Page 117 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 117
The Phoenix Page 7 Players of the Week Dave Engel has accumulated 41 points in the last three Terror Terror swimming star Mary Theresa Lurz made a slrong showing basketball victories. vs. Swarthmore. Two 1st place victories and a 2nd place finish setting national qualifying time, school records and pool records Terrors sink York and 5 CROSS "'~ can animal Swarthmore enroute to MAC's l11Glossypaint on 6 Foster note 6 Urges 7 Scale 12 Relunded 8 Unlock WORD 15 Near 9t.Ailklarm self to the other school record with a Chris Vaughn Triple winners Mike Price, Paul Burkitt 16 Poellct.Ause 10 Knight PUZZLE 28.36 in the 5O-yard butterfly. She and Bill Livingston together galned 25 The women's swimming team is also won the l00-yard freestyle event points whicn almost individually 18 European 12 Pronoun Prelix land 14 Down: only three meets away from their first in 59.98. equaled York's team score. The 200- 191nlel 17 Sovielnews undefeated season, after their two Denise Frech's three victories in the yard butterfly was won by Bill livings- 21 Caliph agency FROM COLLEGE victories last week. Sinking YOO, 91- 5O-yard backstroke, the 2OO-yard and ton who also was a member of both 22 Near (abbr.1 20 Siamese coin 43, and Swarthmore, 83-56, has put 100-yard Individual Medley events the Medley relay team of Hubach. 23 Sedilion 24 Remainder PRESS SERVICE the WMC women on top of the MAC made her the only triple winner Flickinger, and McAllister and the 2651111 25 Seine forth 27 Send 29 Ceremony teams with a spotless 10-0 record. against York ...... freestyle relay of Burkitt, Hubach and 31 Walk 28 Clock The men gained a 4-5 record with The meet that has advanced the Hubach 33 Scale note 29 European 44 Limb •• n back-to-back wins over York, 71-28, WMC women swimmers to their per- The men's second victory in a row 34Conjunclion capllal. 46 DepreSSions 56 Prlnlef's and Swarthmore, 57-56. fect 10-0 record was Saturday'S dual was against Swarthmore, 57-56. A 35 Weaken 30 Asian land "8 Rips measure 32 Peel Freshman diving ! se~ W::sh~:~~:~~h:~~~: with Swarthmore. a 1:06.10 in the Sharon new addition to Bob the Ludlow, scored 38 Greek leller pre- 36 Skill 49 Doctrine 57 Diocese pI men's 39 Negalive 59 Compass 51 Soaks Rowley 100- scored team, freshman 37 Processions II, artiCle MAC finals at Johns Hopkins in two yard oackstroee, setting one of the two points by third place finishes in 40 College deg 42 European 5"Above Per- 62 Franch Abbr. 64 State: 55 AnCient weeks and the National Division III three school records and another of the required and optional diving 41 Snare Championships in March. Eight of the the three pool records of the meet. events. Kurt and Fred Hubach fin- 43 Evaluale ~ 45 Goal nine women Swimmers on the squad Denise Frech set a pool record with ished first and second in the 200- have qualified for the nationals which her national qualifying time of 1:10.47 yard freestyle, while Paul Burkitt won 47 Kind 01 race nceee are swum in Boston, Mass. As a team in the l00-yard breastroke. She also the 200-yard backstroke in 2:21.05 so Or.' pause they have broken almost every school qualified for the nationals in the~l00- Mike Price bettered his 200-yard 52 Towardshel- and pool record existing on their yard Individual Medley and the 50- breastroke time from the York meet "" home turf yard breastroke, winning the races in by two seconds to 2:33.31, taking 53 Pop and - Their victory over York last Wednes- 1:04.90 and 32.82, respectively. second place in the event. He also 56 Slave day was highlighted by two school Last week's Woman Athlete of the won the 5O-yard freestyle and the 58 College otli_ crate records being broken. Mary Theresa Week. Lisa Steel, was a double 200-yard butterfly securing the victory 60 Odin's Lurz' 5:25.71 was responsible for a winner in the diving competition while for the Terrors who are now 4-5 brother record in the 500-yard freestyle. Lurz capturiflg the required division with overall. 61 Courage also won the too-varo butterfly and 137.65 points and the optional in 63 Lurched finished second in the l00-yard Indi- 160.55 points. SWIIIIIINQ RESULTS 65 Worms vidual Medley The men's team won their third Jcnns Hopkins 58, Shippensburg 55 66 Ave. cc-cecten Usa Kleveo pulled her- meet of the season eoaoet York Johns Hopkins 62, American 46 67 Exist F & M 63, Wldenef 48 DOWN tooth 1 Wheel Maryland 69, Yorl<. 28 Wesrem Apartments are champs WestemMaryland57,Swarth~e56 66. F & M 47 DicIIi,'lSOO in new intramural sport You can't afford to miss Financial AId Meeting it! WANTED Drastic student aid cuts have been proposed by President Byme's quintet and produce a 9-7 Reagan. The financial aid staff is holding a meeting to discuss /he Guppy victory. Congratulations go to luke Baseball Cards proposed changes and how /hey will affect you. Become involved. Rnd It must be the food because Englar Aull and his fine team for this fierce out wtlat you can do. failed to produce a box soccer battle When: Thursday, February 11, 1982 Time: 6:30 p.m champion. Apartment building 2 On Thursday night in the pro divi- Where: McDaniel Lounge swept both the amateur and the sion, Apartment 2 completed their Need Extra Money? professional divisions of this new sweep with help from their Quad intramural sport friends. Greg "Pooh" Shockley not The festivities began last Tuesday only baffled The Factors in goal but Next time home bring evening as the Stickers defeated the added two goals himself to pace the back your old cards Cherry Pickers in a hard fought Haverford Fords in victory match. The Stickers were down ear1y The sconng was evenly distributed Mike Worthem when Bill "The Animal" Byrne scored throughout the rest of the team as his first of five goals of the night Scott "John" Smith (2) Jamie "Fresh- Weeks. After 6 p.m. 433.7700 After a very evenly contested first man" OeGram (2), John "Aqua" An- All Day Weekends 795-1658 half, the score was deadlocked at guilla, lay "Demon" Demir, Ronald four. The sparkling defensive play of "Hollywood" Hiltz, and Craig "Benny" Bill "Gilliam" Jackson, John "Junior" Robson all scored. Bone Crunching PREGNANT! DeWees, and Les 'Thunder Foot" defense was added by Bill "The Martin coupled with the standout goal Hack" Delaney, John "Goozo" Gar- Free pregnancy testing play of Brad "Space" Robertson held man, and Dennis "Mickey" Lastinec & counseling Ihe Cherry Pickers to three second who kept the opponents to a season half goals. low as they won 10-5 Birthright The Stickers countered with goals A tough effort was put forth by The by Dave "Juice" Simpson, Rick "Rat" Factors and Captain Phil Hanaby and Call: 848-3488 Parry, Steve "Guppy" Sturiale and his teammates should be com- Larry "Laureux" Beyer to add to mended
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