Page 112 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The Pho_enix Points for review Black history is part ERA YES! of the national legacy There also exists great diversity be- the laws of those two states as tween the statutes and their applica- recently as 1968 declared that any The month of February is nationally recognized as Black History Ann Karn tion with regard to domestic issues woman convicted of a crime must be Month, and rightfully so. It is a time when the birthdates of two key ERA will provide greater continuity given the maximum penalty while a figures in black history are publicly acknowledged. vet. more The Reagan administration's zeal- between the various states' legisla- man convicted of the same crime importantly, those two men have played significant roles in general ously pursued campaign against "Big tion.. Generally, ERA will no longer could get the minimum. This kind of American history. This gives notion to the thought that Black History Govemment" is being waged at the allow the courts to apply blanket treatment of women by the courts Month is more than a celebration of black history. but it is an integral expense of many special interest statutes - it will insist that each case occured and continues to occur be- part 01 the American heritage. groups. One group particularly af- be determined on its own merits. Two cause of the paternalistic way the fected is the Womens' Right s Move- Certainly, as the black population of this nation has matured and examples of this are in the areas of court views women. This type of risen in stature, so has the general population groW[l_.For the recognition ment. Now more than ever, the alimony and child custody. In some paternalistic or "protective" legislation passage of the Equal Rights Amend- of the historical milestones in the black tradition of the United States is ment is urgentty required. The current states, the mother automatically gets dates back to Multer v. Oregon one more step to the comprehension and acceptance of all persons custody of the child regardless of the which limited the rights of women 'W'ho call themselves American administration has a policy 01 equal circumstances of the case. ERA will supposedly for her own good rights for women through the enforce- There can be no denial that to examine the historical path of the force the court to more realistically The passage of the Equal Right black is to come face to face with some 01 the ugliest and unjust events ment of currenHaw. But current law is evaluate the situation Amendment is needed to improve the to be witnessed in American history. To deny the past inequities, to inadequate to end the existing discri- ERA will have the most ameliorating legal, social and economic status of shade them from view, would be to disclaim 'not only the strife and mination; new legislation is needed influence on the legal status of "women The reluctance legislators achievement of one group of people, but to forswear the growth of an The Equal Rights Amendment is a women. Overtly sexist practices exist have in ratifying the amendment illus- entire nation. To recognize the rise of the black citizen, without a coup proposal to end discrimination on the because women are infrequently in- trates our country's passive accept- 'or ruthless revolution, is 10 affinn the intrinsic will and desire of a strong basis of sex: volved in the judicial and legislative ance of sexism. Untlrthe Equal Rights people, and the basic virtue in the system of laws that govern the "Equality of rights under the process. Examples of overt discrimi- Amendment is passed, women will American society law shall not be denied or nation can be found in the states of continue to be systematically discrim- Though all citizens of the United States can not say that they are abridged by the United States Connecticut and Pennsylvania where inated against free from prejudice and opression, indeed it must be acknowledged that Of atrf state on account of sex The congress shall have the the blacks, and the other minorities of this nation, enjoy more liberities power to enforce, by appropri- Letter to the Editor than they did 120 years ago. Yet the ultimate day of realization has not been seen, the last mile of the long and arduous path has not been ale legislation, the provisions tread, 'Nhen all the citizens of this nation are truly accepted among their of this article" peers. There still is hope -.... ERA will continue the struggle fOf womens' rights that began with the And SO, this month America celebrates the history of a people who granting of suffrage in 1920. The Sensi tivi ty need ~re truly American; a people who admirably stand as examples of the unconquerable will and indomitable spirit that is the theme of the struggle continued with the extension American legacy. To take notice 01 this month of black history is another of- the Fourtheenth Amendment's Dear Editor: step in not only the liberation of a people, but also the. liberation 01 a Equal Protection Clause and the 1964 In response to Chris Beyer's article eotype that suggests being a h0mo- nation. Civil Rights Act. Seen in this perspec- on population control I would like to sexual is a person's downfall could tive, ERA is not as some opponents address the subject of homosexuality not be further from the truth. Chris should realize that joumalism Who, What, Where ••• to the proposed amendment. ERA is and stereotypes. I realize that Chris requires ethics too. He has no right to taken too Beyers should not be the next logical step in the process to end existing discrimination seriously, and his article "Heterc' accuse a person of being a homo- Inequities do continue to exist de- Homo?" proves it. Chris asked the sexual on the basis of stereotypes It has come to the attention of the editorial staft that there are spite previous legislative victories. On "freethinking, liberal reader to cast By writing that Mr. Rogers influences some students who wish to submit articles, and letters to the editor, but the average, a woman is paid only aside his petty prejudices." t feel it is a~e not familiar with the. procedure of article submission lor publication 60% of what her equally qualified about time he did the same. "children on the pleasures of gay iife" and Richard Simmons in "the diet