Page 114 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 114
Page 4 TIM Phosnlr February 11. 1982 GYAC promotes state's youth data which shall be the basis 01 a sources may be youth centers Of committees, has its own president. The platfonn is developed as each is ~ FJdy Kuo interested in participating GVAC platlonn. The platform opinion ex- advocacy groups in !he immediate vice Part 01 the political secretary dele- committee meets twce at a month and president, and Are you pected to reflect the majority year required state-wide a a area. The committee activities mree times is also I in the poIitcal processes of Maryland? 01 Maryland youth. to list those resources. gates 01 the Action Committee may convention. II so, membership in !he Governor's The second committee is Public The fourth and last committee is participate in is !he introduction of At WMC, three students are dele- Youth Advisory Council (GYAC) may Relations. Their responsibility to to Action. They attempt to promote sup- testimonies. A testimony is a written gates 01 !he GYAC. They are Rob be the means lor you. As stated in its handle the GYAC's media and press port for Countil positionsln state statement that is supplemented to the Collinson, Ken Schaefer, and Liz by-laws, !he GYAC serves as a lin; relations. Improvement of its own agencies, with state officials, in !he committee chairperson wnen they ~genthaler. between !he Governor, stage agen- delegate's speaking and writing sk.ills Maryland General Assembly, and !he make their stand on an issue. Of During scneeter's Jan. term in Arl- cies, and ollicals through Executive may be part 01 the task. They also community at large. This sort 01 course; the testimony must be con- neoons. he found it an opportune Director 01 !he Office lor Children and seek 10 increase Maryland youth's advocacy is done by all appropriate sistent with GYAC platform, so it must time to present a testimony to the Youth on matters that are of concern awareness 01 the GYAC as a possible means. be cleared first. Marytand House 01 Representatives. to the youth 01 !he state. The council way to have their opinions voiced Within the GYAC, there are oppor- Part of !he platform consists of The issue concerned the raising 01 also conveys 10 !he young people 01 The third committee is Networil: and tunities_ lor advancement and promo- these issues: Need lor Peer Counse- !he Maryland legal drinking age to Maryland whatever the Governor's Community Resources. Their primary tion. GYAC members maybe ; lors, Juvenite Deliquency, Schoof 21. Alter being cleared by the Action opinions are conctIming them. task is to allOw Maryland youth to chairpersons 01 !he committee, vice lunches, Adolescent Pregnancy, Committee, it was delivered to the Each year, 115 students, between know 'Nhat possible resources are chairpersons and secretaries. The Child Abuse, and Alcohol and Drug house. Presented in the paper is the ages of 13 and 22, are chOsen to , already at their disposal. Such re- Council, which oversees all standing Abuse. Schaefer's testimony in its entirety represent Maryland youth as GYAC delegates. The. Recruitment Commit- Of course, There IS an alternative tee selects the delegates 10 achieve an equitable distribution 01 people based on age, race, sex, and geo- graphical location. appli- cation and interview are prerequisites belore one can be considered eligi- thai you vote in tavor 01 these bills ble lor appointment. __./ It is also necessary lor county liquor boards to take a stricter stand Once-a delegate is a member 01 Introduction: against package good stores caught selling to minors. After calling eight GYAC, !here are lour standing com- As a member 01 the Governor's Youth Advisory Council, I have central Maryland county liquor boards, the Governor's Youth Advisory mittees he or she may participate in. been actively lobbying to keep the legal drinking age as it presently The first is the Issues and Research stands. During January, both the Maryland State Senate and House -Council leamed that up to 50 percent 01 the liquor 'boards calls Convnittee. Their purpose is to iden- have held open hearings. These were to allow the public to testify their concemed the sale of liquor to minors. However, no county suspended tify !he issues. This is dooe through concern for !he proposed bills to raise the legal drinking age. RaiSing more than three liquor licenses for 1981. One liquor board member went public hearings and surveys. Once the legal drinking age is a very important issue which could have drastic as far as to say that suspending liquor licenses would defeat the the issues