Page 111 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The Phoenix Thursday, February 11, 1982 Western Maryland College Volume I, Number 15 Higbee named dean' Sigma Sigma sorority. She will be sonaI basis wilt help, not hinder, and Liz Sigenthaler working with the ISC and "hopefully that students will continue to ''You don't take the counselor out of ~ new IFC" in this position. Said hopes her. feel comfortable talking with the dean, just because she is made a Jeanne,' "One 01 rrrt roles will be to As Dean, Dr. Higbee will be the dean," said Or. Jeanne Higbee, strengthen the Greek system and will soon be taking CNer Elizabeth make it visible in a positive way." only woman on the President's Ad- ministrative cccrcn, 'Nhich consists of Laidlaw's position as associate dean Discipline is the third area for which President John and the Vice Presi- of students at Western Maryland Jeanne will be responsible. She is dents. "I'U continue to remain advo- College. taking 'seriously the recommendations cate for counseling services on Jeanne has been serving as direc- made by students and resident staff campus," said Jeanne. tor of counseling and career services members on the Student Affairs Sub- tn 1981 Jeanne earned her Ph.D. in since 1980, and has gotten to know committee of the long-Range Plan- Educational Administration with a _ many of the students on a very ning Task Force. Changes include minor in Educational Policy Studies at personal basis through her many foonation 01 House Councils and the University of Wisconsin. Priof to roles, which from pre-law advisor to movement toward self-gavemance in obtaining a doctorate, she earned an sexual harassment counselor to mem- the resident halls. These changes M.S. in Counseling and Guidance, ber of the CAP Board. would mean that some minor viola- also at the University of Wisconsin; Beginning on July 1, however, tions will be dealt with by the stu- Jeanne's role will be neretcrrreo. as dents themselves and her B.S. in Sociology is from _ Iowa State University. she takes on responsibility for three "I'm getting as much student input Jeanne and her husband, Tom main areas of the college: residential as possible for direction," said Couillard, will be moving on campus life, Greek life, and discipline Jeanne. in the early summer. She said that In dealing with residential life, her Until Jeanne's baby is due on or she and Tom are really looking posftion won't be any different from around May 12, she will continue to forward to living on campus Dean Laidlaw's. The duties inctude serve as director of counseling and "We enjoy being closer and being acting as supervisor of head resi- career service. She will be mainly more involved," said Jeanne, who dents and resident assistants and relying on SGA groups for input, and pointed out that she is fairly active ultimately being in charge of the she states that it is not yet her role to with the stucents already budgeting lor resident halls. start making decisions about various With a new career and the birth of Greek life, which has been handled coUege policies and regulations. her first child in the near future, I by Dean' Mowbray in the past, is a One of Jeanne's concerns is that Jeanne Higbee has a lot to look Taylor to perform 1 new responsibility for the associate she doesn't want her future rote as fOfWardto. dean of students. Jeanne has shown Dean to interfere with persona! coun- for promoting me while I'm pregnant," special 'Friday concert "rve got to give the college credit interest in at WMC and has seling. She said she hopes that been serving as advisor to the Phi getting to know students on a per- she said, "It's unusual." Mr. Taylor Is a reasonably young URC heiqhtens relations ities office, is proud to announce that who likes to play mostly his own Dan Wilson musician, according to the new stu- WMC, Specifically the student activ- dent activities director, Terry Rippin, between students/alumni on Friday, tommorrow, February 12, material and who usually does it solo folk-rock singer Livingston Taylor will He also said that Taylor was a very be performing in Alumni Hall at the skilled acoustical guitar and piano "tcne" of 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. for that he was on a new high in terms of two evening concerts. (I am not player as well as a vocalist. He said every year. It is this association that relationship between URC and the supposed to tell you whether he is Robert Holt URC works with as a joint partner to Alumni Association. related to the "James" Taylor that we, his performing be Mr. Taylor's performance will URC is looking for students who present events like the Harrison One problem that was noted by all normal people that is, all know and preceded both Shows by an open- want to have fun. And although URC .House Win and Cheese parties