Page 41 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 41
The Phoenix Thumlay, October 22, 1981 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 6 Task Force .Seek's Ideas Fidy Kuo· _ Committee will attempt to answer would only say, "You may have an future trends in regards to what consumers" wnet does the ending of the "baby that. Dr. coer. the sub-committee opinion and I may have an opinion students want to study What kind of student comes to boom" mean to WMC? It means that head, states that. as of now, known However, all we want 10 do is One such result of uenc analysis WMC, and is it worth the time to toward this decade's end there will factors include: the quality of curricu- demythologize our opinions and get was the formation of a specific curric- attract more of that kind to come be fewer and fewer 18-25 year olos lum. quality of student life, school some hard facts," ulum for the BA major. Dr. Griswold here? The Marketing Segmentation This, in tum, will mean fewer appli- size, the distance from home, and A major student interest. Ihat has stated that several years ago there sub-committee, headed by Mrs. El- cants to WMC. So, what to do? Does several others. "What we want to do merited its own sub-committee, is would have been some hesitation well, will attempt to answer that. one assume a defensive position by is to take all these factors and Programs & Curriculum Innovation. about creatinq a specific major Segmentation of a market means giving in to the tact. which means prioritize them somehow. This way, Dr. Smith heads this sub-committee, "After all," he said, "we are a liberal dividing the market, the present and culling back faculty, staff, and we'll know what areas we should be and it will attempt to review WMC's arts schools, and not a business potential WMC student, into every classes to meet the dcwmward slope? devoting more attention to" entire curriculum program. Working school. However, in light of recent category' possible. What is the stu- Or, can one assume an offensive Research for this sub-committee will with various departments will be in- conditions, it has become 'accepta- dent's religion, sex, race, region, size position by preparing to work harder include student polls and surveys volved. If possible, the sub-committee ble.' Anyways, what's wrong with a of high school etc.? to recruit just as many students as in The Admissions omce already has will advise the departments on how to liberally educated business major?" As an lilxample of a segmented years past? WMC has chosen to take some data that wil! be studied. In arrange the sequence 01 course offer- Although the new BA major was market, Mrs. Elwell used the non- an offensive stance to challenge the addition, three students will be aug- ings, or what may be added. created before MTF was started, this traditional student. The non-traditional ending of the "baby boom." Or,' as menting to the data as a Jan. Term Programs & Curriculum Innovation's is indicative of the kind of things MTF is a student who does not live on Dr. Griswold puts it. to "cope with the project. research will rely on stored computer may be able to advise in the future campus, and is generally over the slope" When asked, presumptuously if information of past students' choices "Good Marketing," said Dr. Seidel, age of 21 The Marketing Task Force, or MTF, sports had a good deal to with of majors and courses. Special atten- "is knowing your total environ- "We've always had that market of is the organization that wHi attempt to attraction and rete-teo. Dr. Ober tion will also be paid to present and menl...which means knowing your continued to page 8 "cope with the slope." MTF is a broad effort thai encompasses the representatives, numbering 20 in all. Sexual Harrassment Measures Set in- Its members are campus. entire structors, staff members, and student The co-chakpersons of the Force are Joyce Muller and Earl Griswold. Steve Rossman told the "C" would not be reviewed informal advisors on the Committee. women to be protected. The policy is The heads of the four sub-committees Pages 64-66 of the 1981-82 Student by the Grade Review Board. The Anything said to these members very clear on firing anyone involved in are as follows:· atAletic -orectcr. Dr. Hand600k states the school policy on reason lor Ihis injl..stice: no committee remains confidential. The members of such an incident and students should ~ Alex Ober-Attracticn & Retention, discrimination and sexual harass- existed to handle the problem the committee are Dr. Helen Wolfe, make sure that they have a strong ment. Most students, including sen- Dr. Jeanne department. education basis for action before making any After reading the article, facully and presidential assistant, Mrs. Beard- I Training, sccioloqy instructor, Mrs. iors, don't know about the Sexual staff members, including men and Higbee, director of counseling and accusations. Dr. Elwell's point is that Elwell-Marketing Segementation, and Harassment Committee and its im- women, got together, checked other career services, Dr. Daniel Rees. the committee should act as a deter- political science instructor, Dr. Smith- jcrtarce on the college campus colleges' policies, and drafted their sociology department, and Dr. J6an ent to any future problems. Recenlly, Programs & Curriculum Innovation. All The recent establishment of the own policy Coley. education department. there have been no complaints to the those involved are faced with the one committee began with an interesting In Dr. Mary Ellen Elwell's own words Dr Elwell feels that it's the "students Committee question that will enable WMC to letter to the editor, by Amy Jones, in this was a "good example of grOUps right to know" about the policy and It is unfortunate thai the Sexual maintain the status quo-how does tile February 12, 1981 issue of the of this college having a that if a student has a problem he or Harassment Committee was not one sell a college? Scrimshaw. Miss Jones had no idea concern about an issue," getting she can and should obtain help from around to help the female student According 10 economics instructor, that her letter would play such an together. and coming up with a the committee. Amy Jones, the author involved in the Scrimshaw article. A Dr. Seidel, tile answer is the market- important role towards the establish- solution. Dr. Elwell was one of the of the newspaper article, says it is question students should ask trern- ing philosophy. What is the marketing ment of the current policy. Titled many tacuiry members wrc contrib- important that students know there is selves. if they feel too intimidated, is philosophy? Rrst off, it is not as "Sexual Harassment," Amy Jones uted to the policy. It took many more something they can do about such one that Amy Jones asked in her simple as making the brochures blue wrote that a female friend was alone drafts and revisions before the final harassment. letter to the editor' instead of last year's red. Nor, is it with the male teacher in a course the draft was finished, given to Dr. John The lesson of the ordeal, says Dr. 'Do we girls just sit and let this just a slick advertising campaign. The friend was taking. The teacher told and approved by him. "We have a Elwell is "that people would be more teacher and maybe even others, marketing philosophy requires the her he wanted to have a sexual concerned administration" who "don't careful of their remarks" and what whoever they may be. harass us and WMC faculty and staff to see them- relationship with her. The young lust sit there and listen" and do they say to each other. Both Dr possibly even cheat us out of our fair I selves as a corporation and to see woman refused and recieved a "C" nothing, according to Dr. Elwell. Elwell and Jones agree that teachers grade, if this be the case?" and students should be more cau- Anyone who has a problem of this for the course. The student told the the students as customers. And the I product? WMC ilself. How does one story 10. the dean, but in return was nature should consult any of fOu~ tious and that it is important for then go about selling this college? selling a product? The corporation Deep How does any corporation go about starts by indoctrinating itself in a systematic method of selling. Then, CPS they research the market to see what the customers like or dislike about the product. The product, or even the corporation itself, may be modified to cater to the customers' taste. Fmally, more potential customers may be ~ researched to see it the market Should expand to them tl1rough ad- vertising For WMC's Marketing Task Force, this is the systematic method they will apply to this institution. "In the end," says Dr. Seidel, 'we will have a product better suited to the customer and worthy of an exchange-this school for your tuition'" When a. corporation is selling a product, a good question to ask is "why do customers buy it and keep on buying it7" Why do ~dents come to WMC, and what makes them want to stay? The Attraction & Retention
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