are known, the commit- effects on this campus. Here is a copy of the testimony I have submitted board's purpose since licenses are awarded so stores can sever the tee's members are required to collect to the state representatives in AnnapoliS for the council. public. "My name is Ken Schaefer and I am a member 01 the Governor's The Govemor's Youth Advisory Council does not condone innocent Youth Advisory Council. I am writing 10 protest raising the legal drinking people being killed on our highways because 01 drunken drivers. Nor do irs all greek age in any lorm. we approve 01 needlessly raising the legal drinking age without at least It The Council realizes the severity 01 drunken drivers among youths lirst trying to maintain the age 01 majority through other altematives. education enrcrcerneor. and stricter laws don't worK you the representa- and the high number of alCOhol related auto deaths. We also understand say can were incapable state to me that this year is an election year and the public demands still immediate tives of this Don't look to raising that the age you to 21 as a panacea; of solving this !he address problem. it blind or truitless. action-be The State 01 Maryland has legally delended the age of majority to real issue" , be 18 years 01 age. At 18, someone can serve !heir country, adopt AI! Ireshmen and eligibles who want children, vote, be an attorney of law, and serve on a grand jury. By Pantomime stresses to rush a fraternity this semester must establishing an age of majority. the State 01 Maryland has agreed on a pay a $4 rush lee to. any 01 the principle-a principle that should be upheld consistently. total communication Iraternity presidents. The deadline lor Because 01 this principle, we opose raising the legal age. tnls payment is February 15. Our answer to this problem Is not raising the age, but education, Deb Ratzburg an object would make can be used). Fratemity Presidents are: enforcement 01 present laws, and introduction 01 stiffer laws, and Pantomime, or ''the technique of Facial expressions play a large part Gamma Beta Chi - Ken Herman Introduction 01 stiller alcohol abuse laws. We have all heard !he silence," was the basis ct tre January in replacing words. along with the Alpha Gamma Tau - Randy Heck argument 01 how highway deB!!:!s decreased In all 13 stales who raised term course ''The Art 01 Pantomime." expansion of body movements to Delta Pi Alpha - Bob Upshaw the legal drinking age. Let Maryland not be number 14 among the states In !he class of 23 members, students illustrate an idea clearly. This is Phi Della Theta - Mike Benitez . to do so also simply because we were unable to enlOfce our present learned various. pantomime tech- possible through heightened body laws and legistlate stricter laws. But, let Maryland be the leader, not the niques and also became more aware awareness and the connection of the lallower; let us be !he state that was able 10 tackle this difficult problem ollhelr bodies, including motions and mind to all regions 01 one's physical and uphold the age 01 majority 'Nhich we have presently defined. facial expressions, by perlorming being. The next issue would be how 10 educate, enforce, and legislate pantomime. The pantomime class set out to get better laws. In middle schools, children should be taught the evils 01 The objective 01 pantomime is to in touch with !heir bodies through a drug abuse. The Motor Vehicle Administration presently uses scare use the entire body as a toot to Feldenkrais process, with each exer- tactic films conceming drunk drivers 'Nhich would be quite effective communicate a story or an idea to an cise focusing on a particular area, Passage 01 new legislation to controt alCohol abuse is also audience, without using material ob- such as !he shoulders or lower back, necessary. Specific bills 01 this type would include HB 166 Acctouc jects or voicing words or any other _~er~ges-Minor, HB 693 AlcohoI~c Beverages-Identification. We u~e. human sounds. (These sounds that Continued on page 5 LOCUST BOOKS 9 East Main Street Westminster, Maryland 21157 3011848-6813 Cards, Calendars, 'Diaries, JournaLs, 'Prints, 'Puzzles & fJ'otebag5 Carroll Plaut Shopping Center Open 7 days a week Monday & Wednesday: \\'('st.llin:"tcr (;old and SikN Ex('hange $1 Off a pitcher of beer "DON7 SELL FOR LESS Tuesday & Thursday: JEWELRY. WATCHES • DIAMONDS $1 Off all large pizzas I'a.'ingl!l('n~h~ ('I",,·kand Compar., Carroll Count~·s Largesl Oold & Silver Dealcl Oill Ahead for Takeout Orders expires 69 West Main Street 876-3550 2125/82 Westminqer, Md.
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