Page 115 - ThePhoenix1981-82
P. 115
February 11, 1982 Mitchell rebuts Reagan plan Greg Elba Mitchell then said he was against Mitchell ended his lecture with a On February 4 Congressman Par- the changes President Reagan was in quotation from Martin Luther King Jr the process of making. He stated his He asked the audience to make a the l ~~~~~~dR:=C~~~~ trickle down theory committment, the fate of our nation is that belief MitChell's presentation consisted of wouldn't work. In addition he voiced in it. However, even ttus statement mitd statements on a score of issues his fear that Affirmative Aclion is was not elaborated on, leaving one to that did not have much to do with threatened and that racism is growing question what exactly Mitchell was Reaganomics. Mitchell did say hu- around the country. referring to. morous things and he was somewhat Mitchell said he is angry, supply- Instead of going to the heart of any entertaining, but perhaps not very side ecoilomics won't work either and issue, Mitchell said little on many relevant to the lecture topic Reagan is destroying what we have things, oversimplifying everything. Congressman Mitchell began by without wailing to see if his new ideas One 01 the economics professors telling the audience that he was a will succeed. summed up the lecture appropriately, former part-time teacher here at WMC In criticism of Reagan,- Mitchell "Congressman Mitchell is just conn- a before his election to the House of described the plan to spend 1.5 cen. He didn't say anything:" Representatives in 1970. Once trillion dollars in the next five years as Note: _On February 8 Congressman I elected, he'fought for the encf""of the "insane." He also said he does not Mitchell spoke out publicly against Vietnam War and later for the im- believe the U.S. will get into another the new· federal budgel proposed that Mitchell is unhappy about Reagan's economic theories peachment of Presidenl Nixon. conventional war. day by President Reagan. I WMC students explore 'Writer's- haven' .. Chele Greco On the lighter side of things, most easy-going. No one would hesitate to done. We saw another man 'NhO was ear pierced) but many were intemal Key West, "a writers haven" gave of the students managed to make it say hi to you, or to offer you a drink, collecting cigarette butts off the side- We learned how to deal with people I twelve students and two teachers a to the beach every day. The majority a dance, or a ride on their yacht walk This is a skill that you cannot make It new idea of what heaven is like. The of the students agree that me best The girls on the trip became very Not all the conchs were this pa- without, but also one that can't be Seven days spent mere provided us day was spent snorlding adept at le_aming the difference be- thetic. Nat, the snorkling guide has opinion of him drastically changed with a lifetime of memories. While we were there me group tween a phoney line and legitimate quite a different lifestyle. He is an ex- when we found that the nude beach Before embarking on the journey, stayed at a campground. Usually the game. We supposedly met four of professor, an ex-smuggler. and pres- at the requirements included readlng Hem- food was camp-fire styfe, but one Hemmingway's grandsons. Red Cash ently an all-round eccentric. His reef was The conchs top call of his list "screaming tourists mingway's "To Have or to Have Not." night the cuisine was gourmet. Alllt1e (Johnny Cash's brother), Ian Huntter, tours were not just a job. It was a way ninnys." We were a "visitor attraction" and Thomas McGuanes "92 in the students agree that this meal of and numerous Owners of temporarily he found to make money while having to them. The sight of fourteen people shade," We also saw the movie shrimp scampi, rice, salad and even indisposed yachts fun with all the different types of a seemed I version of the latter book an appitizer was the best. The natives in Key West are called people who frequent Key West in anennon van Everyone to stared. draw and a lot a few of White we were in Key West ee The nightlife in Key West is unbe- "co-ens." Many of the concns have Eric, Sloppy Joe's bouncer is also a were visibly counting us. This prob- I group visited-the Hemmingway lievable. The bars don't close until 4 no home and are forced to live on the local who found a fun way to make lem was quickly solved by us staring House, The Audubon House, and p.m., if they close at all. 'The only streets. Our first morning we saw an money. He looked after all the girls back, and twenty-eight eyes usually took the conch train ride "(a tour thing missing in Key West were old man asleep at a gas station. He and let us all in free. He fallanlly intimidated them I giving historical background and available females. The girls on the was laying half on and half off the offered to show us the sights, but our None came back from Key West showing points of interest around the trip didn't mind lt1is a bit, but it did curb with his pants completely un- {suntans, and one guy even got his Continued on page 6 town.) We also saw a few spots tend to cramp the guys' style where scenes from the movie were However, it is not tne beaches, nor YC!oit,I like!.;lIk. srot. The final and most enlt1usiasti- the bars that make Key West one of ttl "C/oIJic.1 sm ..f: cally carried out requirement was to the most interesting cities in the o-f ;t visit "Sloppy Joe's," Hemmingway's world. It's me people, their attitudes, favorite bar. Some of the students and the general atmosphere of me diligently went there every night. island. The best WOld to describe it is Mime is human form addition to teaching its students the from page 4 techniques of performing wilt1 the for example, and lasting for about 45 body, also taught Itle class members minutes how to give and receive constructive The students also became more criticism. It also brought them closer aware of their bodies It1rough yoga together and gave them confidence exercises, which helped 10 relax in order to perform before others them. The class put together its own These processes and exercises performance for WMC and presented prepared the minds of the class it last Tuesday, February 2, in the members to go inside themselves, understage of Alumni Hall. which must be ocoe to perform pantomime. If the pantomimist does not "see" lhe obect he or she is dealing wilt1, then an euoence will not either. Seafarer's Seafood 'Restaurant The class began learning actual techniques by doing isolation exer- cises such as leaning forward or backward, first with the head, then Valentine's Day the neck, and so on, and breaking down body actions part by part. Then Featuring Roger Henderson 6-10 p.m. me students could learn how to Prime Rib Special $10.95 expand each individual action and produce "pantomime." Some of the more interesting tech- Mon-Fri. Happy Hour 3-7 p.m. Drinks 2 for 1 niques learned were illusory. and included climbing a ladder. tug-of- Every Tuesday - 7:30-9:30 p.m. 5 Drafts for $1.00 war, and walking (in place). Entertainment Fri. & Sat. Many of the homework assignments involved skits using illusory actions Of Feb. 12th & 13th Chip Franklin me handling of anJrnaginary object in front of the class, which acted as Feb. 19th & 20th Karen Goldberg audience. Each skit was discussed, and class members learned what 50 W. Main Street actions could be improved 875-5447 The Art 01 Pantomime course. in
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