Page 118 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 118
PageS February 11,1982 Vice Squad: rates a 'B' Math Quiz' An~er to last week's puzzle 123-45-67+89:100 There were no correct responses to tums informant on pimp, pimp kid- a break from all the violence through- last week's puzzle, so last week's Fldy Kuo naps prostitute. police and bad guy out the film, suCh as a prostitute are in L.A.? How do the people Clfl surprise will become the prize for this the vice-squads cope with being on "Vice squad," a movie that tries to engage in boring car chases (you being beaten to death with a coat the lo.sing side? week's puzzle add innovation to the typical "Cops & can't leave those out) all over the city. hanger, another being hit by a car, a There was one tinge of realism in Puzzle for the week: Robbers" B-film genre, disintegrates The dialogue is definitely trite. Some man being castrated with a switch- the lilm. On a night cruise; a rookie What Is.the largest sum of money in through hackneyed cliches into just 01it goes like this: "You're dead!", or blade, and on and on cop complains to the detective, current U.S. coins (excluding silver that a typical "Cops & Robbers" B- "I'U get that s.o.b. if it's the last thing I The movie claims to be an actual "Man, everyone is out on the streets dollars) mat a person can have' film. The innovation Is setting the dol", and, "Shut up, or I'll rearrange composite sketch of Hollywood vice- tonight: the whores, the pimps, the without being able to give someone stOl)'on Hollywood's Sunset Strip. For your facel" squad details. Yet, all the characters hustlers, the leather lreaks, this change lor a dollar, half-dollar, those not familiar with ''The Strip," the During the story. the detective fails of the vice-wOrld are caricatured. city SUCKSI" Putting aside proper quarter, dime or nickle? most frightening, yet lascinating, as- in love with the prostitute (it never Black pimps wear lancy clothes and joumalistic language, the movie can *$ponsoted by Kappa Mu Epsilon' pect of it is its vice culture. By fails). In an amusing scene, they "jive-talk." Prostitutes laugh and joke be said-to do the same thing. daylight, "The Strip" is a breezey converSe as if they were already about the "tricks" their "johns" re- straight-away to drive on in sunny married; ans. The caricatures reveal a total Cnsidine film lacks quest. Drug addicts act like comedi- L.A. By .night, a literal army of ''What's for dinner, honey?" prostitutes, pimps, transvestites, drug "How was work today, dear?" lack of understanding and concern cIeaIefs, and sado-masochists take to "Same old stuff...two junkies got Strip." The movie could have been much in art and taste for the real people caught up in ''The its streets. Under the brilliant day-glo killed today..." neon lights, they exhibit, negotiate, Unfortunately, the romance never truly innovative as well as improved il Overall the entire movie was in' very and sell. materialises. The detective (Swanson) it explored the real people on both bad taste. The gory scenes were Yet, the movie chooses not to and Princess (Hubley) seem to have sides 01 the law. How does the cnere Greco funny, and the characters sick concentrate on the depressing "Neon an actual rapport. Also, a romance teenage rur1away feel to be force.O What is the best way to gain control The glasses that they give you so Slime" (a song in the movie) inhabit- would. l}ave provided the viewer with into prostitution, as hundreds of them of the world? Hitler tried by slaughter, ants, but on a.....-groupof cliched Micas Casidine with ice, but the you can see 3-D refuse to stay on characters you've seen in at least movie FRANKENSTEIN gives us a your head, causing a headache from Arst, there's Princess, the. tough talk- ROTC cadets succeed new option. Zombies. That's right the The main thing that bothered me watching a double vision & HutCh" episodes sixteen "Starsky She even has e-ume girl ("Mommy in airborne challenge Baron wanted "a creation entirety of was the perversion 01 the Baron. The ing protttute with a "heart of gold" my own creation." only thing that turned him on was The Baron then created two zom- loves you.") - an obVious pathos bies. One female, and one male. guts. People guts. When they showed him getting off on the inside of the device. There's the vice squad detec- from page 1 experiences." He commented that it They were made of bits and pieces of tive. (Gary Swanson) he's one of trainees trained 'til about 4 p.m was hard to tell what was happening peasants. He planned that the off- ~:e~ieb~ng~~ ~ ~~~e I~:io:e h~Va~ those ''tough on the outside, soft on Afterwards, they received their mail, It takes about one minute to drop the spring of these creatures would an- was so disgusting I couldn't stand the inside" sort of guys. Then, there's ate dinner, and enjoyed a little free 1300 feet from the airplane to the swer 10 him and only him staying until the end Ram-Rod (Wings Hauser), the pimp time. ' ground. The parachutist"travers be- The Baron also had some other odd In conclusion, there are very few whO's an all and out "nasty." Of eu The trainees practiced just about tween 12 and 15 m.p.h. It takes quick quirks. His wife was also his sister people who I dislike enough to the characters, his is pJayedthe best everything, culminating in the 250 thinking, because everything hap- And their two kids looked like his, recommend this movie to. Throughout His character is so excessively cruel, foot tower. Finally--jump week. Every- pens so last. The fourth jump was a they were expected to do the same the movie the Baroness constantly thai it actually transcends the eucre one was very nervous at this time, for night jump--riskier, but they've been .The kids favorite two pastimes were called the townspeople "tasteless bad guy role. In lact, he is so nasty, they finally realized what was going prepared. After the fifth jump, a oececnannc dolls and watching trash." I cringe to use her phraseol- that when he gets blown away at the to happen to them. Cadet Werner trainee becomes a full-fledged air- mommy get it on with the local stud ogy, but these two words sum up the end, everyone applauds. Winkler describes jumping from an borne soldier. They've met the chal- who she had hired as her personal movie Frankenstein as no other two The plot is quite standard: Prostitute a\rplace as "one of my greatest lenge--airbome. servant AIRBORNE ALL THE WAYI * At Western Maryland * See Cpt. Mike Mauldin Responsibility now! Over a drop zone, Basement, with troops on alert for every command Albert Norman Ward Hall -it's the airborne platoon leader and Call 876ยท3804 jumpmaster who calls the shots, "Stand in the door!" ... "Go!" Dozens of ready -for-anything paratroops leap into space, * * As an airborne officer, YOU C!1n be the one who leads them. In the Army's airborne, leadership is a way of life. An airborne officer must have plenty of physical stamina, mental toughness and an accumulation of man- agement skills, along With leadership experience. Army ROTC offers the kind of' training that qualifies you for the BEALL lOU CAN BE. airborne's kind of responsibility. If the challenge of the Army's Air- @ borne Corps interests you, see the Professor of Military Science on your campus. The addition of Army ROTC gives any college major a special jump on ARMY ROTC. leadership experience-reinforcement for your future career-military or civilian.
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