Page 174 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 174
The _P_h_oe-,--n_ix Letters to the Editor '\ Dear Editor: I enjoyed Mr. Beyers' "Cheese and children behind in Japan, he dashery near Baltimore's lower and Literature" artlcleot April 8 emigrated to West Falkland to middle southwest side. It was here that Mr. Old Jed, the owner NDSL a descendent very much. There are three East Falkland to West Falkland to and proprietor of the store, sold East (this was cheeses of importance, however, Falkland which Mr. Beyers neglected to BTWABWZ - Before there was a various exotic and neurotic of defense program discuss in more detail. beetle war zone) and finally to cheeses. The cheese that 1 de- was tested the most, I remember, First cheese The Japanese beetle in point, is Swiss Gargantua. cheese. Swiss grows on the made his home in the country's Odourela (indigenous to city Swissholla bush in Greece. This smallest crop - the Gargantuan- dumps), which was worse than ...formerly white stolid "frommage," Saskatshewan cheese. This par- Llmburoer . however With the PoSSibility that federal student aid programs may recently turned Canary Yellow ticutar brand of cheese the Gar- My favorite, by which far, went deli- was Chaenoc be cut back by the current administration, we should go back and decayed (No plan! now ganluanians had long wanted to ciously with Bronx Graham and examine the motivations of this aid when it first came into living has ever acquired such get rid of, So they did. The Crackers. In the early 1970's a unseemly holes either naturally or being. The first major student grant and loan proqrarn by the . forcibly), is the result of the choleric cheese was smuggled group of young people (Too into the United States by Gargan- government was the .Nationat Defense Education Act (NDEA) young in the previous decade to bellhops tuania~ wanted who of 1958. Today it is Nanonet Direct Student Loan. This act was a Second Industrial Revolution . lewer wages, Naturally, after the become flower children) took to which brought us such wondrous direct response to the Soviet Union's 1957 launching of Sputnik smoking Chaenoc. They were I, the first artificial satellite placed in orbit around Earth. filth as sulfur and dioxide, carbon long ride (Crossing ithe tntema- labeled Forsaken Undesirables - _ monoxide, none! Date Line made the beetle This sunburn. The fear of a "technology gap" between the US and the or FU's. Either name you call for the delightfully USSR motivated this government to make available massive also accounts taste of Swiss cheese quite hysterical), he gladly flew them, I lost my fondness for the down in some away and settled bittersweet sums 01 money for education, especially in mathematics, in the cheese and soon switched to sciences, and in foreign language programs, as well as lesser so queer to old timers. thick green foliage. The rest is Yalta. Baltimore is still around. amounts of money for _the arts and the humanities. Funds for Second of interest is the merln- history. What of the cheese? The People still give birth and sell Girl guidance and counseling services, laboratory and aU,die-visual guey Gargantuan-Saskatchewan American government seeing a Scout cookies there, Old Jed's is equipment, and student loans for college educations also cheese from (You guessed ltl) surplus of cheese immediately gone now though, It seems the began with this act. Gargantua. II was because of sliced it, packaged it, and sent it old man closed' down because Thus, the federal government implemented ·the NDEA and this delectable delicacy that the to a needy family in Pikesville, he couldn't keep up the pay- the other aid programs for America's national interest. in order Japanese beetle has pl~gued Third and last is a cheese that I ments on his water bed. of plants. As to increase our military, Industrial, commercial, and social American planters (Any Western Civil- developed a "cheese" tooth for Name Not Withheld while growing ~veryone knows up down in Baltl- capabilities. The strength of the nation was seen in its children By Any Request. would), professor when zatlcn and the educational opportunities afforded them. The govern- f~e Japanese beetle left his wife more during the late 1960's. Old Steven Rossman was an unpopular Jed's haber- ment, then, provided its resources for the development of the Uncouth, Maryland succeeding generations. Most youth of talent and ability, Resist aid cuts however poor, were virtually assured an access to higher A letter to college and university cuts will have three unAmerican velop their abilities to the fullest. education, for this was seen as in the country's best interest for consequences. First, it will re- Second, the consequent loss or the future. _ students: verse a public policy going back diminution of cultivated abilities The NDEA