Page 54 - ThePhoenix1982-83
P. 54
-Opini-on _ (iT: ~.~ r(' Letter to the Editor Dear Editor ence. Hi. My name is Ron Kyle, Well, I am not in a fraternity, and I'm running for the posi- so I lose out on any kind of tion of Vice President of the "bloc vote." But since I do not Student Government Associa- have any fraternity loyalties, I tion. I'm only a sophomore, feel that I can do a better job but in the year and a half that for the school because I will I have been a student here at be less biased. I think I can WMC, I have been very in· do a good job, and I really valved in SGA, first. as a would like the chance to representative of fourth floor prove that statement. You can Rouzer and member of the give it to me. Action Committee, and this Tomorrow, cast your vote year as the SGA Correspond- for Ron Kyle. No one can ing Secretary. doubt that I want the job I feel a great deal of loyalty because I've wanted it for a to my school, and I would tike year and a half. SGA can to do more for it. In the short have a lot of influence for the time that I have been here, I students if its leaders are have also noticed that fratern- willing. ! am willing, and all I ity or sorority members get ask for is a chance to prove the top positions, many with- it. Thank you. out any previous SGA expert- Campaigns against drunk drivers strengthens C""'IJII5 [)i,~<'5' N,'ws S",ui((' of the innocent victims who against drinking and driving Maine and 35 percent .n Campaigns usually rise and have fallen prey to the have been safety measures Oregon. South Dakota has The average blood alcohol falJ with election years, but drunken driver are fighting to such ilS instilJJing ..ur bags and more than 600 death sites count of many drunk drivers rates that despite a .20, one recent campaign is rally- put an end to the carnage. oth~r devices in cars. Now marked on its highways with a and the presence but of prior con- ing year-round across the na- They are attempting to slow m'w l.iw-, ill 27 ~t.ltl·S willl.lI-l' sign: "X marks the tion against America's most the death rate which claims extreme measures against the spot ... THfNK!" Maryland victions for reckless driving or socially acceptable killer-the three Americans and injures 80 drunk driver himself. and Massachusetts police driving while intoxicated drunken driver. more every hour of every day Most' of the new taws con- monitor sobriety check-points (DW!), most homicides by Drinking and driving have by the intoxicated motorist. lain a mandatory prison term and Marne has cracked down these drivers result in misdc- been associated for years since State legislatures are begtnn- for at least the second offense,. further with a new liquor tax. meanors for the offenders. both became accessible to ing to listen to the outcry from and in some cases for firsHime - Twenty states have iricreas- One example tells of a large numbers of people,' and individuals and organized offenders convicted of driving ., ed the legal drinking age drunken driver who killed a throughout the history of this groups such as Mothers while intoxicated. An average because statistics have- in. 13-year-old girl on her way to dread association many vic- Against Drunk Drivers indication of such a physical dicated a link between deaths a church carnival. The driver tims have been left sprawled (MADD) and Remove Intox- .tate is a blond alcohol count caused by drunken driving was paroled after serving only III Illonths in jail, even though across our highways. fn just icated Drivers·USA (RID). of .10, or about three shots of and offenders aged ]6 to 24. the past two years, more The state lawmakers are no booze consumed in two hours Despite all these efforts, at the time of the killing he Americans were killed by this long<.>r ignuring the figures by a ]50·pound person. however, the new laws are was out on bail from another deadly combination than died from safety experts which in- Penalties are often more proving tough to enforce. drunk driving arrest and had in Vietnam. Over the last dicate one out of every two "~rict for convicted drivers .One source of trouble is the two prior convictions. decade, a quarter of a million Americ"ns will lx- the victim who refuse to take a sobriety attitude of both judges and In spite of this, the cam- people have lost their lives in 01 ,I drunk driver sometime test. At the, same time this juries, who sometimes give a paigners against drunk drivers alcohol-related accidents. during his or her lifetime. tough stand against drunken "slap on the wrist" to the are not giving up. Many have Now the parents and friends In the past, most steps driving is working, in some clean-shaven, family man set up court watches to ensure cases it is not. standing before them. They enforcement presence of the new laws. cour- the in Their After new legislation pass- can't picture him as he stumbl- troom often sways the judge ed, alcohol-related fatalities ed drunkenly away from the and jury to get tough with percent The, declined by 47 20 percent in in wreck he caused just the other these killers on the highway. Maryland, night. Phoenix Ch r istrn a s Ye5J yo .. too <'4'" Dance Editor Robert Holt (".·I"'td ( ~-t;,rt"l"Ie Managing Editor Teresa Norman :1 yOIJ t!t1rJIJ rI.~ i.... Asst. Managing Editor Oan Gilmore The Jc-Im Dewre",'1 in t News Editor Oavid Bogdanski f,hoDJ tif z-..."ti"'e Features Editor Steven Rossman f Sat. the Sports Editor Bruce Mable 't forum , Photo Editor Steve Brady Asst. Photo Editor Martin Schulman • 9 p.m. 1 f':: Business Manager Oeb Armsworthy a.m. Published by and for the students of Western Maryland College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the staff or administration. We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, $5. per couple Westminster, Md. 21157. Ell Member of the Associated COllegiate Press
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