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Page 4 May 13• .1983 Thompson to speak at commencement Summer 'Employment t; Playwright Ernest Thomp- in Washington and on Broad- Four honorary degrees will son, author of On Golden way. The play was later also be confered at the com- Ocean City, Jy[1J or Pond, will be the guest presented as a motion picture mencement ceremony. Presi- i speaker at Western Maryland starring the late Henry Fonda, dent Ralph C.. John will College's 113th Annual Com- Katharine Hepburn, and Jane present the honorary degree atlantic City, ]V.J. mencement on Saturday, May Fonda. Mr. Fonda and Ms. of Doctor of Laws to Robert 21, 1983. Thompson will Hepburn won the Academy Young Dubel, Doctor of Hu- e present a speech entitled Award for best actor and mane Letters to Sidney Myer "The Small Universe" to 354 actress, while Thompson won Friedberg, Doctor of Science .Yfttention Juniors and Seniors I Western Maryland 1983 grad- the Oscar for the Best to Millard Lee Rice, and Doc- uates. Beginning at 2 p.m., Screenplay. tor of Letters to Speaker Er- the ceremonies will be held In addition to writing the nest Thompson. '71ie J(ite Loft is now liiring for full-time summer under the tent in the campus screenplay for the movie, Mr. Commencement ceremo- quadrangle. Approximately Thompson is the author of nies will be interpreted in sign employment. 9reat hours, great pay. great fun. Contad 'Bill 281 graduates will receive The West Side Waltz, which language for the deaf, and Oelioe now at 301-289-7855 between 10 n.rn. ·and 9 bachelor or arts degrees, and starred Katharine Hepburn special seating for the handi- p.m. weeli.days for an immuw. ('PossibLe year round 73 will receive master of edu- and Dorothy Loudon. This capped may be arranged by management ,pOSitionfor graduating' seniors.) cation, science and liberal play opened in New York City calling the college at 848- arts degrees. in November 1981. 7000, extension 222. Mr. Thompson was born In Vermont and spent part of his youth in Westminster, gradu- ating from Westminster High School in 1967. His father, the late Dr. Theron Thompson, was member of the tactnty of ONE OF THE OLDEST WAYS Western Maryland College. sity, where he studied thea- TO BECOME AN ARMY OmCER graduated with Thompson honors from American Univer- trics. On Golden Pond, his first ISmLLONE OF THE BESt produced play, was a suc- cess at th, Kennedy Center I 8 I The Army Reserve And last year alone, over 70.000 students l Officers' Training Corps participated. training. Others enrolled on (ROTC) is more than a Some were interested in the leadership DAY5 tradition. full-tuition scholarships. And the financial college program. It's a and management For 163 years, assistance-up to $1,000 a year during the last ROTC has been two years of ROTC-attracted still others. LEIT training people to the desire to begin their future as Army officers. But all of them had one thing in common: do a Job that's also a tradition. The Why don't you do the same? You'll job of an Army officer. graduate to a position of real responsibility. skills. and management Exercise leadership Reminder It's Friday the 13th. Any fright- In 1819. Build a secure future for yourself And enjoy the ened coeds are invited to Captain Alden travel, adventure and prestige stay at Cav's for safety & Partridge, a former of being a second lieuten- ~ Note: Doc is on call. perintendent at ant in today' s Army. West Point, started Army ROTC.It·s r-------------l what we know today as Army-ROTC as much of a tradition HOUSE diers." So he established the first private school to as the job it trains He felt our country needed more "citizen sol- you for. Find out how .. OF I 1 offer military instruction. to enroll today. It didn't take long for his idea to spread. For more LIQUORS By the tum of the century. 105 colleges mation, contact the and universities across the country were offering Army ROTC Pro- Carroll Plaza. military instruction on their campuses. _ fessor of Military Westminster Today. with Army ROTC available at over Science on your 1,400 colleges and universities, the program is campus. 848-1314 stronger than ever. ARMY ROTC. Michelob $2.99 six pack BEALL YOU CAN BE. present coupon ...... :L..:,__ ~_=/~.:'!_.k
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