Page 89 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 89
.....·.k.'1' December 10, 1981 Page 3 Conservatively speaking r., f': A new deal on unem ploymen t Chris Beyers That women are the cause of all certain professions. For example, person wants that. Since my plan will the San Francisco area, there will Due to the popular response to my men's problems is nothing new. One acting is a good profession lor bring about full employment, all only be one wage earner per house- near-infallible plan to end the arms needs only to look back to history to women. To a lesser degree, childcare women need do is get married and hold. My plan IS simple this way, and race, I think lowe it to my adoring see this predictable pattern occur industries. Women would be allowed they will be set for life it cuts down on a lot 01 paperwork. fans, and the world, to set out to again and again. Eve beguiled Adam to hold these types of jobs, and any Again, there are hetortce! prece- Undoubtedly, there will be a mas- solve one 01 the worst evils facing into biting inlO the apple; Marie jobs "left over, when the men are dents for this. Before 1900, women sive feminist reaction to my plan, and man today--unemployment Antronette sweet-talked Louis XVI into through chosing their work. were expected to get married, and I'll surely be branded as "sexist." I Joblessness is more than a mere following disastrous conservative pen- The question arises--why women? almost every one (even the ugly call myself a humanitatian, and if it loss of revenue, it is a depressing cies. bring about the bloody French Why not men? Throwing aside the ones!) did marry. Therefore, my takes sexism to bring the end of way of life which strips a man of his Revolution; and I need not delineate obvious intelligence and physical scheme will halt the distressing de- unemployment, then by golly, I say dignity and his will to live. Just last the trials poor Oedipus went through strength limitations of women, one cline of the American family' let's be sextst! - week I saw a grown man eating the lor the sake of a woman. From Lizzie must remember that the entire eco- The plan will also work if only one The inconvenience to a couple of meat of some chicken bone that had Borden to Martha Mitchell, women nomic and bureaucratic structure of person per household works. The pushy broads moves me very little been thrown in the trash, and it made have been nothing but trouble. But I the U.S is built around a masculine problem here is determining who is to when I consider that poor, unem- me so sick that I walked right into digress approach to things be the breadwinner, and it would be ployed man sadly gnawing away on a Gino's and got that man a JOb! With my plan, not all women would All power is in male hands. To much easier to cheat on the system. discarded chicken bone This was not so much to my credit be excluded from working. The fe- exclude men would bring down the As I have outlined it, I have ensured Editor's note: This is the express as to the country's discredit. The male gender is uniquely suited for United States, and po right-thinking that. except for some couples around opinion of C. Beyers problem of unemployment boils down to too many people chasing too few Introspection jobs So far, the U.S. Government has mismanaged, uneven, and extremely What tried to expand the number of jobs available. These policies have been IS our' purpose? inflationary. Thus, the-only possible solution that 1 can see is to restrict Nancy Turner turning away from him and disobey' him searching lor. You might want to take the labor terce. I call my plan Ever wonder why you are here, or ing the laws and commands he has Maybe you don't know if you be- a look at the New Testament or talk "supply-side employment." question whether life is really worth set down for us lieve all of this, but if you did, then with a Christian you know The task then is to decide just how living? Sometimes do you get realty If we choose \0 live this way, then you would follow Jesus. tnen. I There is so much more to say, but to restrict the supply of labor. It is my lonely and wonder why you feel so we must naturally accept the conse- challenge you to take a look at your no room here, however if you have contention that most American fami- alone? Do you get mad at your quences. God tells us that the conse- life, are you really happy or are you any questions or want a Bible, then lies are too greedy. Many times, circumstances or mad at yourself quences of turning away from him are searching for something more? If you please come by and see me in 305 when the man of the house already when things don't go right? Ever feel an eternity without him, Le. hell, and are, then try asking God to show you aoeroce- I'm