Page 109 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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Page 7 Players of the ,~~:!I~C:=~ Week 5th In confInnce; IIU.,. G..... Yurdsln bINI Suequehana!'. HeItnwI, LIla St.I won both NqUINd .ncI rtor dedsIon OYer elizabethtown opdonaI ~ te.m'. FI .. 1M Uraln.., victory. IlUUring opponent: == WIL opponent. Student stress nses ACROSS 3Bo_a 4 Doctrine 1 A;reemen! SAnden! 8W_god 5 BelncleCt CROSS ~ 6 French article 12 European 7 COndensed ",nd molstyre WORD 13 Tiny .M...... from page 3 in suicide gestures. He cites several Day" to alert students to stress- 14 Froggenu~ 9'Plttage factors that can slowly overwhelm a related problems. "\ 15 Stupor 10 Man's name PUZZLE suicide attempts lor every suicide student. . et I ' 17 Gun,8.g. 11 Ratlonar "We've been able to prevent recorded, and suspect the number Kees compares the stress build-up suicides," says Dan Diego's Styles 19Ctlemlcal 16 Blackbird may be higher on campuses. to a rising thermometer, with each "but the number of hospitalizations oompound 16Ment FROM COLLEGE But colleges generally don', track added stress factor pushing up the has been high this year." 20 Get up 22 Memoranda such things "mainly because It: would mercury a little higher. "VoItIen the 21 Snortjar.ket 23 Biblical tower PRESS SERVICE 24 The IeIf 23-muffln be very poor public relations to do thermometer reaches a certain point. Swim team 24 BItter vetch 25 Tier so," says MaN Miller, director althe just about anything will make it blow: 26 Female 27 Chart Suicide Information Center in San a fight with a irlend, a bad grade, or aims for 9-0 28 Cloth 29 Hawaiian Diego. "Because it Is very difficult to finding out that the financial aid has 31 Proceed 3OLIei< 38N __ sl 48 Comrort wreath meuu" document suicides, it is even harder fallen through." from page 6 32Aap 35 Rntrlcted 40 Conducts 47KJlIed .' 42 Sulks attempts." document suicide to But counselors, based largely on In response, a growing number of stroke. Other double winners were 33 Babyfonlan 38Flnel 43 Covers 49 Shade tree so Likely preven- are stress ""Iy ! their own expierern:es, fear the worst campuses outreach starting programs. Faculty, Mary Theresa' and Lutz, qualified f~ a new the ,.- 37 Hellcllne « Danish island 53 DIgraph who set and tion pool record 1 -Michgan State, for one, suffered a staff and student leaders learn the -national in the 200-yard individual 36 Pariah .r I' 38 Brim rasn of suicide attempts during a fall warning signs 01 stress, and when to Medley, Sharon RO'Mey, Linda Ren- 39 Woe word term in which the university - trying refer coueeaces to professional coun- nie, Usa Kleven, and Lisa Steel. '41 Tibetan to cope with drastic budget cuts -- seling. Other campuses teach resi- Western Maryland's swimming team print weekly announced course and serv- dent managers in dorms to watch for has their last scheduled home meet 43 Concerns ice cutbacks. Rumors of whole de- students who grow withdrawn, against Swarthmore on Saturday, 45 Specks -• partment closings were rife. moody, emaciated or who drink heav- 481nflale - "In general," says MSU's Hana- ily February 6 at 2 p.m so Anractlon check, "MSU has a very low rate of Wisconsin, which has ()I/er 60 stu- Congressman 51 Urge on t Ia" 52 Cut OH suicide attempts, but I had at least 20 dent suicide gestures last year, is 54 Actual being cases this last semester where there sending out 6000 letters to faculty speaks tonight 558eed1 - •• was either some suicide gesture or and staff member "reminding them from page 1 58 Encountered • talk of suicide. Luckily, none were that there are periods of time when 51 Fret successful." people are under more st-ess and He has beef, awarded six honorary from Hanachek says the current unusual pressure, and detailing the resources degrees, and received awards C0n- OOWN 'J~ ecooomic and social pressures are available to help students deal with many groups, inctuding the the 1 Man'lnldc:- '_' wearing down students' reslsteoce to their problems," Ginsberg says. sumer Federation of America, Con- """" Christian-Leadership Southern stress to the point that "suicide Michigan State recenlly organized a "terence. and the National Alliance of 2 Ventllales becomes an easier answer than one special counseling team to treat cam- Black Educators. ..~ which deals with struggle" pus stress At the University of Idaho suicide At San DiegO State, where suicide Rebecca Oremlein attempts have gone up 30 to 40 gestures have increased by more percent over last year, counselors than 50 percent, the counseling cen- Photography Danceteller estimate. ter recenlly held a "Mental Health Don Kees, Idaho's chief counselor, Weddings blames "a very depressed economic Portraits Wed., Feb. 10 situation" for the sudden increase. The C.J. MILLER STREAKS "Budgets are being cut by the etete. women's softball team is offering a and the effects of Reaganomics ar Iry-oU1 invitation to talented players 848-2148 hammering us twice as hard as the willing to dedicate their time to playa call In ev~lngs 8 p.IIi.' other areas of the country." highly competitive level of slow-pitch Alumni Uke other counselors, Kees sees after 5 pm. softball. Call: (~1) 239-6006 _. no one single reason for the increase --~-.;;;' --_ .....- ~.A _____ ""'*-.....-. ____ ~ r Sooth UrroII S.
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