programs grew and were joined with other aid If the proposed cuts in the to the early days of the Republic and skills will commensurately programs under the Higher Education Act of 1965, about which federal budget in scholarship that sound government and the disadvantage our society. The then President Lyndon Johnson had the following to say: and loan funds for college and well-being of citizens are best talents of many who have the are enacted university students assured "Nothing matters more than full educational opportunity to the into law, the youth of America will "teces by extending the advan-: potential to make large contribu- future of our country. not our military preparedness _ for armed be severly hurt. Many in the of education to all. The tions '0 the general good wiU might is worthless if we lack the brainpower to build a world of lower income families will be prospect of a deep cut in student remain undeveloped. In this age, peace; not our productive economy - for we cannot sustain prevented from attending any assistance can only be unsettling and in the y,ears ahead, when the growth without trained manpower; (and) not our democratic instlmtton of higher education. to those who genuinely believe in demands of personal and civic system of government - for freedom is fragile if citizens are Even among middle class fami- our tra'dilional doctrine of equality life increase at an ever-increas- ignorant." lies, especially those with several of opportunity. It will deprive ing speed, limitation of eouca- Let us hope, then, that the Reagan administration will fulfill many youlh of the right to de- its obligations to its citizens' education in a spirit not of children, the financial burden will continued to page ] grievous, wasteful, and unnecessary burden, but in the original be too heavy to bear. The con- spirit of furthering the development of this country through the tention that the states and private Faculty action the will philanthropy provide development of its peoples ing. Therefore, the faculty wishes funds to replace federal aid is Dear Editor, to support the. adml~istratlon a~d totally misleading, Some states The Western Maryland College all students (Including fraternity are already considering similar faculty adopted the following res- and sorority members and inde- retrenchments. No matter how olution. at a special meeting of pendents) in their efforts to im- generous private aqencies and the faculty on April 13, 1982 and prove the quality of our life individual contributors may be, believe that all members of the' together. We also want to as- . their resources are inadequate to college community should be sume more responsibility our- The offset the reductions therefore, to informed of the action. selves by working with the Dean in federal aid. It is deceptive, Phoenix proclaim will make up the losses. we work, and to which in which of Student Affairs and other com- life "Since the community with student mittees alternative dealing that we are either source strives The resulting educational priva- committed, environment," to be a "hu- such as the Inter-Fraternity Coun- Council " mane we are cil and Inter-Sorority tion imposed by the proposed deeply concerned about the r~ James E. Lightner, Editor , Robert Holt Bravo to the faculty of Western cent incidents of fraternity haz- Secretary of the Faculty Managing Editor Teresa Norman News Editor. .. ' Greg Elba Maryland College on the recent to the resolution of adoption Sports Editor , Rob McQuay Photo Editor .. .. Andy Chang support the Administration in their to improve 'our "humane efforts Photo Lab . ...Carlos Ortega a mind is At this time it is the Ad Artists '. . Cindy Wilcox environment." of the students and responsibility Paste-up Jeff Frazer, Bruce Mable staff to have our concerns recog- atenib\e Judy Mitnick nized about recent violent cam- Proofreading... . , .Beth Piskora, Chris Soto pus incidents, as well as our Melanie Clippinger thing toVJaste attitude concern Business Manager. Jonathan Dickey of apathy for the general to campus in relation Ad Manager . Jeannine Railey is our Illrefon ... property, in fact, which, Typist , , Alice Krempasky property, and the rights of others. Michele Everett A petition is presently circulating Published by and for the students of Western Maryland addressing this issue. If any College. The opinions expressed in this publication do not. WMC community member is in- necessarily reflect those 01 the staff or administration. terested in having their concerns We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address recognized by signing this peti- all mail to The Phoenix, Box 1, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. 21157, tion feel free to see any member of the World Peace Group or call ext. 324.
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