Page 56 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 56
Page 4 Tho_Ix December 2, 1982 Terror, gridders look to next year David Bogdanski (19 tackles, 51 assists), Nick and Mike Baum (133 yards). win the baUgames. A whole the record we had. AUwe can Now that the football season Feurer (23 tackles, 44 as- Rich Johnson was the leading article could be written to hope for is a good recruiting is over, it is good to look back sists), Rick Conner (25 tac- receiver with 37 catches for place the blame and point year, and that the coaches anti see why we had a 2-6-1 kles, 38 assists), and Pat 439 yards, followed by Bob fingers, but those on the team will get together, make the record. From looking at the Luee (30 tackles, 29 assists). DeBeer (36 catches, 430 know exactly why a team with necessary changes and im- statistics, it would seem that Also, Todd Rowe recovered 3 yards, 2 touchdowns) and so much talent ended up with prove the team for next year we had a decent year. The fumbles, Bill McGoey had 4 Dan Fielder (12 catches, 174 only statistic where we really interceptions while Luce had yards). Evans led all scorers lagged behind by a large 3 and Conner had 2, and Pat with 50 points, followed by margin is in rushing yardage Luce blocked 2 kicks. Rich Johnson (31 points) and Other than that, it would seem The offense played spotty, Bob DeBeer (18 points). INTRAMURAL NOTES: we played our opponents but still was ted by some Some players also had pretty evenly. great individual achieve- some honors fall on them. The defense played ex- ments. Ray Evans was the Nick Feurer was an All-MAC Congratulations to Kelley's Heros for winning the tremely well all year. They biggest standout (8 touch- selection at tight end. Unfor- women's intramural football championship, and to were led by Dennis Oltman downs, 355 yards rushing, tunately, none of the above Gamma Beta Chi for winning the men's championship. (34 tackles, 50 assists), threw for 4 touchdowns). can change the fact that we There were eight womens teams (174 participants) Wayne Keen (22 tackles, 45 Other rushing leaders were were still 2-6-1. Even though and tzrnens teams (213 participates). The football assists,S sacks), Kent Galvin Wayne Pollack (167 yards) we had the talent, we did not season was a huge success with good competition, Running still. campus craze fU!1and sportsmanship highly. evident. SEASON STANDINGS: CQmpus Digest New5 Service severely out of shape or has must make which often causes The fitness craze has not engaged in a fitness pro- controversy among the definitely hit the college cam- gram for a long time. Indeed. a established runners is whether pus. The increased number of physical checkup is a good to run inside .or outside. joggers on the streets is only idea for anyone wishing to em- Although the novice may be ''''''''''- one piece of evidence testify- bark upon a running program. bombarded with infonnation 2 KeIIoy's Heros ing to this fact. The plethora of books on about which environment is 3 Rowdies _.. Why the surge of interest in runnning provides more tips better for his well-being, it is 4PhiAiphs Good_ .... running for fitness1 for the runner. Sports JI- really up to the individual. Running has maintained its lustarted's Running for Both the outdoors and the BIoo Ribtlctl Girls popularity among aerobic ex- Women (which also applies to, indoors have advantages and Mickey'sGirIs ercises over the years for men) suggests keeping your disadvantages which must be 'NtInefa!nexltotaamnameisplay-ollstaOO{Ig several reasons. First, it's easy mouth open when running to considered when deciding make breathing easier. The I to do. Everyone can run; no carry his arms at a 90 degree where to run. For example, the FIIW.S, &mbers defea1 Phi AIphs outdoors provides the diversi- special athletic prowess is re- book advises the runner to Blanche quired. KeUey'sHer06deleatRowdm 1 hard cycling and other types angle, and to keep the and also the sights, sounds and Kelley's Heros..m cI'Ianpionship 7-{) OWl' Blaoche Bornt:Ie!s ty of uphills and downhilJs Secondly, unlike swimming, shoulders relaxed. The hands smells of the street or coun- of aerobic exercise. running re- quires little special equipment. should be loosely cupped, but tryside. Indoor runing may SEASON STAICJIrtGS: not clenched. . seem dull by contrast. All you need is a good pair of According to the book, a On the other hand, inside running shoes and you're good way to ensure that tracks provide safety from the ready to go. you're running at a reasonable fumes of cars and have ..... ·.Morth WN ~ DIIMIftI ForfIb Further reasons for the pace is the "talk test," or being readily-available facilites if in- ...... • 3 popularity of running include able to talk to a companion juries occur. However, in the Ouirrbies • its use as a conditioner for while running. This is not to winter months, the air breath- Sctrveck'$TerrOOsts 4 -- other exercise' and its relief of say that you should carry on ed while running indoors may 3_ 3 2 2SigEps tension. As one avid runnJr an enchanting conversation lGarmlaBetaChi puts it, "Running cleanses the with your companion the en- be excessively dry, leading 10 ..... '.SouIh respiratory problems. mind." tire time you're running. Running shoes should ab- 3lbJzefRaidefs ,-""" Although nearly everyone Rather, the "talk test" should Features to look for include a -- sorb shock but not be so soft can run, not everyone can serve as a guide to tell you ·if that they don't give stability. start out at the same level. A you're overshooting your 1 Phi Delta Theta physician's approval is recom- ability. wedged heel. which gives Tec:hs 2 4 mended if the individual is One choice the new runn~r stability on impact and thus 'NtrneraInuttote
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