Carolyn Berry is that many students love, so I wcn't) ,ing performance by the Greg Green- may be unfamiliar to many students, At those parties, students get an do not know that the committee exists Mr. Taylor is priviledging us with his way Band. That group will be giving a it is the orga'lization that coordinates opportunity to meet various alumni and that anyone is welcomed to join presence in that he is stopping off preview of its material at a Coffee events like WII'lEI and Cheese parties members who wish to share their real it. Many members of URC joined after here in Westminster in the middle of house tonight, Thursday, the lt, in the in Harrison House, the upcoming world experiences with the studeots. attending one 01 the Wine and one of his many lours. He has just left college pub. Dinner on the Town, and Senior Send The third such Pat:IY is tommorrow Cheese parties last year. Anyone the Washington D.C. area and will be Tickets for the Friday night concert Off parties that many students at night from 4 to 5 p.m. Students are interested in joining the committee stopping off here while on his way to have been on sale at the Information WMC seem to enjoy encouraged to attend. can contact Carolyn Berry at Elderd- a show in Annapolis and then New Desk since Monday, and will continue URC, Undergraduate Relations ''The main locus is to let students ice 300, or Donna Duvall Sellman in Jersey (Why he' would want to play to be on sale until Friday afternoon. Committee, is an organization com- know that there is an alumni associa- Alumni Affairs located on the second there I haven't the faintest idea, only Tickets will be for either the 8 p.m. or prised of students from ~ery class, tion," said Carolyn. floor of Elderdice taking.) the 10:30 p.m. freshman to senior. The main objec- Another event that is a project tive of the committee is to orient involving the URC is the Dinner on students to the Alumni Association the Town. Coordinated by the student challenge committee, Dinner on the Town allows that serves them as graduates of students to visit with alumni residents Cadets tops In _WMC. "It is a committee at students who of the Baltimore viCinity, and talk and are not overextended, but are active reminisce about things concerning hour and a hall the cadets cleaned Physical Training (PT) would then on the campus," said the committee the college. This year Dinner on the Ron Kyle their rooms and any otter designated begin. Monday-Thursday the trainees chairman, Carolyn Berry teen is planned for one evening, One of the greatest challenges to duties. At 5:30 a.m. the airborne would begin with a three mile run. On Carolyn said that the committee is March 4, to make it more of a united be faced by an ROTC cadet is the trainees formed fOr breakfast. After- Fridays it was a five mile run. More not hard to work on. It does not take student event airborne challenge. This past January wards the trainees had some time to PT followed: push-ups, sit-ups, etc. A a lot of time, but only requires URC will also be coordinating the WMC sent three cadets to FI. Ben- themselves to finish any work that lot of push-ups, sit-ups, etc. The committment Senior Send Off parties planned for ning, Georgia, to meet that challenge might be undone, or perhaps get a blackhats constantly supervised: they "It's a fun committee, and the work April 20 and 27. The parties are Unfortunately, one cadet was injured little extra rest. At about 7 a.m the were trying to weed out the people that we do is really appreciated by intended as get togethers for seniors during training, but two others, Dale trainees formed for training. At Mann who were no good. (As they say: The the Alumni Association," said Caro- as a last time to be with each other Duttoo and Werner Winkler, success- Field, the trainees waited for the first week they separate the men 'rom Iyo and have lun. URC will handle the fully completed training, and now "blackhate." the airborne equivalent the wimps; the second week they The Alumni Association is a group preparations and publicity for these wear airborne wings on their unilorms of the basic training drill sergeant separate the men from the fools and of alumni who volunteer to attend tile events. as evidence of completing this chal_ These blackhats would inspect you--it tile third week the fools jump.) various association functions and per- According to the director of Alumni lenge, - was very thorough. and if you failed After PT tile cadets and the other tom other duties like distributing Affairs, Donna Duvall Sellman, there The training was diffICult. First call you could be sent to the "gig pit"--not Continued' on page 8 class mugs to the incoming freshmen is a strong rapport and worJ5jng (wakeup) was at 4 a.m. For the next a very pleasant place
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