Nancy Turner has a job, the female partner decides really guilty about something you life without him now, here on earth, il he is the answer to what you are that she is bored, or that they need aren't able to get off your mind? Ever won't be all that great either. We will Editor's note: Introspection is a column for the free expression of all extra money to repair the jacuzzi or to feel like giving up? _ suffer guill, a loss of identity, pur- put tailfins on the Pontiac Well, I have lell all of these things poselessness, messed up relation- campus faiths Hence, she gets a job, taking work at one time or another, but I always ships and on and on- we won't have away from somebody who really felt that they didn't have to be. So I true happiness! That stinks! needs it. Thus, the root of the kept searching to see if I could find But if God is a just God and set the problem is women, and the way to the true happiness that I knew ex- standards, then, just like a judge in solve it is to kick women out of the isted somewhere. Are you searching the courts today, he can't change a list? labor force too? I hope you haven't given up or them, so what does he do? Because of his love, he let someone else take accepted a happiness that is second Vandals rate, because you sort of fell you the punishment lor us so we don't have 10. That someone was Jesus could never find that joy that you uncivil have dreamed about deep down Christ. who God sent into this world Checking it inside you. Never give up hope, there to live a perfect life and teach men is an answer! how they should live, and then to be from page 2 First of all there is a reason for our killed, thus suffering aU the pain thai twice? being here. God says, in the Bible, we deserve! After he died, he rose I am not accusing anyone of 'any- that we are created by Him, he made from the dead and conquered sin thing. (Where have I heard that us therefore we are his. He has set and death, thereby freeing us so that before?) It seems though that these the standards for right and wrong. we can live life with God now we can help! attacks are particularly directed at Why did God make us? He made us Now what? Well the response God The Phoenix and the Social Commit- in order that he might have a relation- wants is that we stop running our tee, two of the campus' most popular ship with us, that we might find true lives our way and agree that we have Mon. & Thurs 10 - 8:30 dumping sites joy in him and would worship and sinned against hi.m by doing this and Tues. & Wed_ 10 - 5 There are some people on this honor him for all that he is. admit that we deserve to be pun- Friday 10 - 9 campus who can face the music for Secondly, God gives us a Iree will ished. Our natural response then their wrong actions, but unfortunately (he didn't want to make machines) to should be to start obeying him. Saturday 10' 5 there are still those who can't. Out of choose whether or not we will live our However, we can't do this on our cowardice they hide behind such lives the way he desires us to. But we own; it is Jesus who changes us. He EARN UP TO $11,000 petty things as vindication and responded by running our lives our gives us a JOyfulnessand eagerness ethanol, hoping to justify their ex- ,own way, thinking we kn~ better, _to__~a~a personal relationship with IN COLLEGE. tended adolescence The reasonable people of this cam- In the Arm\' Reserve. you ran earn around $i,\\\_~rwc-r pus have repeatedly asked for firm LOCUST BOOKS ("Ilf y,·ar~"t('"J1,·).!,'f,'r ",,,rkill)! p.trt-uau- )1I"t "Ill' ""'\'~"nd and just action from the college a mOllth :lTlcltwo weeksa ycnr. !,Iu~ IW".'UIllTllc'r, "I ~r'!l1l administrators. Repeatedly, the rea- 9 East Main Street ing ar an Army post Manv un~t~also otfcrn h,'nu~nt til' tc sonable people have seen their re- Westminster, Maryland 21157 $4,ClllOtoward your tuition. After ~r.1Juati"n, )"'\111h,l\\' quests ignored and denied. They a v'lluahlc skill and work cxru-ricrm- have seen the known vandals of this 30 1!~48-6813 Call 876--6929 campus wreak havoc to personal and Cards, Calendars, 'Diaries, Journals, college property without any fear of making retribution. They know that, rprinis, 'Puzzles & 'Totebags even if they are caught and proven guilty, they will most likely walk away Open 7 day~ a week with just a wrist slapping The elements for a disastrous situa- r-----------------------="-~"'~-l" tion are rapidly coming into align- ment. : HOUSEOF LIQUORS: I feel that the basis of civil order is gradually decaying at WMC under .1 1 Carroll Plaza, Wesbninster 848-1314 1 1 the elastic enforcement of college civil order is not present in a society, ! Special of the Week ! policy by the administration. 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