Since this publication IS the offical student newspaper of WMC, all male co-worker is paid. ERA will The article was opinionated and full fruit," Chris Beyers promotes the students have the right to submit articles to the editors and expect them change this. by guaranteeing equal of "petty prejudices" from negative negative stereotyping of gays through to be publiShed. Briefly, the procedure for the submission of articles is pay for equal work stereotypes to ignorant comments questionable journalistic practices as follows: ERA will not permit current discrimi- One comment he made called atten- 'The article can be dropped oft at The Phoenix office in the natory employment practices to con- tion to Oscar Wilde, Gertrude Stein, similar to those used by the National basement of Rouzer Hall, or sent through the campus mail, if it is tinue Decisions on the Enquirer. Twice Chris Beyers has addressed to The Phoenix, Box No. 1 appropriateness of certain types of Leonardo da Vinci, Eltoo John and used stereotypes of the gay personal- ity in his article. Stereotypes that were Sappho. It said they "made signifi- 'The article Should be typed and double spaced between lines. 11 work for specific people will depend cant contributions to hl,lman life de- negative should have the author's name and campus address written on the on multiple cnaractertsncs rather than spite being gay" The comment Perhaps Chris Beyer's article is in upper right hand corner of the submission. solely on sex letters to the editor may be submitted as follows In domestic issues, ERA witt make "despite being gay" should be omit- jest, but his use of stereotypes to label people is not harmless comedy. ·The letter should be submitted to one of the editors at The ted; a persons sexual orientation is Phoenix office. the position of. women in marriage irrelevant Are the jokes made at the expense of Chris Beyers uses the phrase "de- and those conSidering divorce. equal 'The letter Should have the author's name and campus address to that of their husbands by prohibit- others worth the pain it causes tnem? written_on the letter. (The name of the author can be withheld by- ing discriminatory state statutes. spite being gay" negatively to further Sincerely Yours request.) promote the gaystereotypes. A ster- Brian Kernlege 'The letter should be typed on a 55 space margin and double article, or letter to the editor, may contact the editorial staff at The Ask Omar spaced between lines Any person who has any questions about the submitting of an Phoenix office, or they may call The Phoenix office extension 630 Dear Omar Dear Omar: Omar, how can I prove my innoc- The started this letter several times, but columns, but my roommate's actions ence to my parents and convince my I'm a 19 year .old sophomore girl. I I don't normally write to advice roommate to be more thoughtful? Phoenix never finished It. I have a problem have left me no alternative. I'm a Dear Disgruntled Disgruntled in Rouzer freshman, and I'm no monk, but I that I think is not very common here have some morals. My roommate at WMC. I'm a virgin and I want to Sounds like there's a lack of com- stay that way until I'm married. It apparenUy does notl I don't usually munication between you and your seems like all the guys I meet at frat stick my nose into his business, but parents. Get together with them as Editor ... ....................................... Robert Holt Managing Editor . Les Martin parties and mixers are real nice lor a when it distorts my parents' opinion of soon as possible and tell them that News Editor Greg Elba little while, then they ask me to their me, that's where I draw the line! you are sincere. Be honest and open Sports Editor Rob McQuay rooms. If I do go with them, chances My parents were corning up Sun- with your parents as much as you / Photo Editor... ..Andy Chang are all they want is to get into bed. If day moming, and I went to bed early can without endangering your o~ I say no and don'tqc back with them, Paste-up .. .... Jeff Frazer they probably won't pay any attention so I would be awake to greet them. well-being. They're the only parents ever have My roommate came home late, drunk Judy Mitnick you'll Proofreading... Chris sctc. Melanie Clippinger, Deb Ratzburg to me again. How does a nice girl like and loud, as usual. He kept me up, Your roommate is very inconsider- Business Manager . . Jonathan Dickey me meet a nice guy I can trust? telling me about his stupid girlfriends, ate. CatCh him in a sober state and try to reason with him. Explain that Ad Manager. . Jeannine Railey Dear Frustrated Frustrated and consequenlly I overslept the next your relationship with you parents is moming. Thus, I didn't have a chance Ad Artist.. ........ Cindy Wilcox You gotta loosen up a little bit. to clean up his disgusting mess If this method Typist... .. Alice Krempasky There are plenty of nice guys out before my parents arrived. And what very important to you. fails, you could always try physical Michele Everett there who would love to spend some do you think they saw? Beer bottles, intimidation. If this is impossible or Published by and for the students of Westem Maryland College. The time with a "nice girl." Don't condemn "contraceptives. and a bag of some opinioos expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the entire male population of WMC as sort of drugs! It's bad enough he has unwise (remember to always keep those of the staff or administration sex maniacs just because of the all these x-rated posters up, but this personal safety in mind),. my only We welcome comments and/or suggestions. Please address all mail actions of a few. Most importantly, let is ridiculous. My parents of course, advice would be to stick it out this to The Phoenix, Box 1, Westem Maryland College, Westminster, Md them know right off thaI you don't were shocked. They didn't believe me semester and look for a new room- 21157. intend to ''get in bed." If that doesn't when I told them I had nothing to do mate for next year. Don't squeal to an R.A. about the drugs. Nobody likes a worle, a well-placed knee should do with this, and now they think I'm an fink. Reasoning with him would be the the job. Be patient and be yourself. "immoral pig." best advice. Good luck.
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