandresponsibilities. This article of clothing means more to me than I could possibly tell you; with the money t am offering you can buy a brand new jacket or anything else you want. 2ndLt.AndaSn-ausswasapoliticalsciencemajor ARMY ROTC. at Wake roteS{ and a member of Anny ROTC. Greg Elbo ANW 332 BEALL YOU CAN BE. Box 1239
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