Page 55 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 55
December 2, 1982 Page 3 S.F. prepares to ring up dollars In preparation for their up- funds collected from the the elude' pizzas, movie passes, "Greek Week, when the cam- get involved. It is one of these co~ing three week phonathon phonathon will contributed to stationery, and other miscel- 'pus greek organizations will events where the more peo- ,in banuarv. the "'~AC Student the college qeneral fund - lanious items, The callers will comoete for a special prize. ple involved the better it will 'Foundation will meeting on which helps to keep the cost all be invited to attend a , Everyone will be competing be." Wednesday, Oecember 8, at of.tuition down, and the pro- special dinnr each night be- for the regular individual 8 p.m. in the Forum. The vide some-scholarships for . fore they begin calling, and 'prizes as well. purpose of the meetinq is to students will be given snacks and Said Lohmann, "The phona- "Some of the alumni have treats throughout the night, than is looking very good as ~~~~:, c:~~rs t~or~~~Ia~~ri~~~ held a phonathon, calling their The third week of the phon- we are getting prepared, but details of how the calling will classmates to raise funds. I athon has been designated we still need more students to be done. think the students should help According to the phonathon out also," said Scott Loh- chairman, Scott Lohmann, this mann, will be the last chance to sign As an incentive for the stu- up for what promises to be a dents, the foundation will be very exciting month.There will giving out prizes to the stu- be prizes, free food and mun- dent callers during and after chies, and loads of good the pbonathcn. There will be a times with fellow students. special grand prize. A Mys- During the phonathon, on tery - for tthe caller who takes four days of each week from in the most dollars pJedged 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. callers will for each of the three weeks, contact alumni, parents and and for various time periods friends of the college for do- during the phonathon. nations to the college, The Prizes to be given out in- SGAelections tomorrow SGA officers are preparing groups should not be put off. these matters," said the SGA for the Friday, December 3, The biggest fear is that stu- corresponding secretary, Ron referendum when students dents may lose entertainment Kyle, " If a student lives off will be asked to voice their events in favor of cultural board, they should really opinions on two subjects: events, but many SGA repre- make a special effort to stop January Term registration and sentatives belelve this to be by the cafeteria and fill out a~ combining the CAP Board unlikely. ballot We want seniors to and the SGA social commit- "Students opinion does mat- give us their enpur, even, I tee. Concerning the January ter, so students should be though it will not affect them.' It is very lrnportant." sure to vote on Friday about 1 Term registration, students , may express support for the Resister fined $4 000 present system, vote for a lottery system show desire for CampU5 D;l{"5/ N,.IPS 5•.'n.';c<' year sentencewhich promises Tessem Stooeware a priority system. The present Mark Schmucker did not parole in a <6hort time is not system of registration is cum- register for the draft because takenasseriously asa fine. she Pottery Outlet bersome. but it allows stu- he believesJesusChrist was a said. dents who really,want to take pacifist. But he did write the Schmucker has no com- Quality Pottery at IDnpensive Price. a course a chance to get the Selective Service and told plaints, He will be receiving particular course. them he would not mind serv- some compensation for his 111 John Street, Westminster If a lottery. system is ing his country some other work at Emmaus House-- adopted. no preference will way than militarily, about $50 a month plus mom Near Southern States be given to seniors over That other way wasdecided and board. Mon. thru Sat. freshmen: a senior has a by a U.S, District judge to be The Mennonite. who also is 10 a.m .• 5 p.m. 876-8844 good a chance of receiving - two yearsof work in Emmaus a senior hiolugy major at ............................................... the lowest number as a fresh- House, a live-in hospital for Coshcn Collt.·gt,. Indiana, is man has of receiving the retarded adults in Mar- really pleased with the work highest It would make things thasville. Mo. sentence. He said it is giving Carriage House- Liquors a lot easier for the administra- Schmucker, a Mennonite him the chance to serve as he tion to register all the stu- from Alliance, was sentenced wanted to, 113 W. Main SIr""t dents, according to Bonnie to Emmausfor two out of his Schmuckeris the third draft "at the forks.." Banks. chairman of the SGA three-years.of probation. And resister to be prosecutedsince action committee, A priority he ws levied a $4.000 fine, the Selective Sl'rvin' Syslt'!ll Special system will probably will not The fine, JudgeAnn Aldrich was reinstituted. More than be adopted by the adminis- said, was given to deter other 500,000men have failed to ad- Molson Ale $3.29 6 pak tration because it is far too young personsfrom failing to. ded their name 10 the national cumbersome, register for thr- draft. A five- list for a possibledraft. Many in the SGA believe present LD, the WMC administration will r-------~-------.--------~ - -, eventually combine these two organization under the SGA, 1 10% WMC discount with this Ad and the combining of the two Rebecca Orenstein ~ tItt
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